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Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant - Know its Effect

The natives born under the Sagittarius ascendant are tall and have muscular bodies. The physical constitution is graceful and elegant. Her round and attractive face, dark-yellow hair, sharp and shining eyes, and charming smile are her specialties. The natives born under Sagittarius ascendant are mostly of philosophical thoughts. He has strong faith in God. They easily think or believe on the subjects of soul, God, soul, swan, Brahma, Maya, etc. Such persons are helpful to friends, stay close to the king, are knowledgeable, knowers of many arts, and followers of truth. And are intelligent, and good-natured.

If you are in Sagittarius ascendant then Moon is the lord of the eighth house. The eighth house is generally a negative house. Therefore, any planet situated in the eighth house gives negative results. Now, it is understandable that the Mahadasha of the eighth lord will not be beneficial. However, there is a golding lining for you.

It can do well if the Moon is situated in the eighth house or in an exalted position in Taurus. Moon can also do well when situated in friendly signs with benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus.

However, the planet Moon can cause great harm if it is afflicted by malefic Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, and Sun.

Result of Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant 

Moon is the ruler of the eighth house in Sagittarius ascendant. Being the ruler of the eighth house, Moon is the cause of disease, life, age, cause of death, mental anxiety, sea voyage, atheist ideology, in-laws' house, bad luck, poverty, laziness, prison journey, hospital, ghost-ghost, witchcraft. represents subjects.

Moon is the lord of the eighth house in the Sagittarius Lagna Kundli. Due to being the master of inauspicious feelings, the moon god is considered to be the most powerful planet in the horoscope. When the Dasha-Antardasha of the Moon deity in any house of the Kundli continues, it is troublesome for the native. The moon deity situated in the sixth and eighth houses gives auspicious results by coming in opposite Rajyoga, but for this, it is necessary that the lord of the ascendant, Jupiter, should be auspicious and sacrificed.

Positive Effects of Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant

Moon becomes exalted here in the sixth house of Sagittarius ascendant. If Jupiter is sacrificed and Moon comes in the position of opposite Raj Yoga, then Moon will give very good results here. If Jupiter is not sacrificed, the moon deity will give diseases, debts, accidents, lawsuits/court-cases/litigation in its sub-period. Will give success in competitions. Unnecessary expenses, hospital expenses, even going to jail and death-like suffering will be removed by the moon.


Negative Effects of Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant

Moon is the lord of the eighth house for Sagittarius ascendant. The eighth house is a hostile house. Therefore, any planet placed in the eighth house gives negative results. If the Moon is established in the eighth house or exalted in Taurus, it can do good. Moon can also do well if it is situated in a friendly sign with auspicious planets like Jupiter and Venus. If the Moon is in a bad condition, there will be a period of distress.


If the Moon is situated in the Sagittarius Ascendant, then the health of the natives is not better in the Mahadasha of the Moon. There is an obstacle in every work. The mind remains estranged from the life partner, the moon gives inauspiciousness to married life. There is a possibility of loss due to partnership work. There is a decrease in daily income. Estimate the decrease or increase in the fruits according to the strength of the moon in the Mahadasha of the Moon.


Here the decrease in the strength of the moon not gives auspiciousness. Will disturb the mental peace of the person. Minor problems in health will give you trouble. New problems will always arise at work. Will also give problems in partnerships. There will be problems and problems even in married happiness. Badly affecting livelihood and employment, Moon God will give problems in that too.


The relation of the moon with its own house becomes the sixth and eighth, which is not at all the best, but along with it, there is also the Kendra Trikona Rajyoga. The native will be stubborn and short-tempered. Although such a native will be very good at heart but outspoken. Such a person has a habit of speaking to his face. Whether the person in front likes it or not, these people speak the truth. Such a person will get a lot of happiness in land, buildings, and vehicles in his lifetime and will enjoy the pleasures. Let's do it. Such a person should always respect his mother and listen to what the mother says and must take her advice. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know in detail about Moon Mahadasha in Sagittarius Ascendant.

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