Organs and Diseases Related to Planets in The Body
In medical astrology, every planet is related to some part of the body. When there is a Dasha of the respective planet in the horoscope and the transit is also going unfavorable, then the person may have to go through physical problems related to that planet. Let us try to know about the planets and their related body parts and diseases.
Sun Related Organs and Diseases
Sun is considered to be the main factor of bone. Under its jurisdiction comes the stomach, right eye, heart, skin, head, and the physical formation of the person. When the Dasha of the Sun moves in the birth chart, then the person gets physical troubles related to all these areas. If the Sun is weak in the birth chart, then there is a possibility of diseases related to it, otherwise not. Apart from this, there is a possibility of a person having high fever, leprosy, mental problems, and chronic diseases in the Dasha / Antardasha of the sun.
Moon Related Organs and Diseases
Moon is mainly considered the karaka planet of the mind. It is also considered to be a factor in the heart, lungs, left eye, chest, brain, blood, body fluids, food pipe, intestines, kidney, and lymphatic duct. Apart from these related diseases, there may be diseases of the uterus. Sleep deprivation can be a problem. The intellect can also be retarded when the Moon is afflicted. Asthma, diarrhea, lack of blood, etc. comes under the authority of the Moon. There is a possibility of water-borne diseases. The disturbances of polyuria, vomiting, menstruation, etc. in women can also occur when the Moon is weak. Diseases related to an appendix, mammary glands, phlegm and cold can occur. Egg growth also occurs when the Moon is weak.
Mars Related Organs and Diseases
On the right of Mars comes blood, marrow, energy, neck, veins, genitals, neck, red blood cells, anus, female organs, and physical strength. If Mars is afflicted in the horoscope, then diseases related to these can be in the Dasha of Mars. Apart from this, head diseases, poisoning, injuries, and wounds are all related to Mars. Soreness of the eyes, Leprosy, Itching, Blood pressure, Loss of energy, Diseases of female organs, Bone cracking, Abscesses, Cancer, Tumors, Hemorrhoids, Menstrual disorders, Blisters, Diarrhoea, Diseases of the anus There may be diseases like smallpox, fistula, and hernia, etc. These diseases will happen only when Mars is in the afflicted condition in the horoscope, otherwise not.
Mercury Related Organs and Diseases
The chest, nervous system, skin, navel, nose, cheek bladder, nerves, lungs, tongue, arms, face, hair, etc. come under the jurisdiction of Mercury. If Mercury is afflicted in the horoscope, then the chances of getting diseases related to these areas are strong. Apart from this, there may be diseases related to the chest and nerves. There is a possibility of getting epilepsy. There may be diseases related to the nose and cheek bladder. There is a possibility of getting typhoid, insanity, paralysis, seizure, ulcer, cholera, dizziness, etc.
Jupiter Related Organs and Diseases
Thighs, fat, brain, liver, kidneys, ears, tongue, memory, spleen, etc. come under Jupiter. When Jupiter is afflicted in the horoscope, there is a possibility of diseases related to them. Ear diseases, polyuria, tongue wobbling, weakening of memory, and diseases related to the pancreas can occur. Diseases of spleen and ascites, jaundice, tumors, white matter in urine, blood poisoning, indigestion and dyspepsia, boils, etc. all come under Jupiter. Jupiter plays a role in diabetes.
Venus Related Organs and Diseases
Under Venus comes face, eyesight, genitals, luster and aura of the body, throat, water in the body and glands, chin, etc. When Venus is afflicted and it's Dasha/Antardasha comes, there may be diseases related to it. The kidney also comes under the authority of Venus, so kidney-related diseases can also occur. Venus is the factor of eyesight, so the eyesight becomes weak when it is afflicted. Sexual diseases, throat diseases, loss of luster of the body, impotence, fever and glandular diseases, gonorrhea, syphilis, rheumatism, anemia, etc., occur when Venus is afflicted.
Saturn Related Organs and Diseases
Legs, joint bones, muscles, organs, teeth, skin and hair, ears, knees, etc. come under the jurisdiction of Saturn. If Saturn is afflicted and it's Dasha, there can be diseases related to it. Physical weakness, weakness of muscles, stomachache, injury to limbs, diseases of skin and feet, joint pain, blindness, dry hair, mental worries, paralysis, deafness, etc. It happens.
Rahu Related Organs and Diseases
Feet come, breathing comes, and neck comes under the authority of Rahu. Lung problems happen. There may be diseases related to feet. Ulcers occur, leprosy may occur, and there may be difficulty in breathing. There may be boils, cataract occurs, and hiccups are also due to Rahu. Stuttering, enlargement of the spleen, poisoning, pain, egg growth, etc. diseases are caused by Rahu. It also gives cancer.
Ketu Related Organs and Diseases
The abdomen and claws come to its right. Gives diseases related to the lungs. Gives fever, and worms in the intestines are caused by Ketu. Speech defects are also caused by Ketu. Defects in the ears are also caused by Ketu. Eye pain, abdominal pain, boils, physical weakness, brain diseases, delusions, and low blood pressure are all diseases caused by Ketu. Some diseases are also caused by Ketu, whose causes are never known.
We have body parts and diseases related to all the planets. If you want to avoid the diseases caused by the planet, then you can know the remedy by talking to astrology.