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Mars and Mercury Conjunction - Mangal Budh Yuti

Mars and Mercury Conjunction - Mangal Budh Yuti

Mars is action, free will, and the will to get things done, it is our life force to accomplish something, Mars is inevitability, and it is our ability to take a step. Mars is indecisive and uncontrollable, it signifies anger and increases sexual vitality, enthusiasm, and vitality in us. Mars is a discipline in development.

Mercury talks about siblings, neighbors, separation, knowledge, information, communication, speech, business, board, decisions, and coherent personality. Brothers and sisters, it talks about the energy in our nature. Mercury is neutral by nature. This is indicated by the sign in which it is situated and with which planets. If it sets with a benefic planet, it becomes auspicious and if it sets with an inauspicious planet, it becomes inauspicious. Mercury represents our fiery personality and is the planet of regular expression and correspondence. It refers to our interests and what everyday issues we find rationally attractive and motivating.


Mangal Budh Yuti┬а

The strong Mangal Budh Yuti gives independent personality, words in real life, the courage to express what you think, and the courage to stand behind your words. The native may be forceful or excessively obstinate in self-expression. Mercury is the factor of speech, the person is vigorous in every way, restless, talkative with power, clever, straight high opposite thinking. When all is said, the native is interested, eager, and furious in your correspondence.

Mars is the life force and protective, when these individuals talk they talk deeply, boldly, cautiously, and brutally. Depending on the sign of the combination, the person may be intelligent and have an explanatory personality. If Mangal Budh Yuti is in the exalted position of Mercury, there is generally good conversation, discussion, and correspondence in the life of the native. They have good power to convince people about their ideas and plans.

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 1st House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 1st House of Navansh makes him intelligent, witty and has excellent communication skills. Mars and Mercury conjunction in the first house enables great negotiation skills and practical ideas. These people attract life partners with good looks and funny nature. Benefic Mercury allows the natives to start a marital journey full of knowledge and wealth. They will earn good wealth through their matrimonial relations. After some time, they may face some debt due to business ventures, but they can recover well after the birth of a child. Marital life is generally smooth and harmonious.

If Mars and Mercury are afflicted, they can be punitive and cynical. They may go through unknown issues in spiritual quests. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury can work well in the digital world, making the native smart and clever, capable of hacking any system or breaching any security. Read more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 1st House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 2nd House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 2nd House, his clear, unique way of communication, and transparency in words earn him love from his family members. He will be a popular figure in all your circles, workplace, friends, and family. Many people will be attracted to you. They will get full support from friends and acquaintances. These natives attract scholars and people with powerful knowledge. These natives may initially feel worried about your love affair. They should give time to build trust and confidence in their love relationship. Being patient and alert is the key to being successful in married life. His speech and writing skills will add value to his career. These people will accumulate immense wealth before the age of 36 years.┬а

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 2nd house is beneficial, their relationship with the marital partner will be deep and strong. They will take pleasure in imparting your knowledge to your children. If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the second house is spoiled, the natives may face challenges in expressing their love and desires in their marriage. This misunderstanding can spoil their love relationship and they can get separated from their lover.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 2nd House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 3rd House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 3rd House makes the native eager to learn new things, read, write, and implement new ideas. He will have a huge library in his house. They are fond of taking short trips and meeting new people. They are highly communicative and love talking to people. Their brother-sister bond is so strong that no one can break it. He will get wonderful support from his siblings. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 3rd house enables the native to express his thoughts in the most unique way. These natives marry an influential person in the world of public speaking journalism or writing. Native travels a lot for his education or business reasons. They are able to do many things at the same time and this can affect their relationship with their spouse and children.

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 3rd house can give the native a half-baked knowledge of things, yet make him pretend as if he knows everything. This is also because of his diverse interests in diverse fields. Sometimes, they do not take their love life seriously and fail to be loyal to their lover. Often they may face confusion about being religious and moral.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 3rd House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 4th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 4th House is a beneficial place in the fourth house. They have a natural sense of right and wrong; His level of understanding is much higher than others. They may inherit good wealth from their parents and may create a business empire in medical or other social establishment. The native will marry a person who is sociable, forthright, and has a clear outlook towards life. They may be ardent devotees of Lord Shiva. Their life partner will be fond of animals and pets, especially dogs. If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury is afflicted in the fourth house, then the life partner of the native may be highly irritable and gossipy. They may hurt the sentiments and sensibilities of others which may lead to many differences in the family especially with the native's mother.

