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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

People Born on October 18 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

People Born on October 18 Personality, Love, Career, And Health

Those born on October 18th will be brilliant individual who is very intelligent and witty. You will be a good communicator who will be able to express himself or yourself well without fear of falling victim. You are a person with a sharp mind who can easily grasp any information. Your eloquence and ability to interact easily with people is the reason for your success in life. You often use these two qualities to control your problems in life.

October 18 Birthday Personality

Those born on October 18 have a natural ability to easily perceive things around them. You are patient, non-judgmental, and understanding. You also have a way of reducing people's problems, if not eliminating them, with your wit and imagination. You are imaginative as a result innovative. You are also a humanist. You will be a critic who hates to be criticized but loves to be criticized. Although you find criticism painful, unacceptable, and bad, you love to do it.

October 18 Zodiac Sign

The zodiac sign of a person born on October 18 is Libra.

October 18 Zodiac Sign Compatibility

Well compatible with Leo, Sagittarius, and Taurus born on October 18.

People Born on October 18 Positive Traits

Those born on October 18th will be intelligent and imaginative individuals who will find it easy to overcome problems known to them. You are going to be a real love who is romantic and understanding. You are going to be a great lover of knowledge who rushes to make you successful and knowledgeable in the world. You will be an alert, caring, innovative, and creative person. You will give the best and better ideas to create a better world. You are going to be a pleasant person to be around or discuss with as a result of your ability to engage in complex conversations and understand them. Your horoscope also shows that you are likely to be a fun-loving person who is tactful and balanced.

People Born on October 18 Negative Traits

Those born on October 18th will be generous and understand that you lose a lot of things to the people around you. You will be a shy and highly calculating person who will fear most permutations of ordinary people. Don't chase fame but chase excellence. Fame will only take you so far, while excellence will make you successful in life. You need to be empathetic and accepting. You are a person you know has your individuality and your subtle nature. It sounds like you are overreacting, over-monitoring, and unnecessarily unruly. You become detached and practically detached from people. You are often overstressed and overworked as a result of your love for work.

People Born on October 18 Love

As per Love marriage astrology, those born on October 18th are a good and understanding partner who is loving and caring. It also shows that you are an affectionate, highly trusted, reliable lover. You often find a way to make your lover feel loved, cared for, and romantic. You are going to be an energetic lover who is focused and most likely you are going to be a lover who is very fond of personal growth. They understand the essence of falling in love with the right person; Thus, they choose to go for someone who is loving, trustworthy, and understanding. You are also a sociable person which often makes your relationship happy. Although you are most likely to be a selfish person, you may sacrifice many of your dreams for the sake of the one you love. They fall in love with the person born on 3, 5, 6, 12, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, and 31.

People Born on October 18 Career

As per Career astrology, those born on October 18 will have many opportunities which will lead them to choose from a wide range of careers. You go for careers that will make you successful in life. You would be best suited for careers in psychology, law, and counseling. Plus, you'll find it very handy in the entertainment business, especially in music and songwriting. Your ability to express yourself and relate to people socially often leads you to positions such as international relations and sales representative. Also, you are likely to reach the top of your career because of your high level of curiosity. Also, you are an organized person who does well in research and employment-based jobs.

People Born on October 18 Health

As per health astrology, those born on October 18 cannot be successful without good health. You need to eat good food which is prepared as per WHO recommendation. Eat only those foods that provide you with the calories you need as an individual. You should also be careful about your health as you have strong health, which must be maintained. Exercise well to reduce the extra calories you are consuming. In addition, you must sleep at all times and be well-rested. You experience many stress-related ailments due to your indifferent nature towards your work. Always have your breakfast to get rid of slow metabolism.


Those born on October 18th will be lovers of words and knowledge because of their curiosity. You will also be a tough and impulsive person who is active. You also need to embrace the active qualities of the air because they are your greatest asset. Talk to astrology to know about the personality of the person born on 18 October.

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