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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

People Born on October 20 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

People Born on October 20 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

Those born on October 20th will be out-of-this-world wonderful, extremely kind people. Apart from this, you will be a creative, expressive, and curious person. You are going to be an assertive partner who is free and independent. You will most likely be a fellow who will stand before kings to argue your views or beliefs.

October 20 Birthday Personality

Those born on October 20 will be serious students who will take everything possible around you seriously. Plus, you're going to have a romantic partner who is persuasive and realistic. You will brainstorm good ideas that will improve your world and society. You will be someone destined for greatness and success. It is a symbol of peace, love, and strong will. Also, you will be an emotional and imaginative person who is a great mediator and wiser than other people. You will be a lover who understands his partner. You are also very protective and caring of your lover.

October 20 Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign of a person born on October 20 is Libra.

October 20 Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Well compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, and Taurus born on October 20.

People Born on October 20 Positive Traits

Those born on October 20th will have many talents and opportunities within their personality. You are going to be a lover of people who find it easy to relate to people. Because of your generous nature, you often help others, especially the poor. You will be a brilliant, imaginative, intelligent person in the sense that you can easily solve the problems you face. Furthermore, you are going to be an overly trusting and untrustworthy person who is revolutionary. You seem more focused than anyone else. Your efficiency is one of the reasons why you are retained at your workplace. You find it easy to juggle tasks at a very fast pace.

People Born on October 20 Negative Traits

Those born on October 20 are going to be shallow thinker who is distrustful. Most likely people will find you one of the smartest people who present themselves as an intelligent person. Some of the simple questions in life are thrown at you and you find it difficult to solve them. They will most likely have a bad time, especially when you come up with an idea or plan to change the world around you. You seem to get entangled in the problems and obstacles around you. You have to learn to get on your feet and get over them. You are going to be careful as well as a forgetful person. You will be an aggressive, aloof, often highly stressed person. In addition, you tend to be vulnerable, argumentative, and over-possessive.

People Born on October 20 Love

As per┬аLove marriage astrology, those born on October 20 can be affectionate and sensual lovers who are most likely to have an ambitious and understanding partner. Also, you will be a balanced and imaginative person who tends to be impulsive and a little aggressive. You will most likely be an emotional lover who is jealous and over-the-top. You are also going to be a decision-lover with a high sense of fairness and objectivity. You are overconfident and prone to a lot of disappointment. The one who is born on 2nd, 5th, 9th, 11th, 14th, 18th, 20th, 23rd and 27th day is compatible for you.

People Born on October 20 Career

As per┬аCareer astrology, those born on October 20 will be money lovers, who will have lots of job opportunities. You always go for a job that satisfies you and makes you rich. You will not go for those jobs which will make you lose in the future. By saving it you will secure your future.

People Born on October 20 Health

As per┬аhealth astrology, the problem with the born on 20 October is not your health but the lack of attention to your health. You have a lot of health problems, which will drain a lot of blood. You fall ill due to lack of sleep, rest, and stress. You seem to always work to such an extent that you forget to eat at the right time. Food is important for health, especially breakfast. Your metabolism is likely to slow down due to a lack of breakfast and meals. Also, you should be sporty and always exercise to reduce the extra calories and sugar that you are prone to.


Those born on October 20th come across as very dependable as you have no problem keeping your word. Additionally, you have a tendency to be a proud, arrogant, and overworked person. You also have to avoid the negative traits that your personality is known for in order to be successful in life. You will constantly seek knowledge and do something that will make you successful in life. To know more about the personality of someone born on 20th October,┬аtalk to astrology.

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