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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Mars

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Mars

How the Dasha of Mars will give you results depends on whether Mars is an auspicious planet in your horoscope or not. It is also important whether Mars is strong or weak and in which house it is in the horoscope. If Mars is exalted, self-determination, auspicious from here, inauspicious from the center, in the house of the triangle, income, and happiness, then it gives auspicious results in its Dasha and Antardasha. If the strong Mars is related to Dhanesh, then the person gets the blessings of the state in its Dasha. You get a job in the army or paramilitary force, you get the rank of commander, you get a military or police medal, and if you are a businessman then your business shines. The person becomes joyful but cruel, and the heat in the blood rises.


What is Mars Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


According to astrology predictions, in the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Mars lasts for twenty-seven days for four months. Is. The person dominates others and there is an excess of anger in him. The person remains enthusiastic and hardworking and achieves progress. There is also an increase in cruelty and emotionlessness in the person. In inauspicious houses, due to the combination and effect of low and enemy signs and inauspicious planets, the Antardasha of Mars in the Mahadasha of Mars is inauspicious, fruitful, and painful. The person is disappointed. He is humiliated by others because of his excessive anger. The person remains unhappy and afflicted.


Mars Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, Mercury's Antardasha lasts for eleven months and twenty-seven days. If Mercury is benefic and is in Kendra, triangle or benefic place, then the Antardasha of Mercury in the Mahadasha of Mars gives auspiciousness to the native. The person works hard along with his intelligence. The person gets to profit in business. The person gets happiness and wealth. Under the influence of inauspicious places and malefic planets, the person's intellect gets tainted by Mercury. There is a loss in business and the person cheats. Due to discord and patient nature, the person suffers. Stomach and skin-related diseases also afflict the native.


Mars Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for one year and two months. Antardasha of auspicious Venus in the Mahadasha of Mars makes a person fickle, lustful, jealous, and spiteful. The native gets land by the grace of the state. The interest of the natives increases in drama, music, cinema, dance, songs, etc. In the Antardasha of Venus, which is associated with malefic planets, is visible or inauspicious, weak and enemy signs, the person has to travel abroad. Coming in contact with a low woman leads to a loss of wealth and respect. The health of the native deteriorates. The native remains unhappy with discord, grief, pain, and fear.


Mars Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of the Sun lasts for four months and six days. In the Mahadasha of Mars, when the Antardasha of the exalted, self-signed, benefic planets or the visible Sun moves, then the person receives special benefits from the state. The native deserves the blessings of high officials. The natives can defeat the enemies. The person gets happiness. In debilitated and enemy signs, under the influence of malefic planets, weak Sun's Antardasha and Mars' Mahadasha are troublesome. The native may suffer loss, loss related to ancestral property. The parents of the natives get troubled. The native suffers from diseases. Mental stress and loss make the native unhappy.


Mars Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


The Moon's Antardasha lasts for seven months in the Mahadasha of Mars. In the Mahadasha of auspicious Mars, when the Antardasha of a good and strong moon moves, then the person gets special benefits from the business of white goods and metals. The person remains happy and healthy. The person remains sick and worried. The mind of the person remains unsteady. The person lives in the dream world and thinks of high works.


Mars Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Ketu lasts for four months and twenty-seven days. The native gets happiness and peace in the Antardasha of auspicious Ketu. The enthusiasm of the natives increases. There is an increase in his reading and hospitality. In the Dasha of inauspicious Ketu, the person remains fearful, frustrated, and suffering from diseases. The person is unhappy due to failure, and unnecessary trouble.


Mars Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Rahu lasts for one year and eighteen days. Both Mars and Rahu are naturally malefic planets. In the Mahadasha of Mars, mixed results are obtained in the Antardasha of Rahu. If there is a difference between auspicious Rahu in the Mahadasha of auspicious Mars, then the person suddenly gets a house, land, and money. The person defeats the enemies. Under the influence of inauspicious Rahu, the person becomes arrogant, greedy, quarrelsome, and suffering. The native has stomach-related disorders.


Mars Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Saturn is of one year, one month, and one day. In the Antardasha of Saturn in Mars Mahadasha; Mixed results like Antardasha of Rahu. The person indulges in cruel deeds and gets wealth. In inauspicious houses and the enemy's debilitated Saturn taints the intellect of the person and he engages in cruel and despicable deeds. The person quarrels with the relatives and gets hurt, and humiliated.


Mars Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Mars, the Antardasha of Jupiter lasts for eleven months and six days. In the Dasha of auspicious Mars, if the Antardasha of a benefic Jupiter continues, then the person gets success. They get success and progress. The native's interest in religious works increases. The person gets happiness. In the Antardasha of an inauspicious and weak Jupiter, the person gets mental distress and failure. The person becomes patient.

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