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Neech Bhang Raj Yoga Important Position and Result

Neech Bhang Raj Yoga Important Position and Result

When a planet is situated in its debilitated sign, it becomes powerless and weak. In this situation, that planet is unable to give its auspicious results. But due to the influence of other planets' position, conjunction, vision or mutual zodiac change, etc., this weak condition of them improves. Which is called Neech Bhang Raj yoga.


Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is formed in the Kundali┬а


According to astrologers, the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet is aspects it, or the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet forms conjunction by being in its own house, is called Bhang Raja Yoga. It is said that when this yoga is formed in the horoscope, the person lives like a king. If a planet is sitting in its debilitated sign in a horoscope and the lord of that sign is in the center of the Ascendant house, then Neechbhang Raja Yoga is formed in the horoscope.


Important Positions for Neech Bhang Raj Yoga


It has been told in the rules of astrology that if a planet is sitting in an exalted sign in the Navamsha Kundli, then it does not give low results even though it is in a debilitated sign in the birth chart. The reason for this is that in this situation their lowliness gets dissolved.

If the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet is sitting is Aspecting it, or if the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet is sitting with it, then the debilitated planet is dissolved. There is also a rule regarding neech bhang, that if the planet sitting in a debilitated sign is inspecting the house in front of it i.e. the debilitated planet sitting in the seventh house from itself, then both the debilitated planets become debilitated.

The lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet is sitting with it, then the debilitated planet is dissolved. There is also a rule regarding neech bhang, that if the planet sitting in a debilitated sign is inspecting the house in front of it i.e. the debilitated planet sitting in the seventh house from itself, then both the debilitated planets become debilitated.

If these conditions are not created in the Kundli of the native, then even with these rules, debilitation can be calculated, like if the owner of the sign in which the planet is sitting in a debilitated position is sitting in its exalted sign, then there is no fault of the debilitated planet. There is also a rule that the lord of the sign in which the planet is debilitated is sitting in the center of the birth sign, as well as the lord of the sign in which the debilitated planet is exalted is also sitting in the center, then the Neech Bhang Raj Yoga is formed.


Neech Bhang Raj Yoga Result


A debilitated planet cannot give good results due to its weak position. But the planet with Neech Bhang Raj Yoga gives very auspicious results in the middle of its Dasha-Antardasha and after that. When a planet in a debilitated state is in contact with an exalted planet, then this situation is going to end its lowliness. In this situation, the debilitated planet shows its inauspiciousness, but the person gets the end of this inauspicious effect in the form of an auspicious result. It will be just like the person will get a bad situation but they will get free from that crisis immediately and will get auspiciousness in their life.

  • The planet reduces its inauspicious results due to Neech Bhang Yoga.

  • The person gets happiness after getting out of trouble.

  • The native gets success through struggle.

  • The native gets respect in the family and society.

  • Can build an organization or move forward by joining it.

  • Can defeat their opponents.


Neech Bhang Raj Yoga, if there is more than one in the Kundali, gives the same result as if there is one Neech Bhang Raj Yoga. According to astrology prediction, it is not that due to this yoga, a person is born as a king by birth. In whose Kundli this yoga is formed, they have to go through some difficult situations in the beginning, due to which their knowledge and experience increase and they get many such opportunities, which along with age, find the way to success.

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