Moon Opposite Sun - Know its Effects
Moon opposition Sun suggests fairness, even if the morals of these people are not always understood by those around them. Balancing your professional and personal life can be tougher than usual when the Moon transits opposite the Sun. Seems like In astrology, the Sun is about energy and life force, how it expresses freedom of will.
When the planets opposite the Moon and Sun are in an oppositional relationship, their energies directly face each other at an angle of 180 degrees. In astrology, the Moon is responsible for how we express emotions, nurture and focus, and how we control our mood swings.
Moon Opposite Sun Natal┬а
If you are born with the Moon in opposition to your Sun, it means that you were born during a full moon. The light of the moon on the day you were born symbolizes the importance of the life purpose or belief system you want to manifest. This Moon-Sun opposition also reflects a thematic polarity of "self versus other" which indicates that relationships with others will be a constant source of learning for you.
Relationships and the feedback they provide give you the objectivity you need and help you clarify your life's purpose. It will be important for you to learn to integrate your own internal tensions so as not to project your own issues into your relationships.
Like the tidal force of a full moon, when your emotional expression appears, it can be so powerful that it can dramatically affect those around you. Ideally, this tension between your inner Sun and inner Moon can help you find a greater context or more reason to express yourself.
Moon Opposite Sun Synastry┬а
The progressed Moon is opposite to the natal Sun when the progressed Moon is transiting the 7th house from the natal Sun. This Progressed Moon conjunction occurs 15 years after the natal Sun. This aspect brings more challenges in life and is generally not considered good.
Sun in astrology represents high positions in the government sector, politics, superiors, career, soul, and personality. When the Moon forms the opposite aspect to the natal Sun, you are expected to have problems with your superiors, government, etc. If you are in the process of migration, you will have to go through busy times. Problems and disputes are most likely to happen at your workplace at this time. Be careful with your investments too, especially in commodities.
Moon Opposite Sun Transit┬а
On the day the transiting Moon opposes your natal Sun, you may encounter a range of circumstances and adversity, helping to bring objectivity to whatever subjective pursuits you are engaged in. You are more likely than usual to run up against a restriction, a limitation, or a setback that will lead you to question the current direction you are taking and consider alternative ways of approaching the issue.
This is a good day to take time to reflect on and analyze whatever seems challenging or is causing difficulties. Beneath the challenge may be a significant tension that reflects an aspect of the inner tension you are grappling with. See if you can expand your understanding of the situation where you're facing resistance, rather than trying to force an issue or expand into new territory.
Working through the problem and using the lessons learned to make amends will ultimately lead to increased strength and effectiveness. Inside relationships, it is vital to require the investment to pay attention to other people, regardless of whether you totally can't help contradicting their perspectives and viewpoints.
At the point when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon in the birth chart, it demonstrates a strong draw between two contending powers. There is a part of you that is free to express your unique style and vision for the future of your life (the Sun). On the other hand, there is the nurturing, introspective, and spiritual side of your nature (the Moon).
What it involves astrologically are the two most essential organs in astrology, so here we are talking about the king and the queen, the mother and the father, and the left and the right eye. The vast difference between day and night is reflected in the polarity between these two brilliant stars.
Mentally talking, the Sun and the Moon address an individual's cognizant and oblivious self. Sun and Moon represent the inward and external parts of an individual separately. This inner struggle is something a person is well aware of when the Sun is in opposition to the Moon. If you want to know more about the Moon Opposite Sun, then talk to astrologers online.