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Lo Shu Grid Numerology - Meaning, Chart, Calculator & Numbers

Lo Shu Grid Numerology - Meaning, Chart, Calculator & Numbers

This Lo Shu grid calculator numerology can show the readings of numbers and the effect of missing numbers. You can also get the Lo Shu grid numerology. You can get detailed Lo Shu grid numerology prediction based on date of birth only. You can understand your potential better by knowing about the eight planes of the Lo Shu grid and their representation.

The five elements and mainly the eight directions have special significance in Lo Shu numerology. This magic square consists of numbers 1 to 9 with a certain element, direction, and planet. They have control over certain colors and parts of the body. The Lo Shu grid is also known as Feng Shui numerology.

Loshu Grid Meaning

Lo Shu Grid Numerology was started in China by a wise king. This Chinese numerology is based on the magic square of 3x3 in which the positions of the numbers do not change and always add up to 15. In this, it is seen which numbers are present and which are missing and how many times a digit is repeated. With this, Lo Shu Grid prediction can tell about a person's life, which energy is lacking or in excess.

Lo Shu Grid Calculator Prediction

Lo Shu Grid numbers are derived from the date of birth. Simply put, these are the individual digits of the full birth date, the single digit as the Driver or Birthday number, and the single digit as the Conductor or Life Path number. If the number 0 is present on the date of birth, it must be excluded from the calculation. If you don't want to do it manually, this Numerology Loshu Grid Calculator can do it.

Example: For D.O.B 16/02/2003.

The digits of the date of birth are 1, 6, 2, 3.

For the Driver number, add the day number 16 to a single digit: 1+6 = 7.

For the Conductor number, add the whole date to a single digit: 1+6+0+2+2+3 = 14 = 1+4 = 5.

Finally, the numbers 1,2,3,5,6 are present.

Now place the numbers in the chart at certain places, which are given for each number, and eliminate the digits taken as 4,7,8,9, which are not in these numbers in the range from 1 to 9.

Loshu Grid Numerology

Numerology and astrology go hand in hand when it comes to telling the impact of numbers on one's life. The Lo Shu grid has its origin in China and is also called the magical or sacred square. It is a type of grid consisting of three rows and three columns. There are nine places for each number that you should keep in mind.

This is going to make the best birth horoscope grid that you should never forget to keep in mind for important predictions. The complete date of birth is taken into consideration for the calculations. Chinese numerologists always prefer to use a three-by-three magic square in the form of the Lo Shut grid. You will find that the sum of this square will be 15 when done from any direction.

Numerology Lo Shu Grid

The entire set of numbers is taken into consideration while working on the Lo Shu grid. These are based entirely on Chinese beliefs of Feng Shui numerology. The Lo Shu grid has three rows and three columns for arrangement and numbers can be arranged from 1 to 9. The numbers are arranged in such a way that the sum of all will be only 15. Lo Shu grid has two types of planes and can be horizontal and vertical. Each plane has a particular type of symbol on which it is supposed to work.

Lo Shu Grid Chart

Whenever a number is missing from your Loshu Grid Chart, it is a sign of some kind of deficiency in various areas of life. Whatever number is missing in the Lo Shu grid chart, there will be a lack of properties, benefits, objects, factors, coordination of elements, and directions related to that number.

Money and Property

Frame and Property

Marriage and Relationship

Health and Family┬а

Energy and Stability

Children and Creativity

Knowledge and Intuition

Career and Sucess

Friends and Beginnings┬а

Lo Shu Grid Planes

Lo Shu Grid Planes are of 2 types:

1. Horizontal Plane

The mind plane is taken into consideration to know about the innate thought abilities of a particular person. It will define the mental processes as well as the memories, intelligence, and analytical skills of a particular person.

The next plane in this context can be called the practical or material plane. It is also considered as the lower horizontal line of the birth chart. This plane shows the linguistic expression of a particular person. It can also reveal the materialistic aptitude of a person. It can also be used to know practical approaches, organization skills, and ability to handle physical labor work.

2. Vertical Plane

This will tell us about the thought plane of a particular person. It is going to showcase the ability of a particular person to come up with a wide range of ideas. It will also reveal the abilities of a person to convert ideas into action and accomplish them at the right time.

The next plane is going to tell us about willpower and persistence for achievement.

