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Meen Sankranti 2025 - Meena Sankranti

Meen Sankranti 2025 - Meena Sankranti

Sun enters Pisces, the last sign from Aries. The entry of the Sun into Pisces is called Pisces Sankranti. Meen Sankranti is considered a major festival of Hindus; Meen Sankranti is celebrated as the Sankranti of the last month of the year. According to the Hindu calendar, it is the last month of the year. Meen Sankranti is known as Meen Sankranti in South India. In some states of India like Punjab, Kerala, and Tamil Nadu, the festival of Meen Sankranti is celebrated at the beginning of every month while in Andhra Pradesh it is celebrated in the second half of every month.

It is believed that by bathing in holy rivers like Ganga, Yamuna, and Saraswati on this day, the sins of many births are washed away. Reciting Vedic mantras and making donations are considered extremely auspicious on this day. Take a bath in a holy river this morning at sunrise. If this is not possible, take a bath at home by mixing Ganga water in water. Salute the Sun God while taking a bath and pray to him for good health. On this day go to the temple and see God or worship God at home with incense, lamps, fruits, flowers, sweets, etc. After this, donate food, clothes, and other useful things to Brahmins and the needy. Donating land on this day is considered especially auspicious and fruitful. On this day, almost all the temples are beautifully decorated with flowers, and lamps are lit. The sins of all births are removed by the charity and good deeds done on this day. Meena Sankranti is celebrated with great enthusiasm in different parts of the country, especially in Odisha.

Meen Sankranti Importance

Meena Sankranti is said to have great importance in the scriptures. This day is not only considered holy and auspicious from the religious point of view but is also considered good practically. The speed of the Sun is moving towards Uttarayan from Pisces Sankranti. In this, the time of day increases, and the nights become shorter. Along with this, a new life begins in nature. At this time the atmosphere and air also become pure. In such a situation, by worshiping God, yoga, meditation, and worship, the body, mind, and intellect become strong.

At this time due to short nights, negative forces also decrease, and energy is gained during the day. That's why it is considered very auspicious to bathe in charity during the holy period. One can get merit by taking baths in pilgrimage places. The festival of Meena Sankranti is the holy festival of worshipping the Sun, through which the strength of body, mind, and soul can be attained.

The great importance of Meen Sankranti has been told in the scriptures. This day is not only considered sacred and auspicious from the religious point of view but practically also considered good. From Meen Sankranti, the speed of the Sun is moving towards Uttarayan, in the Uttarayan period, the Sun appears to rise towards the North and the time of the day increases, due to which the days increase and the nights become shorter and a new life begins in nature. At this time, the environment and the air are also clean, in such a situation, by worshiping God, meditation, yoga, and worship, the body, mind, and intellect become strong. Due to the short nights, there is also a reduction in negative forces and energy is gained during the day. It is considered very auspicious to do charity, bath, etc. in this auspicious period. Punya Kaal can be taken to take a bath in pilgrimage or religious places. The festival of Meen Sankranti is a holy festival of worship of the Sun, which gives strength to the body, mind, and soul.

Auspicious Work on Meen Sankranti

  • Auspicious works are not done on the day of Meen Sankranti.

  • On the day of Meen Sankranti, auspicious works like naming, marriage rituals, and housewarming are not done.

  • Ear piercing, Annaprashan, and Upanayana rituals are not performed on this day.

  • On the day of Meen Sankranti, auspicious works like starting education and worshiping things are not done.

Meen Sankranti Punya Kaal

  • The deity is worshiped on the day of Meen Sankranti.

  • Arghya is offered to the Sun God on this day.

  • Sesame, clothes, and grains are donated on the day of Meen Sankranti.

  • Feeding a cow on the day of Meen Sankranti is considered auspicious.

  • Donating yellow clothes on Thursday of Malmas is considered auspicious.

  • Bathing is done in holy rivers on the day of Meen Sankranti.

Meen Sankranti Puja Vidhi

  • It is believed that taking a bath in the rivers Ganga, Jamuna, and Saraswati on the day of Meen Sankranti washes away the sins of many births.

  • Vedic mantras are chanted on this day. Donating on Meena Sankranti is considered auspicious.

  • On this day, at sunrise, a bath is taken in a holy river. If it is not possible to do this, then one should bathe at home by mixing Gangajal in water.

  • While taking a bath, salutations are made to the Sun God and he is prayed for good health.

  • On this day God is seen in the temple and God is worshiped at home with incense, lamps, sweets, etc.

  • On this day all the temples are beautifully decorated with flowers and lamps are lit.

  • On this day, the sins of all births are removed by doing charitable deeds.

  • The festival of Meen Sankranti is celebrated with great enthusiasm across the country.

Story of Meen Sankranti

Jupiter is considered to be of special importance in astrology because Pisces is the sign of Jupiter and due to the entry of the Sun in it, the activity of Jupiter decreases due to the effect of the Sun. That's why this time is known as Kharmas or Malmas. That's why the story of Kharmas has special importance in Meen Sankranti.

According to the legend, once the Sun God went with him on a chariot of horses to circumambulate the universe. During this, they do not need to stay anywhere. Due to continuous running for many months, the horses of the chariot of Suraj Dev get tired and they also start feeling thirsty. They get worried seeing this condition of the horses. Surya Dev reached the bank of a pond with his horses but only then he remembered that if he stopped then life in the world would stop. Suraj Dev got upset and started looking here and there.

That's why they see two Khar i.e. Gandharva on the banks of the pond. Surya Dev leaves the chariot horses to rest on the bank of the pond and replaces the horses with Khar, but the speed of Khar is not as fast as the horses. Therefore, due to their slow motion, the speed of the chariot also slows down. Still, somehow Suryadev completed the cycle of 1 month.

Importance of donation on Meen Sankranti

Donating special things on the auspicious day of Meen Sankranti is considered very auspicious. Mostly this day is considered the day to receive divine blessings. It is considered a very auspicious day to do charity on the day of Meen Sankranti. Food, clothes etc. are donated to Brahmins and the needy on Meen Sankranti.

Donating land on the day of Meen Sankranti brings immense happiness, prosperity, and growth. That's why donating on the day of Meen Sankranti is considered to be of special importance.


Although all Sankrantis have special importance, on the day of Meen Sankranti, Ganga baths and donations are considered especially fruitful. On this day, getting up early in the morning, Lord Suryadev is worshiped with rituals. In astrology, the Sun God is considered to be the factor of soul and respect, therefore, on Sankranti, bathing in the Ganges and worshiping the Sun God brings prestige. Aditya Hridaya Strot should be recited on the day of Sankranti to destroy the secret enemies and remove negative energy from the mind. To know more about the date, auspicious time, and importance of Pisces Sankranti, talk to astrologers.

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