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Mercury Opposite Saturn - Know its Effects

Mercury Opposite Saturn - Know its Effects

Mercury opposite Saturn brings wisdom, knowledge, and incredible frustration and sadness. The frustration comes from an inability to connect with others personally. The reason for this is the lack of communication skills. Words are misinterpreted due to hearing problems or short attention spans. That's why you often think the worst or believe that others disagree with you or upset you.

The frustration comes from poor communication skills and an inability to share your knowledge in an understandable way. Your speech may sound stilted or very negative or technical. But there is hope as Shani is a late bloomer. The constant struggle to be heard and taken seriously can result in a mastery of communication, more often with the written word but sometimes with the spoken word.

The Internet provides an excellent opportunity to communicate more effectively, where extra time can be taken to fully understand and respond to messages. You also have a talent for understanding the deeper meaning of symbols and images.


Mercury Opposite Saturn Natal┬а

Mercury Opposite Saturn symbolizes a state of dynamic tension between the narratives of day-to-day life and the organizational structures within which you find yourself contained. If you were overly controlled by authority figures in your early development, there may be passive-aggressive attempts to reduce these, which may need to come out into the open as full-blown rebellion before the balance is restored.

If there was a lack of structure in the beginning, you may drift along without a clear purpose until something compels you to get more serious. It may happen that you need to balance any areas of life where things are tightly controlled and structured with others that are more fluid and spontaneous. Eventually, you will learn how to alternate between structure and stream of consciousness and will eventually have the freedom to choose either as your mindset or situation demands.


Mercury Opposite Saturn Synastry┬а

Mercury opposite Saturn Sankranti brings serious thinking, conversation, negativity, and gloom. Poor self-esteem can lead to communication difficulties and isolation. While studying or being alone at the computer will feel more comfortable than being in social situations, deep research provides a way to keep your mind busy.

Bad news or a very challenging situation is likely to arise, especially if you've been neglectful in some way in the past. However, you're probably looking at the worst in every case. This is not a day to make important decisions, especially regarding relationships. Also, avoid signing contracts or making significant investments. You may have a critical eye but may also make mistakes.


Mercury Opposite Saturn Transit┬а

Mercury Opposite Saturn Transit suggests a challenge to existing boundaries, structures, or authority hierarchies. Changes may be needed to allow more or less of these, but not allow them, or vice versa. This is usually a quick transit that comes about once per year, but often six to seven years or rarely thirteen years apart, Mercury will form a series of three oppositions with the middle occurring during retrograde motion.

This is a much more important transit that deals with an inner need to make major adjustments in your discipline and sense of authority. You may be asked to grant you the freedom that was previously unimaginable to you, or you may be required to ask for something that you either have no right to ask for or no reasonable expectation of receiving. It may be necessary to move things through various permutations before the pieces of the puzzle fall into place.


As a general rule, negative reasoning can prompt trouble and sorrow. Growing up, you might have been dependent upon harmful or unforgiving words from your folks, typically your dad, instructors, and other power figures. This type of negative conditioning can lead you to believe that people will criticize you later in life, when in fact they do not. Rewiring your brain with positive affirmations requires a conscious effort.

This requires consistent hard work, as does practicing to communicate clearly. Otherwise, depression and improper handling of affairs will lead to frustration and lack of opportunity. Others will then continue to see you as lonely, sad, abrupt, or hopeless. If you want to know more about Mercury opposite Saturn, talk to astrologers online.

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