The manner in which the planets are placed in the houses of Kundali can form different Dosha. These Dosha need to be identified. They can adversely affect your life. It is important to find out about the Dosha and take the necessary steps to cure them. Our Astrology consultations can help you analyze your Kundali and identify the Dosha if any. We will also make you understand the effects and remedies so that the effect can be reduced or removed.
What is Mangal Dosha in Kundali?
Mangal Dosha happens when the planet Mars falls in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or twelfth house in your Kundali. The person who has Mars residing in any of these houses is called Manglik because of the Mangal Dosha. This Dosha affects the marriage life very dreadfully. It can be a hurdle for marriages to take place and if married, it creates severe friction in married life.
As per Astrology, if two Mangliks get together, the dreadful effect gets nullified. And therefore, it is important to check astrological compatibility before getting into any relationship.
Effects of Mangal Dosha
The major effect of a Mangal Dosha is on marriages. It can be a reason for marriages not happening. It can also be a reason for high disturbances in marriages that have somehow taken place. It can lead to frustration, irritation, and short temper too. Constant dissatisfaction with everything, restlessness, and mental disturbances can be an outcome of Mangal Dosha. There are possibilities of an increase in your enemies.
Effects of Mangal Dosha in Marriage
The fiercest effects of Mangal Dosha are on Marriages. Before and after тАУ both.┬а
If Mars remains in the twelfth house in the Kundali, then the person experiences deterioration in mental as well as physical health, which reflects on all relations, more so with spouses.
Remedies of Mangal Dosha in the Kundali
Following remedies can reduce or remove the effect of Mangal Dosha in your Kundali. Doing all that is possible out of the following list will help you get rid of Mangal Dosha:
Wearing the right gemstones, for a Manglik Dosha. There are different gemstones related to different marriage astrology conditions. They have an indirect impact on the effect of the ring.
Worshipping Lord Vishnu. Prayers and worship brings nothing but positivity. It also gives strength to fight the situation.
Always match your Kundali's before marriage to find out all the Dosha a person is affected by. Once the Dosha is identified, the vision is clear as to how to reduce or remove the effect of the Dosha from your Kundali.. Take help of our Astrology consultations, both for checking the Kundali and for designing remedies for the Dosha you are affected by.┬а