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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Moon

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Moon

The Mahadasha of Moon is of 10 years. In the Mahadasha of the moon, the person gets the fruits related to the moon. In the Mahadasha of the moon, the behavior of the person can be calm. A state of agitation of thoughts can be seen in the mind of the person. If we take a simple look, we find that many things like peace, coolness and mental excitement are seen in the fruits of the moon. Here it does not matter in which house or in which zodiac it is located, because the Moon is a cold planet, so it is natural to have these qualities in it. Therefore, without assessing his position in the horoscope, if we try to understand his natural form, then we come to know that he is the factor of mind and is full of coolness, it has got the position of queen among the planets. Do you want to get information about the Antardasha of all the planets in the Mahadasha of Moon on the basis of your Kundali? then talk to astrologers.


What is Moon Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of the moon, the Antardasha of the moon itself is of ten months. If the Moon, being a factor, is aspected by exalted zodiac, self-sign, and auspicious planets, then in its Antardasha, the person gets the benefit of white things especially. In this Dasha, the person attains fame and fame. Good news is received related to the birth of a girl child or mother. The interest of the natives increased in singing, playing, and other arts. If the Moon is debilitated, conjoined with malefic planets, or in eclipse yoga and is in the sixth, eighth and twelfth house, then in its Dasha and Antardasha, it is painful for the mother of the native. The person remains confused, lazy, and fearful. Cold-related problems continue to haunt the native. The person gets frustrated quickly and remains worried.


Moon Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


The Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Moon lasts for seven months. If Mars is aspected or aspected by exalted zodiac, self-sign, friendly zodiac, or auspicious planets, then the Mahadasha of the moon makes the person enthusiastic. There is progress in the work of the native. The person earns special fame in cruel deeds. If Mars is in an enemy or debilitated sign, it gives inauspicious results. The person is worried about money and property. The person remains angry and irritable. The person remains ill. Due to the anger of the native, ideological differences remain with the relatives.


Moon Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


The Antardasha of Saturn in the Mahadasha of Moon lasts for one year and seven months. If Moon is situated in the center, triangle wealth or income place from the birth chart and Saturn is aspected or aspected by exalted zodiac, self-sign, and auspicious planets, then the person gets secret wealth. The native gets to profit in business. If Saturn is in the 6th, 8th, or twelfth house from the Moon when it is aspected or aspected by debilitating signs, enemy signs, and malefic planets, then the person becomes unstable. The native is a failure and finds failure in the company of lowly people. Diseases also afflict the native.


Moon Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of the moon, the Antardasha of the sun lasts for six months. In the Mahadasha of the Moon and the Antardasha of the Sun with auspicious effects, the person gets respect, progress in work, success in business, profit, and other auspicious effects. If the Moon is weak in the birth chart and the Sun is under the influence of malefic planets, then the person remains unhappy, pained, sick, and worried. The native may have eye problems. The native is jealous of the progress of others.


Moon Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Moon, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for one year and eight months. If Venus is benefic in the Moon's Mahadasha, then the person will grow. Provides success and auspiciousness to the person by someone or his own woman. The native gets a high degree of happiness and wealth. If the Moon is weak and Venus is under the influence of malefic planets or is situated in an inauspicious place, then the person gets stigma because of the woman or the person remains troubled by the woman. The person remains sad, pained, and worried.


Moon Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


The Antardasha of Ketu in the Mahadasha of Moon lasts for seven months. The Antardasha of Ketu is also not particularly auspicious in the Mahadasha of Moon. If Ketu is exalted and in a friendly sign and conjoined with auspicious planets and aspected, then it gives inauspicious results at the beginning of the Dasha and auspicious results in the middle. The native gets minor monetary gains, and interest in body happiness increases. Due to the inauspicious effect of Ketu on the birth chart, the person is often worried due to failure. The native suffers from other pains and gets bad news.


Moon Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


The Antardasha of Rahu in the Mahadasha of Moon lasts for one year and six months. In the Mahadasha of Moon, the Antardasha of Rahu is not auspicious. If Rahu is conjoined with any causative planet, then the work is accomplished, during this Dasha, the person is particularly benefited if he travels in the west direction. Sudden gains are made for the person. In the Antardasha of inauspicious Rahu, the person's intellect becomes tainted. There are obstacles, failures, and losses in the work and business of the person. The person suffers from unhappy diseases and remains troubled.


Moon Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


Mercury's Antardasha in Moon's Mahadasha lasts for one year and five months. If Mercury is conjunct or sighted with auspicious planets in the birth chart and is situated in auspicious places like Kendra, Triangle, etc., then it bestows good luck on the intellect of the person. The interest of the native increases in business. The native is cheerful and cheerful. The native may make sudden gains from the stock market or any other source. If Mercury is aspected or aspected by a debilitated sign, enemy sign, and inauspicious planets and is situated in the inauspicious house, then the person will not be able to do the planned work. The person remains confused and harms himself. The person lacks happiness.


Moon Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Moon, the Antardasha of Jupiter lasts for one year and four months. If Jupiter is under the influence of exalted zodiac, self-sign, and auspicious planet and is situated in Kendra, triangle, second and eleventh house from the Moon, then the Antardasha of Jupiter in the Mahadasha of Moon enables the native's knowledge and intelligence. The person receives praise for his intelligence and discretion, but himself remains unsatisfied and worried without any reason. Interest in the native increases. The person organizes events like a pilgrimage, charity, and Yagya. The native gets good and auspicious news. If Jupiter is aspected or aspected by debilitated sign, enemy, or malefic planets and is in the 6th, 8th, or 12th house, then in this Dasha the person suffers from worry, loss, discord, and pain.

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