Mercury Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant - Know its Effect
Sagittarius is a fire sign ruled by the planet Jupiter, which is recognized to be the most benefic of all the planets in astrology. Despite having a hostile relationship between Jupiter and Mercury, this position is good for the native as both the planets are auspicious and bring positive results. Mercury also employs them in the art of tact and diplomacy. They are highly motivated towards spirituality and more towards reading about spirituality.
If you belong to Sagittarius Ascendant, then Mercury is a malefic planet. Mercury is the lord of the 7th and 10th houses, so it is a deadly planet for you. The Mahadasha of Mercury will not prove to be a benefic planet. However, the dominant position of Mercury can be extremely beneficial when it is situated in its exaltation sign in Gemini, Virgo, or Pisces.
The conjunction of benefic planets like Jupiter and Venus can bring very auspicious results. During the Mahadasha of Mercury for 7 years, you will get high professional success and achievement. If the planet Mercury is in a good position then you are likely to get married to a good partner. However, Mercury situated in an inauspicious place can harm you a lot.
Results of Mercury Mahadasha for Sagittarius┬аAscendant
The effect of the Mahadasha of Mercury in the Sagittarius sign gives the person an opportunity to succeed through senior people. At this time the person is successful in demonstrating his intellectuality better in front of people. Married life can start, partner's support is less in love affairs. He can get the cooperation of his people. A person can achieve success through struggle.
Mercury is the lord of the seventh and tenth house in this Lagna Kundli. He has an equal relationship with Lagnesh Jupiter. Mercury God gives both good and bad results according to his position in the horoscope. When the deity of Mercury in the first, second, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth, and eleventh house is in progress, then it gives auspicious results to the native according to his capacity. Mercury placed in the third, fourth (debilitated zodiac), sixth, eighth, and twelfth house gives inauspicious results by losing its effectiveness. In any sense, the strength of the deity Mercury is increased by wearing an Emerald.
Positive Effects of Mercury Mahadasha for Sagittarius┬аAscendant
The person also has a strong desire to travel to religious places and books. They are philosophical, so enjoy this kind of judicious discussion. Psychology and religion also attract him as a subject of study. Mercury gives the native the skill of eloquent communication. Such a person is a skilled speaker, mostly proficient in writing. Foreign cultures and languages usually attract such people.
Their imagination is very fertile and interesting. These people make good storytellers and can also take up authorship as a profession as their ideas are often compelling and attractive. According to the horoscope of Sagittarius ascendant, Mercury is the lord of the seventh and tenth house and it represents the native's father's side, family environment, and position.
That's why the people of this ascendant have a relation with the prestige of their household. When Mercury is strong in Janam Kundli, Dashakal, or transit, such people are born into a prestigious family, in-laws are also very friendly and the environment of the household is also conducive to increasing prestige.
If there is Mercury in the ascendant, then the person is intelligent. In the Mahadasha of Directional Mercury, there is a possibility of profit from the work of the partnership. Married life is full of happiness. There is progress in daily income. Professional life remains in better condition. Such a person gets the support of money, family, and family.
The person is soft-spoken. Obstacles are easily removed in the Mahadasha of Mercury. There is a possibility of an increase in wealth after marriage. The person is very hardworking. A lot of hard work has to be done in professional life. Relations with their father are good, belief in religion. Travels abroad in the Mahadasha of Mercury.
Negative Effect of Mahadasha of Mercury on Sagittarius┬аascendant
When Mercury is weak in Janam Kundli, Dashakal, or transit, Sagittarius ascendants suffer in matters related to their father, in-laws' environment is not favorable for them, there is tension in the household as well and sometimes the matter even reaches the law. Here, due to the presence of Mercury in the eighth house, there is a hindrance in every work of the native. Tension remains in Buddha's Mahadasha / Antardasha. Wisdom does not support it. The family does not get along. Tension and depression remain. Some of the family members may face problems. There are always problems in hitched life.
The fear of accidents remains due to which expenses are incurred in court cases, and hospitals. One or the other tension remains in the Mahadasha of Mercury. A life partner is likely to face some problems. The working condition becomes very bad. The mind remains disturbed, the memory becomes weak. Expenses are incurred in the court case and hospital. The fear of accidents remains. Wasteful expenditure remains in the Mahadasha of Mercury. Married life is not happy, daily income decreases, and professional life gets spoiled. Foreign settlement can happen.
Moderate results of Mercury located here have been seen. The native will get less support of luck. However, there will be no shortage of the might of the native. The person must be hardworking. Generally speaking, such people do not get much benefit from siblings during their lifetime. Mercury is the lord of the seventh house in Sagittarius ascendant.
Being the lord of the seventh house, Mercury represents issues like women, sex, theft, quarrel, disturbance, nuisance, and fire in your life. To get auspicious results in the above subjects, it is necessary to have a powerful place of Mercury in your horoscope. Through Astrology phone consultation, you can know in detail about Mercury Mahadasha in Sagittarius Ascendant.