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Moon Relationship with Mother

Moon Relationship with Mother

Moon is given a lot of importance in Vedic astrology and it is considered essential to study the position of the moon in the horoscope carefully to know about many areas from a person's life to marriage and then death. For example, the Nakshatra in which the moon is located at the time of birth of a person, the same Nakshatra is considered as the birth Nakshatra of that person, with which many important facts of his life are associated, such as the name of the person is also related to the letter of his birth Nakshatra.


Daily, weekly, and monthly predictions based on Indian astrology are also given on the basis of the moon sign at the time of birth of the person. The zodiac sign in which the Moon is located at the time of a person's birth is called the Moon sign of that person.


Moon and Mother Connection 


Moon is the significator of the mother and the factor of the headpiece. If the moon is inauspicious in the horoscope, it affects the mind and the mother. Moon lord is the lord of the fourth house in the horoscope. The fourth house in Kundali represents the mother. It is a water element planet.


Moon's friend planets are Sun and Mercury. Moon has no enmity with any planet. Moon is the lord of Cancer. At the same time, Moon gets a high position in Taurus. When Moon is in Scorpio, it is debilitated. Moon's lucky stone is a pearl. The Moon has an equal relationship with Mars, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.


Importance of Moon in Astrology 


In Vedic astrology, it is the factor of mind, mother, mental state, morale, material things, happiness-peace, wealth-wealth, left eye, chest, etc. According to astrology, Moon is the lord of Cancer among zodiac signs and Rohini, Hasta, and Shravana among constellations. Moon has the fastest speed among all the planets. The duration of the Moon's transit is the shortest. It transits from one zodiac sign to another in about two and a half days.


In Vedic astrology, only the moon sign of a person is calculated to know the horoscope. Because it is considered the most effective. The moon sign is calculated in such a way that the sign in which the moon is located at the time of the birth of the person is called the moon sign of the person. In astrology, Moon is considered a female planet.


Effects of Weak Moon in Kundali


The position of the Moon becomes very important while looking at the character of a person from his horoscope because the Moon directly controls the mind and emotions of every person. The Moon becomes most powerful when situated in the Taurus sign and the Moon situated in this sign is called the exalted Moon. Apart from Taurus, the Moon also becomes strong when it is situated in Cancer, which is Moon's own sign.


When the Moon is strong in the horoscope and is well positioned, the horoscope holder is soft, sensitive, emotional, and loving towards the people around him. Such people generally do not have to make many efforts to get comfortable in their life and they keep getting comfort without any effort.

According to astrology, due to an afflicted Moon in the horoscope, a person suffers mental pain. During this the person's memory becomes weak and he gets depression. Along with this, the mother continues to have one or the other problem. Also, the person is afraid of water. At the same time, many times the person tries to commit suicide during this period.


On the other hand, due to inauspiciousness in the Moon horoscope, cough-cold, asthma, ILD, etc. diseases related to breathing or lungs are troubling. At the same time, the reason for lack of concentration, sleeplessness, and all the problems that distract the mind is also due to the inauspiciousness of the moon.


Remedies to make The Moon Strong


    • Moon mantras should be chanted to strengthen the position of the moon. The mantras of the Moon are as follows.

              ॐ सों सोमाय नमः।


             ॐ श्रामं श्रमं सः चंद्रमसे नमः

             ॐ श्रीं श्रीं चंद्रमसे नमः

              Om Son Somaya Namah.


              Om Shram Shram Sah Chandramse Namah

              Om Shree Shree Chandramse Namah:

    • Moon displays white color. Its gemstone is a pearl. It is advisable to wear a pearl with a silver ring on the little finger.

    • On Monday, perform Jalabhishek and Rudrabhishek of Mahadev, and recite Shiva Chalisa.

    • Monday's day is dedicated to Chandradev. Lord Shiva, the lord of the moon, should be worshiped on this day.

    • Waking up in the morning regularly touching the feet of the mother, serving her, and keeping her happy strengthens the position of the moon.

    • Regularly add water to the root of the banyan tree and worship it.

  • In order to strengthen the moon, taking water in a silver vessel, and adding milk, Akshat, and Mishri to it, should offer Arghya to the moon, and along with this, a full moon fast should be observed.


In the birth chart, if the Moon is aspected by its own sign or a friend, exalted sign, Shadbali, benefic planets, then the auspiciousness of the Moon increases. If the Moon is in a strong and strong state in the birth chart, then the person will get success in all the works and will be happy in the mind. Attainment of position and promotion, the business of water production, liquid and white goods gives profit. If the Moon is in a debilitated or enemy sign of the Krishna side and is aspected by inauspicious planets, then the Moon becomes weak.


You can talk to expert astrology through astrology phone consultation to make the moon strong in your Kundali. If the Moon is in the Ascendant of a person, then the person is very beautiful, imaginative, emotional, sensitive, and courageous to see. When the Moon is strong in the horoscope, the person remains mentally strong and happy. Such a person is close to his mother. On the other hand, if the Moon is weak in the horoscope, then it is mentally weak.

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