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Life Path Number 1: Different Aspects of Life

Life Path Number 1: Different Aspects of Life

Birth is on 1,10,19,28 of any month, their birth number is 1. In numerology, the planet Sun is considered to be the lord of Number 1. People born in number 1 have a special attraction, as in the rays of the sun, just as the sun spreads its light in all four directions and transmits energy to the whole creation, similarly a person born in number 1 also has four directions. They attract everyone and benefit through their knowledge.


Life Path Number 1: Characteristics


People born under number 1 are very energetic, active in work, a little egoistic in nature, and a little passionate about the work, are lovers of art and admirers of art. People with 1 number are never going to work after following anyone, they have leadership qualities in their nature, they do not believe in old wrong practices, and these people do not feel small in admitting their mistakes. Often they are honest in money matters, their outlook on life is very straight, smiling face and following the rules like the sun are the main identity of people born in number 1.


Life Path Number 1: Career


People born in number 1 are usually in favor of earning money by mental labor, not physical labor, due to this quality most authors found with 1 point, research shows that more people with 1 point There are political leaders, medical surgeons, captains, ambassadors, scientists, and researcher.


Life Path Number 1: Favorable zodiac signs and Numbers


If you want to do any business with someone, make friends, or need help with any work, then the most favorable birth signs for you are Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. And according to numerology numbers, 1,3,5,9 are auspicious for you.


Life Path Number 1: Lucky Gemstones


By wearing ruby and Pukhraj, you will get special success, and success in life will be achieved at a faster pace.


Life Path Number 1: Good Direction


Although auspicious is a part of inauspicious life, even after leaving the house you will be able to work in the east direction, the east direction is especially auspicious for you. Because the planet is ruled by the Sun, the east direction is good for the people of 1 Number.


Life Path Number 1: Good Day


Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday are especially auspicious for you. If you do any big work these days, then it will be very auspicious for you.


Life Path Number 1: Good Date


Dates 13, 10, 12, 19, 21, 28, and 30 are especially auspicious for you. The number three of Thursday will be especially auspicious for you. Because with 3 points your power remains balanced.


Life Path Number 1: Good Color


Life Path Number 1: White, orange, red, and yellow are especially auspicious. Vehicles, the color of the walls of the house, clothes, curtains, if you use this color, it will be very auspicious for you.


Life Path Number 1: Major Diseases


Heart-related diseases, blood pressure, and eye-related diseases are more for those with 1 number, so protect yourself more from them.


Life Path Number 1: Unlucky Months


The months of July, October, and December are a bit inauspicious for you, you should take special care in these months.


In numerology, the planet Sun is considered to be the lord of Number 1. Under the influence of the Sun, the people of this number are clever, strong, intelligent, like royalty, and clear speakers in their field of work. Serious in nature, generous-hearted, benevolent, walking on the path of truth, successful, and believing in defeating opponents, establish an identity as a brave person. If you also want to know more about the people of Number, you can talk to astrology.

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