Moon Impact On Various Zodiac Signs
In Vedic astrology, Moon is the main planet for intelligence, wealth, and longevity. If the moon is not taken into account, then the meaning of the Panchang becomes useless. If there is an effect of the planets on the Moon's mind and this mind, then the Moon starts giving the effect of those planets or constellations. When the moon comes between the earth and the constellations, the radiations of the constellations have a huge effect on the moon, so the behavior of the moon varies. The moon creates the juice in the living world. A strong Moon can give the native a very good mindset and attitude. Where a weak or afflicted Moon is always looking for excuses or blames others for their mistake, a strong Moon person can endure many pressures of life, and still, they do not complain.
Moon Effects On Zodiac Sign
Moon in Aries
The lord of Aries is Mars, which is friendly with the Moon, so Aries will be the friend of the Moon, due to which the native has a strong body. If the Moon is in Aries, then the person is sonless, devoid of relatives, and unstable. The person has stable wealth and the person is the one who earns fame by his own work efficiency. Such a person always has the fear of falling from the water and from a high place. The person is also hasty and industrious.
Moon in Taurus
The Moon is exalted up to 3 degrees of Taurus. After 3 degrees the Moon is in Mooltrikona. In this way, due to the presence of the Moon in Taurus, the person becomes the beautiful, contented, agile, strong body and sweet. The person is peaceful, indulgent, luxurious, and happy. The native is a recipient of royal respect. The person is happy with their wife, son, and wealth. The native is a skilled, philanthropist, and lover of painting, music, and poetry. Such natives may suffer from phlegm disease, cold disease, eye disease, and water-related diseases.
Moon in Gemini
The lord of the Gemini sign is Mercury, which is said to be the son of the Moon. Moon maintains a sense of friendship with Mercury, but Mercury maintains enmity with Moon. In this way, the person is beautiful due to the placement of the Moon in Gemini. Such a person has a mixed nature. The person is desirous and indulgent. Due to the influence of the Moon in Gemini, the person becomes comical. The person is learned and receives love from a woman. The person changes business more than once.
Moon in Cancer
The lord of the Cancer zodiac is Moon. Moon is in the sign of Cancer, due to which the person becomes progeny, wealthy and wealthy. The person has a fair complexion. Under the influence of the Moon situated in Cancer, the person becomes virtuous, a Vedic scholar, art-skilled, popularly known, and famous. The person who loves water is successful in keeping water-related business near the water place and is a lover of water travel. Such a person is also skilled in art and is interested in music and painting. The intellect of the person is pure and of a high order. The person is working. The native is interested in astrology. The person is hysterical. The person is a collector of things, a lover.
Moon in Leo
The lord of the Leo zodiac is the Sun, which is the best friend of the Moon, so Leo will be the friend of the Moon. Due to the presence of the Moon in Leo, the person has a big face and a thick chin. The person is of a strong body. The person who travels in the forest mountains gets progress and wealth in the state sector. The native is intelligent, fond of foreign travel, stable intellect, and is sincere. The native is a mother-loving scholar, striving to attain a high position and having estrangement with women. The native may suffer from stomach and dental diseases. The person desires charity and benevolence.
Moon in Virgo
Mercury is the lord of Virgo. Mercury has a feeling of enmity with the Moon, but the Moon has a sense of friendship with Mercury. Therefore Virgo will be an even sign for the Moon. Due to the placement of the Moon in Virgo, the person has an advanced body, fair complexion, and beauty. The person is a knower of many disciplines, is clever, intelligent, and does good deeds. Such a person is lucky, happy for women, and gets happiness from a woman. The native is sweet-spoken and virtuous. The native is learned and patient.
Moon in Libra
The lord of Libra is Venus. The position of the Moon in Libra is considered auspicious. Due to the placement of the Moon in Libra, the person is of long body. The native is clever, indulgent, religious, and intelligent. The person is a devotee of Brahmin and a giver of food. The person is rich. And owns many properties. The person also spends his money for charity and for the benefit of others. The person becomes happy and prosperous. The person is interested in the work of social institutions.
Moon in Scorpio
The lord of Scorpio is Mars. Moon in Scorpio gives the result of debilitation up to 3 degrees. Debilitated Moon usually does not give auspicious results. Moon gives normal results in the remaining 27 degrees, due to the effect of the placement of the Moon in Scorpio, the person becomes wicked, discordant, restless, and weak. The person is a failure, the subordinate is treacherous and dissatisfied. Such a person who consumes narcotic substances is enamored. The native has an interest in religion.
Moon in Sagittarius
The lord of Sagittarius is Jupiter, which is a friend of the Moon, so the Moon in Sagittarius will be a friend of the zodiac and due to its influence, the person has a beautiful and stout body. The native is strong, wealthy, forthright, and honest. The person is a knower of many arts, has a pure character, is thrifty, and is a fortune-teller. The person receives royal honor.
Moon in Capricorn
Saturn is the lord of the sign of Capricorn. Saturn has a sense of equality with the Moon. Hence Capricorn is an even sign of the Moon. Under the influence of the Moon in Capricorn, the person is a musician, sensual, self-righteous, and performer of the rituals of Swakul in the best way. The person is also worried. The person is famous and has faith in religion. The person is a poet. He is also angry and greedy.
Moon in Aquarius
Saturn is the lord of Aquarius. Aquarius is an even sign of the Moon. Due to the position of the Moon in Aquarius, the person is the owner of a weak body. The person is of lazy nature. The native is a father-in-law and lives in the company of the wicked. Such a person is a very hardworking, unhappy confectioner and a member of a secret organization.
Moon in Pisces
Jupiter is the lord of Pisces. The position of the Moon in Pisces is considered auspicious. Due to the placement of the Moon in Pisces, the person becomes handsome and happy. The person is virtuous, virtuous and spends money on good deeds. The person is a scholar and has a religious inclination.
In astrology, the moon is considered the karaka of the mind. The auspicious and inauspicious effects of the moon have different effects on different zodiac signs. To know the auspicious and inauspicious effects of the moon, talk to astrology.