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Mars and Moon Conjunction - Mangal Chandra Yuti

Mars and Moon Conjunction - Mangal Chandra Yuti

If there is a conjunction of Mars and Moon in any house of the Kundli then Dhan Yoga is fashioned. Due to its effect, a person benefits a lot. The native gets all kinds of happiness, wealth, prosperity, respect, and prestige.

Mangal Chandra Yuti 

In Mangal Chandra Yuti, Moon is a symbol of fluidity and is the factor of mind, while on the other hand, Mars is the factor of courage and energy. When these two come together, amazing abilities develop in the person and he earns a lot of names in the world. The result may change depending on which zodiac sign and which house both planets are located in the birth chart. In Mangal Chandra Yuti, both the planets are auspicious and strong and if they are sitting together then the person earns money in the right way. If both the planets are in inauspicious symptoms then the person can grow to be rich even by using unethical techniques.

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 1st House of the Kundali

Having Mars and Moon conjunction in the first house makes the person adventurous in addition to innovative-minded. Their body is attractive due to which they attract people towards them, they have the ability to face any situation in life. A person also has a feeling of kindness towards others.

If Mars and Moon are inauspicious and sit together in the first house of the horoscope, it can make a person angry, and stubborn, such people suffer a lot by making wrong decisions in haste. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 1st House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 2nd House of the Kundali

If there may be a conjunction of auspicious and robust Mars and Moon in the 2d house, then the individual becomes rich and makes an exceptional call in society along with his artwork of speak.

If there is an inauspicious conjunction of Mars and Moon in the 2nd house of the horoscope, then the person may be short-tempered, argue a lot, life partner may remain ill, there may be difficulty in saving, etc. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 2nd House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 3rd House of the Kundali

If the auspicious and malefic Mars and Moon are sitting together in the third house of the horoscope, then the person is mighty, travels has good relations with brothers and sisters, and does some business together. The person has an amazing ability to take risks, on the basis of which he makes a lot of progress.

If Mars and Moon are inauspicious in the third house of the horoscope, then the person is not able to make full use of his powers, and problems remain in life due to family discord. Relations with in-laws can also get spoiled. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 3rd House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 4th House of the Kundali

The conjunction of auspicious and effective Moon-Mars within the fourth house of the horoscope makes the local wealthy, with the benefits of the mother, the works of the person are proved. The native earned a lot of fame in his field of work. Such people also get a lot of happiness from land and vehicles and the family also gets all the comforts and facilities.

If there is a conjunction of inauspicious Mars and Moon in the fourth house of the horoscope, then the person goes through family problems. The mother is suffering or is not getting the support of the mother. The person's money is spent a lot on the maintenance of land and vehicles. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 4th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 5th House of the Kundali

In this house, due to the conjunction of auspicious and strong Mars and Moon, the person is lucky, he gets an amazing toddler, and there is a possibility of getting cash from the lottery, percentage marketplace, or speculative marketplace. Such people make a special image in love life. Such people associated with the arena of arts and sports additionally have the potential to earn a whole lot of name, reputation, and money.

If there may be an inauspicious Mars and Moon conjunction in the 5th house of the horoscope, then the individual can also need to face child-related issues. If it's inside the horoscope of a woman, then she can also have to face abortion, and the kid may be susceptible. The individual Can gamble and lose money in the market. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 5th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 6th House of the Kundali

The conjunction of auspicious and powerful Mars and the 6th house makes the native powerful, defeats enemies, and gets success in legal matters. The life partner of such people is also rich and has a special interest in the art world.

An inauspicious Mars and moon conjunction in the 6th house of the horoscope can make the native sick, and indebted, ruin married life, and get entangled in legal matters. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 6th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 7th House of the Kundali

The auspicious and effective Mars and conjunction in the 7th house assist the person in building a terrific network. The native gets an intelligent life partner. There is tremendous success in business.

If there is an inauspicious combination of Mars and Moon in the seventh house of the horoscope, then the person's marital life is bad and there is betrayal in relationships. There are problems in partnership work and betrayal is found by close people. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 7th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 8th House of the Kundali

Due to the conjunction of auspicious and strong Mars and Moon within the eighth house, the person receives abundant wealth now and then. The native is capable of achieving success in any challenging task. Such people have the ability to go deep into any subject. Can earn money from investigative work.

Inauspicious Mars and Moon conjunction within the eighth house of the horoscope creates conflict in lifestyles. An individual becomes a sufferer of a twist of fate now and again. Have to go through money loss, there is trouble in relationships. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 8th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 9th House of the Kundali

The auspicious and powerful Mars and Moon conjunction in this house makes the person religious and sends him toward the works of social service. Such people try to understand spirituality properly and move ahead. The person becomes ideal for others as well.

The inauspicious conjunction of Mars and Moon in the 9th house of the horoscope leads the person towards superstition, the person incurs unnecessary expenses to show false glory. A person does not miss taking support of impure knowledge to fulfill his desires. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 9th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 10th House of the Kundali

The auspicious and powerful Mars and Moon conjunction within the 10th house offers call and repute to the native, helps in getting a central authority job, and makes connections with higher officers. A person has leadership ability on the basis of which he gets a different name.

An inauspicious Mars and Moon conjunction in the 10th house of the horoscope keeps the local embroiled in controversies, he no longer gets proper consequences for his hard work, and there is lots of hassle in progress in his job or enterprise. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 10th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 11th House of the Kundali

In this sense, the combination of auspicious and strong Mars and Moon gives a successful life to the person, his every wish is fulfilled, and there are many sources of income. The native has respect in the society, he has a lot of wealth, and the children of the native are also virtuous and famous.

If there is an inauspicious Mars and Moon conjunction in the 11th house, then life becomes a struggle. The economic condition is not good. You have to live by killing your desires. The native may be engaged in earning money even through unethical activities. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 11th House

Mars and Moon Conjunction in the 12th House of the Kundali

The auspicious and powerful Mars and Moon conjunction in 12th house inspires the native to lead an open life. Such people want to live life with all the comforts. The person gets the fortune of earning money even after going abroad. Such people get benefits from travel.

The inauspicious conjunction of Mars and Moon conjunction in 12th of the horoscope can put the native in debt. The natives may waste money on immoral activities. Such people lead an arbitrary life and suffer a lot. There is a lot of difficulty in saving. Read more about Mars and Moon Conjunction in 12th House


If the Moon and Mars are auspicious and strong in the horoscope, then they make a person courageous, intelligent, and wealthy. If both the planets are inauspicious in the horoscope, it can make a person angry, indulge in immoral activities, be stubborn, harm health, cause family problems, etc. If you are troubled by the combination of Mars and Moon in the horoscope and its negative effects, then talk to an astrologer to know the remedy.

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