People Of These Zodiac Signs Should Wear Silver
As per Vedic astrology, planets have auspicious and inauspicious effects on all metals. Just as iron is considered to be Saturn and gold is considered to be the metal of Jupiter, in the same way, silver is also ruled by the Moon. According to astrology, Moon is considered to be related to water, this planet is the factor of coolness and fickleness. Some of these have been recognizing as fire elements, some zodiac signs as water elements, and earth elements,s and some zodiac signs as an air element. But there are 3 zodiac signs in the zodiac that should not wear silver ornaments. Aries, Sagittarius, and Leo, these three zodiac signs are called the zodiac signs of the fire element. They should not wear silver ornaments. In fact, in astrology, it is believed that the moon is related to the water element. That's why silver should not be worn by people of those zodiac signs who belong to the element of fire. Both are opposing elements of each other, which can cause huge damage if mixed together. Let us tell you what are the rules of wearing silver jewelry and for whom it is auspicious and for whom it is inauspicious.
Who Should Wear Silver
According to astrology, silver has a special association with your Moon and Venus. According to belief, silver was created from the holy eyes of Lord Shiva. This is the reason why this sacred silver associated with Lord Shiva's eyes has special significance for happiness, prosperity, and happiness in your life. According to Vastu, the house or person who has silver, there is no shortage of anything in his life. Any silver jewelry especially given to you by your elders can awaken your sleeping fortune.
In astrology, it is believed that using silver strengthens our Venus. According to the ability, using silver utensils in the house makes Venus happy and there is sweetness in married life. There it is considered very auspicious to wear a silver ring on the little finger. Along with this, wearing a silver moon around the neck of the children keeps them away from the problems caused by cold and phlegm. Along with this, it is also believed that the use of silver is good for those who are struggling with problems caused by hormones and their health problems start improving.
In astrology, it is believed that silver jewelry is very auspicious for Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces. These zodiac signs are recognized to be the zodiac signs of the water elements and silver being the zodiac sign of the water element is also considered auspicious for the people of these zodiac signs. Silver is not recognized as auspicious for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. While wearing silver for another zodiac sign gives normal outcomes.
Is Silver Good Taurus
The people of Taurus should always wear silver metal or their jewelry. According to astrologers, it is auspicious to wear a silver ring or locket on Friday. With this, there will be profit in business and there will be progress in the job.
Is Silver Good Cancer
Wearing silver metal is most auspicious for Cancer sign people. Wearing silver metal on Monday gives special outcomes. Far from silver, brass and gold metals can also be worn.
Is Silver Good Scorpio
Scorpio people should keep in headpieces that they should always wear copper or silver. This will give them special benefits.
Is Silver Good Pisces
Silver is the best for the people of this zodiac. If the Moon is in an inauspicious position in your horoscope, then you should not accept any silver item as a gift from anyone. If you wear a silver ring as a gift from your mother, you will get double its benefits.
The silver ring is related to Venus and Moon. Venus bestows prosperity and the Moon represents the mind. The houses where there is silver metal, happiness, and prosperity reside there. People who have a weak Venus in their horoscope get a lot of benefits from wearing a silver ring on the thumb or the smallest finger. Due to the inauspicious effects of Venus, there is a quarrel between the family members. You can wear this ring to avoid this problem. Through astrology phone consultation, you can know whether to wear silver jewelry according to your zodiac sign or not.