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Love Marriage Signs - Signs Of Love Marriage In Astrology

Love Marriage Signs - Signs Of Love Marriage In Astrology

In today's world, most people want to marry their favorite because they want to have a love marriage, because in today's time every one wants a partner whom they like, in earlier times marriages were done according to the will of the family members. Used to do And no one had any objection to that, but today the world is changing, due to which there has been a lot of change in today's youth and their thinking has also changed, due to which the youth want their love marriage to happen.

Signs of Love Marriage

According to Love marriage astrology, some such signs are found in the hands of people who have a love marriage, which can be ascertained that they will have a love marriage, so today we will tell you what those signs are, and what results we can get from this.┬а

1. Trishul Mark On The Marriage Line

According to Palmistry, it would be known to all, that the marriage line only gets everyone married, if there is no marriage line in your hand, then you cannot get married, It is under the smallest finger and this line is the smallest among all the lines.

If there is a Trishul mark on this line, then it increases the chances of love marriage because it is believed that when it forms a Trishul, such a person comes into that person's life.

With whom he marries, and he is always loyal to him, with this two to three marriage lines are found in our hand, but the one which is the deepest one gets married, the rest of the lines mean that this Love affair will be enough.

2. Sign Of The Cross On Mount Guru

If you have a cross mark on Mount Jupiter on your palm, then your chances of love marriage also increase a lot, and your partner is always loyal to you.

Along with this, if you have many marriage lines in your hand at the age of 20, then your chances of having a love marriage also increase.

3. Square Mark On The Marriage Line

If you want to have a love marriage, then it is necessary to have a square mark on your palm above the marriage line. If there is a square-shaped mark on your marriage line, then there is a possibility of your love marriage, but in this Spouse's health remains bad.

4. Meeting Of The Moon Line

If any other line emerges from the Moon line on your palm and joins the fate line, then in such a situation there are possibilities of your love marriage, and if your Mount of Venus is raised, then love marriage also happens in such a situation.

But in such a situation, if there is a cross mark on Mount Guru, then it becomes icing on the cake for you, but if the moon line is cut in any way, then it is a danger for love marriage, and this will spoil your love marriage. There are many difficulties in being.

5. V Mark On The Hand

If the heart line in the palm of a person goes towards the last finger and makes a V mark, then such a person has a love marriage, because the V mark is considered very auspicious and is a symbol of a pleasant love marriage. Along with this, it is also linked to Lord Vishnu.

If the heart line in someone's hand makes a V mark at the end, then there is a lot of possibility of love marriage for that person, along with this, if the heart line and fate line together make a V mark, then also Such people only have love marriage.

6. Meeting Of The Sun Line

There are many people in whose hands the heart line becomes very small and meets the sun line, if this is in the hand of a person, then the chances of such people getting a love marriage are very high.

Along with this, your partner is very loyal to you and also brings you fame, who always loves you and remains devoted to you.

7. Rising Of Rekha From Mount Of Venus

If a line emerges from the sun line in a person's hand and joins the fate line, then such people are also very fortunate and they have a love marriage, because this line shows love marriage along with maintaining auspiciousness and prosperity. And such people are always devoted to their love.

8. Swastik Symbol

If a person wants to have a love marriage, then it is necessary for him that there should be a swastika mark on Guru Parvat on his palm, if this happens, then in such a situation the chances of a love marriage increase, and such a person will always be true to his love. They are loyal and do not like any show-off in their love.

9. Distance Between Lines

If the marriage line and the heart line are at a great distance in the hand of a person, then such people have a love marriage, and their love marriage happens till the age of 20 because it is believed that the distance between the two lines is the same. Spreads love in a person's life and this leads to his love marriage.


Many people do not have a love marriage because they do not have this line in their hand, because having a love marriage is also a wonder of our palm lines, Some such lines are found in our hands, and on the basis of that, you get to know. Whether you will be able to do love marriage or not, today we will tell you that if you have that line in your hand, then your chances of getting a love marriage increase, and you get to know whether your love marriage will happen or not. If you want to know more about the sign of love marriage then talk to astrology.

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