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Life Path Number 9: Different Aspects of Life

Life Path Number 9: Different Aspects of Life

For those who are born on 9,18,27 of any month, their birth number is 9. Number 9 is ruled by the planet Mars. Among the nine planets, the planet Magal has got the position of commander, this number is very powerful, it has special recognition in the world of numbers. Number 9 is a symbol of perfection, people born in this number are the ones who complete the unfinished tasks. Do every work diligently, whether it is service to the country or the service of parents, do the work in which they are interested, people often ignore the 9 marks. But the achievements achieved by them are appreciated. Surely, just as Mars has got the position of commander, in the same way, the person born in number 9 is seen protecting his country, region, and family.


Life Path Number 9: Characteristics


A bit angry by nature but honest, doubting is the habit of people of 9 marks, they do not trust anyone quickly, belief in love. They have a special interest in food, the work they decide to do once, they do it only. They are of simple heart, they get angry quickly and on persuasion, they agree quickly. You become very moody and you are an impulsive person. Soon you get into a passion. They are very hasty and react quickly without knowing or unknowingly about the whole thing and then regret it later. Love relationships keep on changing which means you get attached to another person one after the other. It doesn't mean that you are not reliable. You don't get as much in return as you do with the sincerity of the love affair. You are also careless in money matters.


Life Path Number 9: Career


General, Leader, Commander, Doctor, Banker, Police, Chemist, Sports, Engineering, Jewelry maker come under number 9 in the army. You can be more successful in the fields which require imagination and creativity. You can also work in the field of religion or can be a lecturer. You can also be the creator. Like composing music etc. and publishing etc. can also be employed in the field.


Life Path Number 9: Favorable zodiac signs and Numbers


Aries, Scorpio, and Sagittarius zodiac signs and 3,6,9 numbers are very auspicious for you.


Life Path Number 9: Lucky Gemstones


Ruby, red coral is especially auspicious for you. Wearing these gemstones gives good success in any field.


Life Path Number 9: Good Direction


According to Numerology, south direction is most auspicious for you. Doing any work in the south direction gives more success.


Life Path Number 9: Good Day


Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday are especially auspicious for you.


Life Path Number 9: Good Date


Dates 03,06,09,12,15,18,21,24,27,30 are especially auspicious for you. Doing any good work on the day 03,06,09,12,15,18,21,24,27,30 definitely gives success.


Life Path Number 9: Good Color


Red, Rose color, and Pink color are especially auspicious for you. If you use Red, Rose colors, and Pink colors on the wall of your house and clothes, then you can get a lot of success.


Life Path Number 9: Major Diseases


Fever, smallpox, chicken pox, stomach diseases, and diseases related to the respiratory tract are more prone to 9 marks.


Life Path Number 9: Unlucky Months


January, February, October, and November are bad for people with 9 numbers. You should not do any auspicious work in January, February, October, or November month.


There are many disappointments in the life of the number 9, but when you have your own identity and when you are strong from within, then you are connected with love for God. We get stronger from the sorrows and troubles we get in life. If you want to know more about number 9 than this, then talk to astrology.

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