Moon in Shravana Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects
If the sight of the Sun is on the Moon, then the person will lead a life like a king and will use his strength and powers. If the vision of Mars is on the Moon, then the person becomes a high-class scholar, and courageous. If the vision of Mercury is on the Moon, then the person becomes rich, a high-class businessman. If the aspect of Jupiter is on the Moon, then the person becomes a minister or a minister. will be equal. If Venus is aspected by the Moon, then the person loses wealth and becomes poor and ordinary. If Saturn is aspected by the Moon, then the person becomes a landlord, wealthy.
Due to Moon being in Shravana Nakshatra, the health of the native is generally moderate. The signs of old age start appearing in these people only in adulthood. The person is a good conversationalist but a gossiper, impatient, and unsuccessful in love. If this phase is ascendant and Saturn and Mars are in Ashlesha, then the person will be drunkard, unmarried. Abdominal surgery may be done. The person is gentlemanly, respectable, intelligent, wealthy, scriptural, generous, clever, and listening to stories. If this phase is ascendant and conjoined with Venus and aspected by the Sun, then the female native and her mother will engage in prostitution. The person has good eloquence, is clever and skillful in speaking, talks in a poetic style, and gets pleasure from listening to mythological stories and ancient books. The person has a famous and liberal open-minded wife, a good host, a good listener and learner, thirsty for knowledge and information, interested in the dead and ancestral property, and troubled in childhood.
Moon in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 1
In this phase, there are ups and downs in the health of the native, he starts getting old in his youth. The person is a good talker but intrusive for a long time, lacks patience, and does everything to get his love but fails.
Moon in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 2
In this phase, the person is excellent, respected in society, a scholar of high level, full of wealth, a knower of scriptures, big-hearted, a driver, speaker, and listener. If this phase is ascendant and meets with Venus, then the person will be a mother or a prostitute.
Moon in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 3
In this phase, the person is able to attract people towards himself with his words, expert in speaking, talks in a poetic style, listens to mythological stories, and gets information from ancient texts.
Moon in Shravana Nakshatra Pada 4
In this phase, the person is famous in society, has a wife with a clean heart, respects guests, eats good food, speaks and listens well, imparts knowledge, informs people on the right path, and mother- An overseer of the father's property, has to face troubles in childhood.
If there is Moon in Shravan Nakshatra, then the person is full of wealth, has a virtuous wife, gives hospitality, eats pure and good food, is enthusiastic, desirous of increasing knowledge, communication indicator, a good talker, and not a patient,┬аKeeps an eye on their father's property, faces trouble in childhood and becomes unhappy. To know about the changes due to the effect of the Moon in Shravan Nakshatra, take an Astrology phone consultation.