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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Moon in Magha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Moon in Magha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the Sun is sighted on the Moon, then the person will be rich in wealth, prevailing in the society, and will be the one to use state powers. If the sight of Mars is on the moon, then the person will be going to make his footsteps in politics, doing good work considering the hit of the village or the city. If Mercury is aspected on the Moon, then the person will be full of wealth, a drug addict, and spend his money on women. If the Guru's vision is on the moon, then the person will be involved in the affairs of the government or a minister. If the sight of Venus is on the moon, then the person will get pleasure from women and will be engaged in sexual intercourse. Sometimes it is also of feminine nature. If Saturn's vision is on the Moon, then the person can be wealthless, divorced from their wife, complete with agricultural work, and in charge of security institutions.

If Moon is in Magha Nakshatra, then the person is blue-eyed, one who takes care of different units at a time is busy in social work, is revered by the subordinates in the job like God, and is respected among the officers due to powerful things. Female native is loyal, character, and uterine patient. The native will be accepted among scholars, worshipers of God and ancestors, proud, elitist, respectable, wealthy, rich in wealth and splendor. The native's wife will be a reliable, loyal, social worker. The person will hate women and will be in extreme poverty for 28 years, later change will come and success will come. If there is a conjunction with Saturn and Mars have a vision on them, then epilepsy can occur. The person is handsome, happy, dignified, arrogant but friendly, enterprising, has an abundance of movable and immovable property, and is kind. Married life will be full of dissatisfaction and disharmony till the initial age of 35 years, later the wife will change her behavior by knowing her beauty. Married life will be pleasant. If this phase is ascendant, then there is cancer. The person is gentle, humble, a worshiper of ancestors, a devotee of mother-father, a progenitor, a traditionalist, and mysterious. His fame is going to fluctuate like the moon. If the person lives for 35 years, then he will be in the highest position in politics. He has the sum of the office of Prime Minister or President or equivalent. He is the oppressor of enemies.

Moon in Magha Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person with blue eyes, doing more than one work, working for the benefit of society, is worshiped like God by the servant in the job. The native is strong, honest, and has good relations with the officials. In this phase, the female native will be honest, and beautiful in character and will suffer from pregnancy.

Moon in Magha Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is associated with intelligent people, believes in God and ancestors are proud, excited, and full of wealth and happiness. In this stage, the wife of the person is trustworthy, honest, and serving society. The person who hates women works hard for 25 to 28 years but will get success after that. If this phase is in conjunction with Saturn and has a vision of Mars, then the person may suffer from epilepsy.

Moon in Magha Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is handsome, happy, arrogant but well-behaved, wicked, having movable and immovable property, honest and kind. The married life of the native will be unhappy till the age of 30 to 35 years, but the wife of the native will change her behavior by understanding his goodness, which can bring sweetness to married life after some time. If there is a Lagna in this phase, the native may suffer from diseases like cancer.

Moon in Magha Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person becomes Shushil, a worshiper of God or ancestors, service to parents, dynastic, traditionalist, and explorer. The prestige of the person keeps on increasing and decreasing like the moon. The person is supposed to live up to the age of 34 to 35 but get a good image and position in politics.


If Moon is in Magha Nakshatra, then the person receives respect from intelligent people, worships and respects God and ancestors, explorer, devil, honest, kind, more angry, desirous of growing up, proud, proud He is good-natured and trustworthy. The female native respects her husband, believes in religion, suffers from any problem in the uterus, and is patient, character, and honest. To know about the effect of the Moon in Magha Nakshatra, talk to astrologers.

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