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Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

If the sight of the Moon is on Mercury, then the person is in good health, does charity, maintains the family, and is established. If the sight of Mars is on Mercury, the person becomes angry and breaks things. If the Guru's vision is on Mercury, then the person is talkative, devoted to his works, trustworthy, and knowledgeable. If Saturn's vision is on Mercury, then the person does bad deeds, lives in trouble due to friendship, and gets stuck in trouble.

Mrigashira Nakshatra is called the discoverer or researcher constellation. The person born in this nakshatra is a new builder or a woman staring at him. They are unhappy, travel lovers and collectors. They get busy with other work soon after completing the work. Their innovation or purchase and sale never stops. They are calm, like a deer, have sharp eyes, and are quick-witted.

Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person becomes of character. The native is as intelligent as Mercury. Due to loss of balance in wealth and old age, the person tends to forget things.

Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person is going to earn money from unimportant work. One who is fond of others' money and sees wealth and wealth is a destroyer of destiny.

Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is fortunate, full of wealth, calm nature, and has sex with more than one beautiful woman but after marriage, he becomes more in love with his wife.

Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person has to be patient, intelligent, believe in good results, engaged in female love, marrying more than one woman. The person suffers from stuttering or stuttering and diseases like TB. A devotee of God, secondary education but at the pinnacle of progress through faith and hard work, will be the head of the accounting or financial department.


Due to the presence of Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra, the person becomes forgetful due to pious character, scholar, and wealth, due to mental instability in old age. The person earns in frivolous ways and burns on the wealth of others. The person is fortunate, rich in wealth, basically peace-loving, having sexual relations with many women but only one marriage and deeply in love with their wife, Responsibility is the bearer. The person is patient, scholarly, optimistic, a lover of women, more than one marriage. Stuttering and TB disease may occur. If you want to know about the effect of Mercury in Mrigashira Nakshatra, then talk to the astrologer. Astrology can give the right guidance according to your Kundli.

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