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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

People Born on October 21 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

People Born on October 21 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

The caring and curious person born on October 21st is more imaginative and out of the world than you might imagine. You are also a genius, who finds it very easy to solve any issues that would act as a hindrance to your success. You are very independent. In fact, you often do things that amaze people because people think you are a retard who knows nothing but food.

October 21 Birthday Personality

It is very easy for those born on October 21 to stand up before kings to defend their judicious views of things and not just men. Also, you are going to be a lover who is idealistic, inspiring, and realistic. Reason for your sharpness and your eloquence. This is also the reason for the great use of your words and communication skills. You do something in such a way that your thoughts will effectively change the world for the better. Apart from this, there is no match for your expression. Your way of speaking and talking seems correct.

October 21 Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign of a person born on October 21 is Libra.

October 21 Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Well compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, and Taurus born on October 21.

People Born on October 21 Positive Traits

Will make the person born on 21 October successful and caring. You are going to be a charitable person who will help people around you, especially the poor. You are a person with self-worth and certainty. You are also a person with a high sense of achievement. You are a kind person who is generous and helpful. You will also be a broad-minded person who will be full of lots of ideas. You seem to be a thoughtful person who often churns out good ideas that are for the good and well-being of the world. You are an interesting and imaginative person Who loves to overcome people and bring them smiles by offering them solutions.

People Born on October 21 Negative Traits

Those born on Oct 21 are likely to have a lot of weaknesses, which will make you lose some of the advantages you are known for. Most likely you will be a restless person who is a little nervous. You will be moody, quiet, and sad. You find it difficult to relate to the people around you. In fact, you seem to be an aggressive fellow who finds fault with people. Your impulsiveness is legendary, as it often results in people finding it difficult to relate to you. Also, you are most likely a biased lover who is selfish and greedy. You are a judgmental person who is fair and neutral. Also, you tend to be a worried person who suffers from a lot of difficulties. Most likely you are going to be a distrustful person who is mostly interested in showing off powers and strengths. Also, you are going to be surrounded by many obstacles and difficulties.

People Born on October 21 Love

As per┬аLove marriage astrology,┬аyou are going to be an ambitious and well-meaning partner who is sensual and affectionate. In fact, you are a balanced person with an imaginative and fair judgment. You have a tendency to be over-possessive. In addition, how difficult it is for you to fall in love with a person. It also shows how frustrating it is to be betrayed by a trusted partner. Those born on the 6th, 9th, 15th, 18th, 24th and 27th are compatible with you.

People Born on October 21 Career

As per┬аCareer astrology, there are going to be a lot of job opportunities for those born on October 21 which will put you in a dilemma regarding your career choice. You are likely to have multiple job opportunities, which will lead you to choose the best one from a wide range of opportunities. Also, your love for money is the reason for the lucrative jobs you run after. Furthermore, you will be an intelligent and talented lover who will be one of the best employees your company has ever had. Plus, you'll be protecting your future by saving and spending less.

People Born on October 21 Health

As per┬аhealth astrology, the health of the person born on October 21 is good, due to which there are chances of many health-related problems. This is the result of your inability to always consider your health. Furthermore, you are one of the drug addicts who find it very difficult to give up drugs, especially alcohol. The more alcohol you consume, the more you are at risk of problems and death. Plus, when you exercise and eat at the right times, you're more likely to be a stronger person who is healthier. Looking at life as a whole, you tend to take too many risks, which makes you prone to high blood pressure and headaches. Food is one of the most important things that you need to consider as a human being. You need to eat at the right time and always.


Those born on October 21 are calm and soothing people. You are going to be an overreacting partner who is proud and has a lot of negativity. Although you have the most potential to succeed in life, your success will be limited whenever you harbor negativity. To know more about the personality of someone born on 1st October.┬аTalk to astrology┬аto know about the career of those born on 21 October.

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