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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

October Birthstone - Opal Birthstone

October Birthstone - Opal Birthstone

The month of October comes in the sign of Libra and its lord is considered to be Venus. These people do not form any opinion about anyone in a hurry, nor do they think very quickly about anyone, neither good nor bad. They judge people first and then give their opinion about someone. Peace and mutual harmony are the most important parts of their life. They do not like to fight and argue at all. They always want to keep the people around them happy and are very afraid that people may get angry with them and because of them, no one gets sad. These people love to do cleanliness and decoration. They like to be organized and they want everything perfect.


 October Gemstone - Opal Gemstones


Opal is considered the lucky gemstone, or lucky birthstone, of people born in the month of October. Wearing opal also develops the ability to tell secret things about them. By keeping this gem with him, he will be saved from many kinds of bad effects. Wearing Opal on your body strengthens the love relationship between husband and wife. If a man wears this gem, then the woman starts loving him very much. If a woman wears it, then the man starts liking her very much. For those born in October, this gem is considered very lucky. 


October Birthstone Color 


Opal is also called opal. It is white in color like milk(white). In this, glimpses of different colors are seen changing like a rainbow. Opal is also available in white and black. It is soft and opaque. In ancient times, this gem was considered as nectar for eye diseases.

Ancient Greek gem experts believed that wearing opal gives man the power to know about the future and make many predictions. His thought was that if a person is not selfish, speaks the truth and follows the truth, and has a philanthropic spirit, then due to the effect of this gem, many things related to the future are seen in his sleep while sleeping. And those dreams actually come true with time. 


October Birthstone Meaning 


The ancient gem experts believed that wearing this gemstone improves eyesight. This gemstone is very much affected by the effects of the seasons, and due to the change of seasons, there is a lot of difference in its color and brightness. On this basis, western scholars believe that when the opal's luster starts increasing, it is a sign of an increase in the fortune of the wearer. But when its color starts to fade, it is considered an indicator of sadness and despair.

Instead of generating love, Opal gemstone enhances friendship. Many people believe that this gem proves to be very helpful in resolving fights, disputes, and disputes and also in cleaning reconciliation. The wearer gets success in business, law, and cases.

Some people also call opal a love stone. If love is fake and artificial, then it has a bad effect on the wearer. This gem causes heavy damage to a deceitful lover or girlfriend.


If you were born in the month of October in any year then astrology says that your lucky gem is yours. If you want complete information about the lucky gems of the people born in the month of October, then talk to astrology and take guidance.

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