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Meaning of OM - OM Chanting Benefits

Meaning of OM - OM Chanting Benefits

Om has great importance religiously and spiritually. In religions like Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism, the sound of Om or AUM or Omkar is considered sacred. Om is the symbol of peace. OM word is inside our mind and also outside. Om is a sacred symbol of various religions including Hinduism. Most of the mantras also originated from Om. In it lies the essence of the entire universe.

Om is not just a sacred sound but a symbol of eternal power, the word Om is made up of three syllables. A U M - A means to rise, U means to rise i.e. development, and M means to calm down.


OM Meaning


A - Vibrates in the lower part of the body (closer to the stomach).

U - There is vibration in the middle part of the body (closer to the chest).

M - There is vibration in the upper part of the body i.e. (brain).


The pronunciation of the word Om gives many physical, mental, and spiritual benefits. When we meditate, a sound is heard inside the mind. This sound is of Om. Even when we inhale, the sound of Om emerges. It is directly related to God. Om is Brahman. Om is such a sound that can never be destroyed. Om is made up of three letters, A, U, and M.

The importance of Om has been told in many scriptures. It is said in the Bhagavad Gita that the person who renounces his body while chanting Om attains the Supreme. By the way, the description of the origin of Om has not been given anywhere. According to some beliefs, Om originated from the mouth of Shiva. Although Om (AUM) is mentioned in many Upanishads from Rigveda and Yajurveda. It is said in the Manduka Upanishad that what is always present everywhere in the world, in the past, future, and present and beyond, is Om.

Means Om has always been, is, and will be in this universe. It can never be eroded. This is a regular sound. When there will be no noise in this universe only one sound will be heard and that is OM (AUM).

In Jainism, Arinhat, Siddha, Acharya, Upadhyay, and Munis are considered Panch Parmeshthi. If their basic letters are mixed, then the sound of Om comes out. Guru Nanak Dev, the founder of Sikhism, had said that one Omkar Satnam means Omkar is the unalterable truth. There is a limit to all the words we speak. But there is no limit to Om. It is unlimited.


OM Chanting Benefits


If you are suffering from stress or depression then Om plays an important role in it. For this, you should close your eyes for some time with a concentrated mind and chant the OM mantra, due to which positive energy will circulate around you and your mind will be calm. Due to this man feels mental peace and his mental development takes place.

It also plays an important role in the smooth flow of blood in your body. By chanting it continuously and daily, the blood circulation in your body remains smooth, due to which you get many health benefits.

If you are troubled by the problem of not sleeping or getting less sleep, then this mantra can help you in this too. While sleeping at night, recite this mantra with a calm mind and do it for 10 minutes. This will not only make you sleepy but will also keep you away from negative dreams.

When we chant the Om mantra, it concentrates our mind and brain and our intelligence becomes sharp. Continuous chanting of this increases your memory and strengthens your consciousness.

The syllables you pronounce in this mantra vibrate in our throat, heart, and navel which keep our body parts healthy. With this, your lungs become stronger than before and your heart remains healthy.

By chanting this regularly, your digestive system also works smoothly, and your digestive power increases. You avoid the problems of indigestion, constipation, diarrhea, etc.


In Hinduism, the word Om has been given the noun of the most important word, which is above all mantras and words. Om is a complete mantra in itself which is recited before every religious work and Yagya. Even when a child's Upanayana Sanskar is performed, that is, when his education is started, he is first made to chant the Om mantra. Om is such a word that resonates in the entire universe and even a dumb person can pronounce it. There is no need to tell the importance of this word separately, but today we will go deep into it and know why so much importance is given to the word Om. If you want to know more about the importance of Om then talk to astrologers.

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