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 4th house gives tremendous growth and strength in their career. The native often becomes very proud of his power and authority at his workplace. They like to be in control of everything in the household, from the budget to finances and even life decisions for their children. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the fourth house blesses the natives with extremely talented and intelligent children.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 4th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 5th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 5th House expresses most of the characteristics of the native. These people develop well even under pressure, struggle, and are successful in dealing with any difficult problem. They are very analytical about everything in their life. They love to collect and collate information to nurture the analytical part of their brain. His love for speculative trading, investments, accountancy, and finance knows no bounds. Their analytical skills come in handy in their respective business ventures. Through these ventures, they get huge amounts of money. They spend most of it on holidays and pilgrimages. They attract a partner who likes to exaggerate and places recognition on their material possessions. Sometimes, his partner may have married the native only for his money and talent.

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the fifth house gives instructions to the natives about their previous birth virtues towards their children. They are gifted or gifted children with proficiency in memory power. Their children can bring laurels to their parents by becoming popular in the fields of literature, music, or science. If the combination of Mars and Mercury in the fifth house is bad in this house, then the person may have health-related problems in the child or children. He will not have any love or good communication with his life partner.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 5th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 6th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 6th House is a moderate position. It indicates weak memory, indecisive nature, and causeless worry. Since the sixth house is a house that deals with obstacles, obstructions, and challenges, the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the sixth house may bring some hiccups in the early stages of childhood. These people lack attention or enthusiasm towards learning or studying in school. They may have problems adjusting to the changing environment. They grow up to be business-oriented and rude. Interestingly, the combination of debilitated Mars and Mercury in the sixth house gives the ability to survive difficult situations in business. These natives attract a person who has the most optimistic outlook on life. They can add value to the business ideas of the natives.

Since the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the sixth house has shades of duality, the results of the position vary depending on the aspect it receives and its association with other planets. Bad predictions or visions on the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the sixth house can create mental health issues. This indicates a history of mental insanity or partial insanity in his paternal lineage. If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the sixth house is in Aries, then the native can solve his challenges in the most frank, unsophisticated way.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 6th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 7th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 7th House of Navansh Kundli makes the native intelligent, flirtatious, witty, and flamboyant in nature. They will be respectable, popular, well-organized, and very generous in nature. The combination of Mars and Mercury in the seventh house brings a sociable nature to the natives. Everyone immediately feels the growth of his native and his circle of friends. Even if they break up with their lover, they remain extremely friendly and cordial with their partner. The native may marry a person who may be a poet, journalist, astrologer, or tarot reader. There is also a possibility of their life partner being a psychiatrist. On the contrary, even if the native marries an illiterate person, they will exhibit great natural intelligence, worldly knowledge, and great character.

If the seventh house is a zodiac sign ruled by Mars or Saturn or Sun, then the native may use his wit and intelligence to hurt his marital partner. They can use their extensive understanding of human behavior to blackmail others, make anonymous calls, or make prank calls. If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the seventh house is in a debilitated sign, the native's spouse may be very conscious of the outer world, material life, and status. They may not be focused on the good upbringing of their children.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 7th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 8th House of the Kundali

This is a wonderful position for the Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 8th House. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the eighth house as karakas of astrology makes the native naturally intelligent in palmistry, astrology, and mysticism. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the eighth house greatly affects sexual preferences, opponents, settling abroad, and love affairs. These natives attract the most fortune through their marriage, they receive benefits through joint accounts through their spouses. The combination of Mars and Mercury in the eighth house helps the natives to win big in betting, lottery, or casino gambling. They earn maximum money through hidden resources during the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the Dasha Budha period in the eighth house.

