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Lunar eclipse on the first day of Pitru Paksha and solar eclipse on the last day

Lunar eclipse on the first day of Pitru Paksha and solar eclipse on the last day

In Hinduism, the time of Pitru Paksha is considered very important for the rituals performed by the ancestors. Pitru Paksha lasts for a full 15 days, in which Pinddaan, Shradh Tarpan, etc. are performed for the ancestors or dead ancestors. But this year a strange situation is being created during Pitru Paksha. This year both solar and lunar eclipses will be seen in Pitru Paksha. Pitru Paksha will start with a lunar eclipse, while it will end with a solar eclipse, that is, a lunar eclipse will occur on the first day of Pitru Paksha, while a solar eclipse will occur on the last day. Eclipse is considered inauspicious in Hinduism and many works are considered forbidden during this time.

Pitru Paksha or Shradh is considered important in Sanatan Dharma which is sixteen days. Pitru Paksha lasts for 16 days and it is a time when people of the Hindu community express respect towards their ancestors and pray to them. In simple words, this is the time to perform tarpan and Shradh for the ancestors i.e. our ancestors who are no longer among us. Through this, our ancestors are remembered and reverence is shown to them.

When is Pitru Paksha 2024?

According to the Panchang, Pitru Paksha starts on the full moon date of Bhadrapada month and ends on the day of Ashwin Amavasya. Pitru Paksha is starting on 18 September 2024 this year and will end on 2 October.

Pitru Paksha List 2024

Pitru Paksha in 2024 is from 17 September, Tuesday to 2 October, Wednesday.

Purnima Shradh: 17 September 2024, Tuesday, (Bhadrapada, Shukla Purnima)

Pratipada Shradh: 17 September 2024, Tuesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Pratipada)

Dwitiya Shradh: 18 September 2024, Wednesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Dwitiya)

Tritiya Shradh: 19 September 2024, Thursday, (Ashwin, Krishna Tritiya)

Chaturthi Shradh: 20 September 2024, Friday, Krishna Chaturthi)

Panchami Shradh: 21 September 2024, Saturday, (Ashwin, Krishna Panchami)

Shashthi Shradh: 22 September 2024, Sunday, (Ashwin, Krishna Shashthi)

Saptami Shradh: 23 September 2024, Monday, (Ashwin, Krishna Saptami)

Ashtami Shradh: 24 September 2024, Tuesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Ashtami)

Navami Shradh: 25 September 2024, Wednesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Navami)

Dashami Shradh: 26 September 2024, Thursday, (Ashwin, Krishna Dashami)

Ekadashi Shradh: 27 September 2024, Friday, (Ashwin, Krishna Ekadashi)

Magh Shradh: 28 September 2024, Saturday, (Ashwin, Magha Nakshatra)

Dwadashi Shradh: 29 September 2024, Sunday, (Ashwin, Krishna Dwadashi)

Trayodashi Shradh: 30 September 2024, Monday, (Ashwin, Krishna Trayodashi)

Chaturdashi Shradh: 1 October 2024, Tuesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Chaturdashi)

Sarvapitre Amavasya: 2 October 2024, Wednesday, (Ashwin, Krishna Amavasya)

Shadow of Lunar and Solar Eclipse in Pitru Paksha

A lunar eclipse is going to occur on the first day of Pitru Paksha i.e. on 18 September. The lunar eclipse will start at 06:12 am and end at 10:17 am. On the last day of Pitru Paksha, a solar eclipse will occur on 2 October. According to Indian time, the solar eclipse will last from 09:13 pm to 03:17 am.

Effect of Solar and Lunar Eclipse on Pitru Paksha

The solar and lunar eclipse occurring in 15 days will not be visible in India. Therefore, its sutak will also not be valid here. However, according to astrology, it can affect Pitru Paksha. Because two eclipses in a fortnight i.e. 15 days are not considered auspicious. After the end of the Mokshakaal of a lunar eclipse, start the rituals of Shradh, Taparn, or Pinddaan of Pratipada. On the last day of Shradh Paksha i.e. 2 October, you will be able to perform Shradh rituals, because the eclipse will occur at night, and due to being invisible in India, this eclipse will also not be valid. If you want to know more about the lunar eclipse on the first day of Pitru Paksha and the solar eclipse on the last day then talk to astrologers.

Astrological importance of Shradh

According to astrology, when the Sun enters Virgo, Pitru Paksha falls at that time. The fifth house in the horoscope is considered to be the house of the deeds of a person's previous life. In Kaal Purush, the Sun is considered to be the lord of the fifth house of the horoscope. This is the reason why the Sun is also the symbol of our clan. When the Sun enters Virgo, all the ancestors come to earth to the homes of their sons, grandsons, and their descendants. If the Shradh of ancestors is not performed on Ashwin Amavasya of Pitru Paksha during this period of sixteen days, then the ancestors become angry and go back by cursing their descendants.

Historical Story Related to Pitru Paksha

In Hindu scriptures, a story related to Pitru Paksha is described which is as follows, in Dwapar Yuga when Karna died during the war of Mahabharata and his soul reached heaven, he was not getting regular food there. In return, Karna was given gold and ornaments to eat. His soul was disappointed with this and Karna questioned Indra Dev about this and why he is not being given real food. Then Indra Dev revealed the reason for this and said that you have donated all these things to others in your entire life but never did anything for your ancestors and forefathers. In response to this, Karna said that he did not know about his ancestors and after hearing this, Karna was allowed by Lord Indra to go back to earth for 15 days so that he could perform Shradh Karma to his ancestors. In the present era, this period of 15 days is known as Pitru Paksha.

How to perform Shradh in Pitru Paksha?

This festival symbolizes respect towards those who have left us. Therefore, the rituals performed on this day should be done with utmost care and sincerity. Therefore, we have listed the Puja Vidhi below-

    • During Shradh, rituals are performed on the date when the ancestor died, according to the lunar calendar.

    • People performing the Puja should wake up early in the morning and take a bath.

    • The person performing the Puja should wear a ring made of Darbha grass.

    • Sit at the place of worship and ensure that the environment around you is calm and peaceful.

    • After this, invoke the ancestors.

    • The person performing the Puja wears a sacred thread, and the position of this thread is changed several times while performing the Puja.

    • Perform Pind Daan in which water is taken in both hands and released slowly.

    • Special food is prepared on this day using satvik recipes. This food is fed to cows, dogs, crows, and ants.

    • The food is also offered to the ancestors by putting it in the fire of the havan kund.

    • This food is also given to the Brahmins along with Dakshina.

    • Pray for the salvation of the ancestors with folded hands and take their blessings.

  • The charity done during this time yields great results.

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