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Libra Rising Sign - Meaning, Appearance, Man and Woman

Libra Rising Sign - Meaning, Appearance, Man and Woman

People who have Libra in the first house of their horoscope, also known as Rising, are peace-loving, creative, intelligent, knowledgeable, and fond of social outings. They are extroverts, always eager to show off their talents or skills in front of an audience or public. They are a very confident soul in life. They have excellent communication and diplomatic power. They believe in balancing every aspect of life and making peace with others. Therefore, they are very good at finding common ground and settling arguments. They appear to be very fair, honest, and intelligent, which is why people trust them in important matters involving disagreement.

They are very stylish and love comfort. They are very fussy about their clothes and eating habits. They are selective about their comfort and pleasure. They have natural elegance and a unique sense of style, be it in their attire, hairstyle, or the way they walk and carry themselves in public. There should be symmetry and proposal in all aspects of their life. Self-employment or work related to public affairs and entertainment brings them great success in life.


They can become travel bloggers and social media influencers and become successful in the showbiz industry, especially the television industry, media, and cinema. They may indulge in excessive drinking, secret pleasure relationships, and other extravagant activities that may be harmful to their personal life, reputation, and health.

Libra Rising Meaning

The other zodiac sign ruled by Venus along with Taurus is Libra. In the case of Libra, like Taurus, these people are also quite conventionally attractive with dimples, pouty lips, and overall beautiful features. They are also known for being symmetrical and externally attractive.

Ruled by beautiful Venus, Libra natives are usually endowed with highly attractive features, including glowing complexion, plump lips, prominent nose, and heart or oval-shaped faces. They usually have dimples or a Cupid's bow on their lips. Like their face, Libra's body is also symmetrical, and full, with sensual shapes that are pleasing to the eye. Libra people have a natural charm that is reflected in their presence and draws people like kites to an open flame.

Libra Rising Appearance

This is why people of the Libra zodiac sometimes become people pleasers. Their need to keep relationships spontaneous and exciting is so strong that they sometimes waste their time on the wrong partners. They always need mobility and constant change in their life. They are soft-hearted but moody in life. However, they maintain a balance of entertainment and discipline in life. They want their partner to be mentally strong, kind, and loyal to them. They have a strong sense of justice. They don't fall in love easily, but when they do, they can be the best lovers and give their all in love.

People with Libra Rising are diverse and distinctive, with attractive bodies, serious lips, and mildness on the forehead that inspires confidence. The perception of this small species is generally either tawny or brown, with a piercing and penetrating gaze. People with Libra Rising are determined and creative. Libra Rising people have a precise lightness of haste, which is best described as complacency. Often, women of this zodiac sign have an acceptable physical appearance rather than being thin, while men have a feminine soul and are fat. You may be of medium height or sometimes tall.

Libra Rising Personality

According to┬аPersonalized Predictions, their worst quality may be their misuse of their powers of persuasion. There may be a tendency to get people involved in things that they don't want to do and maintain their image of being a good boy or girl. Yet, their power of persuasion also makes them great mediators. People with Libra Rising will be the first to listen to your problems, solve them, and welcome you with an open heart. They are extremely friendly. They seem readily available and helpful. Their idea about life is to maintain balance in every aspect of life, hence their approach towards life is sometimes quite diplomatic.

People with Libra Rising prefer to cooperate, and compromise rather than suffer the pain of argument and give up even when they feel right. Disagreements with others make them insecure and uncomfortable. They want harmony in their life and can do anything to get it. They can be incredulous and hesitant, impatient with routine, boringly conservative, and shy. Libra Rising people are slow to anger and can surprise everyone with their sudden anger. They are more idealists than realists; Often keep thinking of plans like building an aerial palace.┬а

Libra Rising Woman

The Libra Rising woman's gaze is direct and penetrating as if she can see inside a person's soul. These women always look younger than they are. Her body is slim and her skin is absolutely fair. They usually have medium height and lush thick long hair. Apart from this, she is also blessed with attractive curves.

Women of the Libra Rising are rich in versatile talents and also take good care of themselves. They are independent by nature and like freedom. They are inclined towards glamor and glitter. They can win anyone's heart with their physical beauty. Although she is beautiful with her brain.

Libra Rising Man

Libra men are extremely talented and have artistic tendencies. They are very outspoken and can maintain the perfect balance between personal and professional life. They do not mix work and play and prefer to do one thing at a time.

A person of Libra zodiac sign is very beautiful. These men are usually quite tall. His eyes are attractive and their forehead is absolutely symmetrical. They have a strong athletic body and is fair to olive-golden and dusky skin.

Libra Rising Health

According to┬аHealth Predictions, most Libra Rising have sensitive skin which is aggravated by insomnia, heavy meals, and excessive alcohol consumption. Libra controls the kidneys and excretory functions through the skin, lumbar region, buttocks, adrenals, and vasomotor system. Libra rules the kidneys, back, and ovaries. Lower back pain and problems caused by too much sugar or saturated fat are common health problems.

Libra rules the kidneys and skin. Therefore, a person with Libra Rising is likely to suffer from kidney and reproductive organ diseases. They may also suffer from anemia, back pain, sugar problems, etc. These people are also at risk of cold, cough, and fever.

Libra Rising Compatibility

In love, Libra Rising wants a balance between passion and friendship. They are attracted to capable and active partners. They definitely need to be wooed, especially a woman with the rising zodiac sign of Libra. But, what they want in their life is faithful love, passionate romance, and an exciting partner.

Libra Rising has a favorable equation with its partner air signs Gemini and Aquarius. These signs share intellectual interests and an appreciation for the arts. The fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius are compatible with the Libra rising.

Auspicious planet for Libra Rising

Saturn is the most beneficial planet for the Libra Rising as it is the lord of the 4th and 5th house. Saturn is the Rajyoga factor here. Moon is considered a neutral planet for Libra Rising.

Inauspicious planet for Libra Rising

Jupiter, Sun, Mars, Rahu, and Ketu are harmful to Libra. Venus, Mercury, and Saturn are favorable and beneficial for the people of Libra Rising.


The typical Libra is artistic and sophisticated, has very strong opinions about right and wrong, and is a born dipshit, but charming and honest. They are discreet and generally of a peaceful nature; Easygoing and friendly. People with Libra Rising are also considered to be the most sophisticated. You are good-looking and have some sophistication, appeal, and great taste. They love social interaction, it gives them great pleasure to advance their social status. They are known to be objective and fair in drawing conclusions. To know more about the Libra Rising sign take an online astrology phone consultation.

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