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Moon in Hasta Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the sight of the Sun is on the Moon, then the person will be well-behaved, a scholar of high order but will be poor. If the aspect of Mars is on the Moon, then the person who receives good education will be a scholar, educated, and full of wealth. If the aspect of Mercury is on the Moon, then the person will get help from the government. If the aspect of Jupiter is on the Moon, then the person will get good knowledge in the field of education and will create his image in society on the basis of education. If the aspect of Venus is on the Moon, then the person will be doing business related to the field of medicine. If the aspect of Saturn is on the Moon, then the person will be unhappy in his life due to problems.

If Moon is in Hasta Nakshatra, the person is patient, shameless, merciless, fickle towards women, unsuccessful in love, a drunkard, thief, and scavenger. If Revati Nakshatra is the Lagna, then the female person will be beautiful like Goddess Lakshmi, rich in clothes. Lakshmi will reside in the house where the birth will take place and where the marriage will take place. The person is handsome, fickle towards women, eager to have the company of boys, fortunate, and works under others. If Revati is ascendant and Sun, Shani, Mangal, and Rahu are conjunct, then the female person will be a widow. If there is a conjunction of Mars, then the person becomes an engineer in the Navy or Meteorological Department. The person has a special type of physical constitution, industrialist, resourceful, ambitious, book writer or publisher.

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person suffers from diseases, is shameless, does not show mercy, fascinates women, does not get success in love, is intoxicated, and earns money by sleight of hand. If Revati Nakshatra is in the ascendant, then the female person will be considered as the form of Mother Lakshmi, complete with clothes and ornaments. The house in which a female person will be born will be filled with wealth and when she gets married, she will have as much wealth in both houses as she had in her birth house.

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is handsome, unstable towards women, desirous of attracting beautiful women towards him and having relations with them, and lucky, working below others. If Revati Nakshatra is in the ascendant and Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu meet, then the female person will be a divorcee or a widow and the male person will be addicted to drugs.

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person earns money by adopting Chanakya's policy, is shameless, and says his words clearly, due to which more people start hating him. If Mars meets this phase, then the person becomes an officer of the Navy or the Meteorological Department.

Moon in Hasta Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person has the most distinct and muscular body, industrialist, rich in comforts, and desirous of becoming big, a writer or publisher.


If there is Moon in Hasta Nakshatra, then the person is active, devilish, full, shameless, without mercy, a usurper of others' wealth, and a drug addict. To know about the effect of the Moon in Hasta Nakshatra one can take an Astrologers phone consultation.

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