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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Horoscope Of India

Horoscope Of India

According to the horoscope of India, Chirag Bejan Daruwalla says this year also the Mahadasha of the planet will be there. According to the horoscope of India, the planets can be in mighty houses. In such a situation, the administrators of India will work hard to take India towards progress. At present, the people of the country may have to face health-related problems due to the retrograde of planets. Incidents like minor illnesses can trouble the countrymen. But business will improve rapidly. India's growth rate will increase. The country will move forward by balancing import-export. Some problems will come. Some big and developed countries will try to pressure India directly or indirectly according to their advantage, but India will be successful in persuading the world powers and taking forward its work with its diplomatic and understanding. There will be some troubles till April 2024. The country will move faster after April.

People will feel relief from the political and social scenario. From April, Venus will also reach its strong position, that is, it will come in its own zodiac. The number of country lovers and people who uplift India will increase a lot. The administrative class will also try to work actively in taking the country to heights. There will also be a qualitative improvement in the field of religion and work. After April, Saturn will also be retrograde in Aquarius. The country will move towards entrepreneurship. The infrastructure of the country will develop and the country will be able to move forward. Business activities will progress rapidly in the country. However, internal mistrust and accusations, and political upheaval can trouble the country. In the southern parts, where natural calamities will be formed. On the other hand, foreign powers can create some problems in North-West India. Anti-India forces can play an active role in the North-West ie Kashmir and Punjab. It can disturb the internal affairs of India. The government will also have to make a special plan of action for these two states so that foreign powers cannot dominate and do not interfere too much in the internal affairs of India.

But in the midst of these challenges, India will also be able to play an important role in building its credibility and identity. From the diplomatic perspective, where India will be successful in handling the superpowers, the country may also have to face problems due to over-confidence toward neighboring countries like China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal. By taking these countries into confidence, they can harm India indirectly by collaborating with foreign powers. In this, special vigilance will have to be maintained from China and Pakistan. India will rapidly increase its GDP. This rock can continue for many years. Anti-social elements of the country who are sitting in various government sectors, social sectors, and political sectors will try to weaken the country with their devious tricks. Although sometimes they will be able to play an important role in the opposition. Will play the role of aggressive towards the government regarding jobs, and business. For the strength of his party, the government will not hesitate to make attachments with anti-nationals in order to occupy power. Due to this foreign powers can create some problems in the internal affairs of India. The hold of good people i.e. country lovers will continue. These people will not be able to succeed much in spreading social and religious disparities.

Will try to run universal schemes for the welfare of the people. In which the government will get a lot of success, but due to the influence of Ketu and the strong position of Saturn, some anti-social elements can spread confusion. May try to take political advantage by defaming the government by spreading class or caste conflict. They may also get some success due to the influence of malefic planets. But due to the strong position of Jupiter, Sun, and other auspicious planets, the public's faith in the government will remain constant. Due to this, the government will be successful in making development and progress in every field. There will be some obstacles, due to which situations of confusion will also arise. Public confidence in the government will start to decrease. Problems like employment and employment can also give stress to the government, but due to the effect of the combination of auspicious planets, the government will be able to clear the misconceptions of the public and maintain its readiness to play a leading role in the proper development of the country. Will be successful.


Chirag Daruwalla says that this year with little ups and downs strikes a balance between diseases while solving internal problems on the world stage. The country will be successful in playing its important role. India's credibility will increase. Different countries of the world will give respect to India. Due to this, the people of India will get success in increasing jobs and business in the world. India will continue to have a respectable place in the world fraternity.

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