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Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising: Man & Woman Personality

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising: Man & Woman Personality

Leo Sun Sagittarius rising, you're always looking for a noble cause to defend. You can't tolerate any kind of mediocrity. Your desire to stand out from others can lead you to excesses that are easily forgiven when your generosity is realized. You are permitted into all enterprises because your dynamism is infectious, your ambitions are high and your goodwill is unwavering. Your sense of independence is highly developed and you are rarely ready to give it up. You display composure in all situations, and your control depends on your willpower to maintain control of situations.

The perfect combination of two fire signs gives a very balanced nature. The heat you emit is comparable to that from a fire, but it can burn badly. Although you are likely to have sudden outbursts of anger, be quick to apologize immediately. You are kind, optimistic, and never tire of learning new things and expanding your horizons. The position of your Sun shows that you will spend a lot of your life abroad. Apart from this, you can also be successful in higher education.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Personality

According to┬аPersonalized Prediction, Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Endowed with an extroverted, vibrant personality, you are eager to learn and enrich yourself mentally, understanding beings and things. Your Jupiter and solar dominance give you great ambitions in which you combine human and material aspects, seeking harmony between these two aspects. With integrity, you ensure the happiness and security of those around you so that they can flourish in the environment they deserve. You strive to fulfill your dreams, sometimes even taking the risk of compromising your inner peace.

To avoid boredom, they want to keep moving constantly. You are looking for strong emotions, overcoming challenges, projects that excite you, and new knowledge. You develop high values, and grand principles and are passionate about great things. Your natural generosity makes you helpful and charitable towards others, but on the other hand, your carelessness or inattentiveness may sometimes irritate some people close to you.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Woman

They usually arrive late; They prefer to be waited upon rather than waiting for someone. Many people have control over these during life, but most people forget about them. They are quite convinced of hierarchy, believe in universal relationships, and realize that the individual is not everything.

They are innocently religious, they pray in the evening and find solace in it. They are always at the center of society, even if they arrive by accident; The conversation immediately turns to the topic proposed by him. They happily enjoy and give to others from their table. They always achieve what they want, even if they face resistance; Other women don't take them too seriously.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Man

A man with the Sun in Leo and Rising in Sagittarius wins by his presence alone. The behavior of these people is so impressive that the people around them gain authority over them. They are aware of their impact and require feedback. At the same time, they remain cordial, and friendly, and respond to greetings, but while they respond, others must greet them first.

Leo men with Sagittarius Rising are self-confident, it is unnatural for them to doubt. But they don't do much; They are completely sure that everything will be done for them by others. They rarely get up early, usually have a long and hearty breakfast, and spend the whole morning warming themselves in the sun.

Leo Sun and Sagittarius Rising Compatibility

This Leo needs someone who is friendly, warm, and loving. Geminis rule their 7th house of love, relationships, and marriage, so they need a talkative and communicative partner who is fashionable and well-dressed. Their best partners are the passionate and intuitive Aries, the companionable Leo, and the adventurous Sagittarius. Next are the talkative and sexy Geminis, the charming Libra and Aquarius who will make great friends, lovers, and partners.

Pisces will recognize their Sagittarius's love of freedom and creativity; However, Pisces can be needy and require a lot of attention and this may not always be the case in this relationship. Cancer and Virgo are good friends. Scorpio people are good lovers but there is no distance in the relationship. Taurus and Capricorn are not ideal matches for this combination they like to laugh constantly and don't take life too seriously.


Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Love

According to┬аLove Marriage Prediction,┬аyou are friendly and charming, and abuse love relationships. You attract people because you are always willing to compromise but avoid contact with people who don't like you because you feel uncomfortable in their presence. Your partner should be a curious person and with a lively mind, you would like to enjoy with him/her the pleasures that life has to offer. Your romantic interests are not always successful. Although you are guided by reason rather than heart, you are still so impulsive that your relationships deteriorate and marriages break up as a result. You will probably have several marriages, and one of them will significantly affect your social status. You will not have many children and you will hardly be able to establish a trusting relationship with them. You can completely break the relationship with any one child. You will need to pay special attention to this aspect of life.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising, You live according to your desires and your wishes. This is one reason why your emotional path is often affected. You live every story, every encounter so intensely and you never regret what you lived. In a relationship, communication, romance, the unexpected, sharing, escape, possession, passion, fusion and distance are all elements that adorn your relationship giving it its essence. For you, nothing is ever really taken for granted and love becomes a battle where each one has to outdo themselves and constantly charm the other. Thus, you run away from boring situations that lead nowhere.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Health

According to┬аHealth┬аPrediction,┬аyou like outdoor activities. Probably, you are fond of sports and therefore are distinguished by good health. However, you may also suffer from diseases of the throat, eyes, and bronchi, as well as varicose veins. If injuries do occur, they may affect the hips, ribs, and tendons. You are very nervous, and stress can lead to a nervous breakdown. But nothing serious will happen to you, and you, perhaps, will live to a very old age.

Leo Sun Sagittarius Rising Career

According to┬аCareer Prediction, you will make an excellent politician, professional traveler, or lecturer. It is safe to say that you will be successful as a result of personal efforts, but you may also receive an inheritance. You are an inventive and versatile person and will likely be well-versed in many branches of knowledge. You like freedom so freelancer work is quite suitable for you. It is very important that you make the right choice in life and follow it consistently.

They are optimistic and have big and beautiful projects. You need time and means to materialize them, but it is worth it. Likewise, you particularly value achieving financial independence and enriching what you have; This is how you manifest your being, and how you position yourself in relation to others. If there is a lack of money, you feel a very strong sense of insecurity, you become anxious and compensate for it with food or, paradoxically, with unnecessary expenses.


You appreciate strange names, strange things, and customs, so traveling is a pleasure for you. You have a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to stand up for those who are hurt. You are generally polite, and well-mannered and become rude only when you are forced to defend yourself. You have a lot of idealism, you are often disappointed when people do not meet your high demands. You are an honest and loyal friend and you become very upset when you are not answered. Troubles may await you in connection with the failures of your parents or some of your siblings. Your relations with relatives will probably be good. If you want to know more about Leo Sun Sagittarius rising then talk to astrology.

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