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Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the aspect of the Sun is on the Moon, then the person will get the love of more than one parent. If the aspect of Mars is on the Moon, then the person will be honest and work in front of the king. If the vision of Mercury is on the Moon, then the person will be characterless or will do bad deeds. If the aspect of Jupiter is on the Moon, then the person will be in debt, surrounded by diseases. If the aspect of Venus is on the Moon, then the person will live in poverty. If the aspect of Saturn is on the Moon, then the person will live with a high-level leader in politics. Will happen.

Due to the presence of Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, the person becomes a scholar, one who struggles with situations, and obstacles from the mother's side, stable friendship and relations, one who does unethical work secretly, secretly a victim of addictions. The person lives away from home, acquires good property by merit and money, is fond of love, addicted and does not reveal addiction, sometimes jealous. If Venus is in Uttara Falguni, then it occupies a high position in governance. The person is handsome, stays away from home in childhood, stays away from home in adulthood, is unhappy, defamed in sexual relations, cheated in love, emotional, and combative in situations. If the Ascendant is in Poorva Phalguni, and in this phase, the Moon is conjunct with the Sun and is aspected by Saturn, then the death of the mother occurs. The person is gentle and handsome, secretly addicted, drinking alcohol and beauty in a room, Radhe-Radhe The one who comes out, is dear to the woman. If the Moon is aspected by Mars or Mercury and Shukla Paksha is born, then one acquires immense wealth.

Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is intelligent, facing troubles, facing crises in life due to their mother, having a stable mind, working secretly for the benefit of society, earning money by the wrong means, and debauchery.

Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the native who lives away from his native land is intelligent, full of wealth, acquires good property, trusts in love, and sometimes becomes excessively angry. If Venus is in Uttara Falguni Nakshatra, then there is a high-position officer in the government.

Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is beautiful, stays out of the house since childhood, gets separated from home after marriage, is anxious, defamed in society because of having sex, cheating in love, amorous, and able to face the situations firmly. Is. If the ascendant is in Purva Phalguni Nakshatra and the Moon is conjoined with the Sun and aspected by Saturn, then the native's mother dies.

Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person is beautiful, makes physical relations with other women in a secret way, eats meat and alcohol, enjoys the company of beautiful women, has Ram in his mind, has a stabbing nature, fascinates beautiful and beautiful women. it happens. If the Moon is aspected by Mars or Mercury, then the person is going to earn a lot of wealth.


If there is Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra, then the person is virtuous, trustworthy, honest, an explorer, great, an earner of money, facing difficulties firmly and obstacles arise in dealings and relations with mother. The person has good relations with friends, helps the needy, is brave, and is loved by everyone in society. The person is angrier about small things. Take online astrology consultations to know about the effects and benefits of the Moon in Anuradha Nakshatra.

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