The combination of Mars and Mercury in the eighth house also gives an edge in occult knowledge, spiritual activities, and astrology. If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the eighth house is bad in this house, the native may be very sinful in his thoughts and actions. They often get involved in ugly fights which deprive their life of any happiness in their family. They may be addicted to gambling and theft. At times, their marriage may be a marriage of convenience, leading to a highly transactional way of life and a lack of compatibility.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 8th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 9th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 9th House of Navamsa Kundli makes the native pious, intelligent, inspiring, and spiritual. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the ninth house makes the native interested in higher studies like Doctorate, Linguistics, and Philosophy. They have incomparable patience to go as deep as they want in any branch of study. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the ninth house gives an insatiable thirst for knowledge. His interest and talent in music will be great. They share a very good relationship with their younger siblings.┬а

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the ninth house helps the native to attract an enthusiastic, influential person with a spiritual bent of mind. His life partner often brings the inspiring qualities of the native to society. His marriage partner would be quick-witted, good at language translation, and an influential teacher in the community. They make great parents and their children will be very respectful towards them. The natives having conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the ninth house take a lot of pride in their deep knowledge and credibility in the society. They may fail to see the bigger picture more often than not and get stuck in simple things that have little relevance. After marriage, their cordial relations with their siblings may become strained.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 9th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 10th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 10th House, as the planet of knowledge, intelligence, and communication, works well in the house of job/profession. The natives with the conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the tenth house look very young and attractive. He will have a talented mother and will inherit the thirst for learning from his maternal lineage. People like to befriend the natives. These people make great bosses and powerful leaders in whatever they do. He may be a powerful spiritual leader or head of a spiritual organization, author of great literary works, or a novelist. These people are surrounded by people wherever they go because of their sociable nature and knowledge. He will have great recognition and prestige in the society.┬а

The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the tenth house helps them to attract a learned spouse with a great family pedigree and career. Their life partner will be very capable and talented in their profession. When the conjunction of Mars and Mercury is in the tenth house, the native may use his skills for the wrong reasons like forging documents or fake paperwork or issuing controversial articles to create a stir in the society. Their life partner will not like their behavior which may lead to separation.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 10th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 11th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 11th House makes the native generous, attractive, and pleasant. They will have many love affairs which provide physical and emotional satisfaction. Most of their youth is spent in love life. Due to this, they also become popular in their friend circle. The elder siblings of the native will be very helpful in the career of the native. His younger siblings can provide financial support to the natives till his career becomes stable. He would make a great speaker and writer. Their unique ability to express their thoughts and ideas brings them great career growth. His wit and words of wisdom will affect many readers and give him the joy of inspiring others. These people will always be in the social headlines. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 11th house helps in finding a life partner who will be equally proficient in his/her career. They will be adept in handling all family and domestic things.

In married life, these natives may be weak in being romantic and doing special things for their partner. The natives having a conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 11th house are clever enough to get what they want. Their mind is always filled with countless new ideas which makes it completely impossible for them to concentrate on family life.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 11th House

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 12th House of the Kundali

Mars and Mercury Conjunction in the 12th House makes the native great at learning new languages. They will go abroad for their education and higher studies. They will be fond of sports that demand skill and talent. As his age increases, his spiritual intelligence increases. They will have little or no attachment to their family. These natives will settle abroad and make friends. The conjunction of Mars and Mercury in the 12th house indicates unexpected gains through marriage. They can marry someone outside their homeland and inherit family property through them. The native enjoys being gallant, virtuous, and a great host.

If the conjunction of Mars and Mercury is bad in the 12th house, then the native may suffer a loss due to the marital partner. There can be loss of family property or problems in relationships. There may be misunderstandings between the native and his children. The native may behave differently from his children.┬аRead more about Mars and Mercury Conjunction in 12th House


These two are enemy planets. While Mars is an inauspicious malefic, Mercury is an efficient malefic and this conjunction of Mars and Mercury undoubtedly makes a person quick-tempered and alert. Mars and Mercury combination must be named great if both are emphatically set in a natal chart. Such natives frequently cut off friction in relationships. Moreover, they regularly get problematic mates are attracted to lowly individuals, and have less martial happiness in life and conflict in progeny. If you are troubled by the combination of Mars and Mercury in the Kundali and its negative effects, then talk to an astrologer to know the remedy.

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