The action plan will tell us about the ability of the person to take action on the ideas.

Numerology Lo Shu Grid Number

In addition, every number has its own merits and demerits. Although Chinese numerology is somewhat different from Chiro or Chaldean numerology, some basic properties remain the same.

Number 1 in Lo Shu Grid

It is related to career and communication. Number 1 represents how a person reacts and communicates with others. The lord of this number is the Sun. It shows how confident the person is. It represents the water element, north direction, and black, dark blue color. It regulates the kidneys and ears in the body. It represents the middle son in the family.

Number 2 in Lo Shu Grid

It deals with love and marriage. Number 2 tells how good your relationships and partnerships are. The lord of this number is the Moon, which tells how much happiness, sensitivity, and intuitive ability a person has. It represents the element of earth, the southwest direction, and the colors pink, red, and white. It is related to the health of the gut in the body. From this number, predictions can be made about the mother.

Number 3 in Lo Shu Grid

It is related to the intelligence and planning of the person. Number 3 describes memory and thinking ability. The lord of this number is Jupiter, which tells how much intellectual capacity the person has. It represents the element of wood, especially hardwood, the east direction, and the colors green and blue. It concerns health and feet, ankles, and knees. Family relationships and the status of the eldest son can be predicted from this number.

Number 4 in Lo Shu Grid

Although this number is considered unlucky in Chinese numerology, this is not always the case. It is related to wealth, profit, and prosperity. Number 4 tells how much discipline, self-control, balance, and hard-working nature a person has. The lord of this number is Rahu or Uranus, which shows how practical a person is in his financial life. It represents the soft wood element, southeast direction, and red, green, blue, purple, and golden colors. It is related to the health of the thigh and liver in the body. From this number, predictions can be made about the eldest daughter.

Number 5 in Lo Shu Grid

It is related to mental health and emotional stability. Number 5 tells how much strength, work energy, and balance between personal and social life a person has. The lord of this number is Mercury, which tells how much a person desires freedom and good fortune. It represents the element of earth, the direction of the center, and the colors yellow, brown, and orange. It is related to the health of the body's internal organs. Predictions about the entire family can be made from this number.

Number 6 in Lo Shu Grid

In Chinese numerology, the number 6 is considered lucky. It is related to the love and security of home and family, especially children. Number 6 tells how creative and helpful a person is towards friends and people. It also tells how well the person can handle new beginnings or contracts. The lord of this number is Venus, which tells how the person has desires for travel, friendship, and spirituality. It represents the element of hard metal, the northwest direction, and the colors black and white. It is related to the health of the head and body. Predictions about a person's father can be made from this number.

Number 7 in Lo Shu Grid

It is related to children, creativity, and mental peace. Number 7 describes future concerns, entertainment value, or skills. The lord of this number is Ketu or Neptune, which tells how one can learn from disappointments and losses. It represents the soft metal element, the west direction, and the colors white, silver, gray, and copper. This is related to the health of the mouth and lungs in the body. Number 7 can predict the youngest daughter.

Number 8 in Lo Shu Grid

According to Loshu Grid Numerology, the Number 8 is a prosperous and lucky number, associated with wisdom, education, and memory. Number┬а 8 describes discipline, intuition, and organizing skills. The lord of this number is Saturn, which tells how a person can be spiritual, inspiring, and prosperous. It represents the element of earth, the direction of the northeast, and the colors blue, black, and green. It is related to hand health and body weight. Number 8 can predict the youngest son.

Number 9 in Lo Shu Grid

According to Lo Shu Grid, the number 9 is a lucky number, which is related to the fame, reputation, and social life of the person. Number 9 describes humanity, idealism, and ambitions. The lord of this number is Mars, which tells how much recognition, bravery, and energy the person gets. It represents the fire element, the south direction, and the color red. It is related to the health of the heart, blood, and eyes. Number 9 can be used to predict the future of the middle daughter.


The Chinese king Wu of Hsia invented the Lo Shu grid system when he was trying to solve the problem of flooding rivers to protect the village. After that, it became very popular, and even today many people are using it to solve their daily life issues. This is also a reason why it is called a magic square by many. The three magic squares represent every stage and everything in life. The sum of each row must be fifteen and it must also be calculated in every way such as horizontally, vertically, and diagonally. If you want to know more about Lo Shu Grid Number then you can take online astrology consultation.

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