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Leo Decans: Leo Decans Appearance

Leo Decans: Leo Decans Appearance

Leo is fifth in the zodiac. Leos are the most dramatic of all the zodiac signs and always like to be in the limelight. Leo is represented by Leo and it comes under the influence of the Sun.

The powerful Sun shines its light on Leo and gives them a bright and positive personality. Leo is a sign of the element fire and thus represents great passion, enthusiasm, and positive energy.

What are the 3 types of Leo?

Leo Decan 1┬а- July 23rd - August 1st

Leo Decan 2┬а- August 2nd - August 12th

Leo Decan 3┬а- August 13th - August 23rd

First Decan Leo

This First Decan Leo is definitely the most exclusive. A lot of what was covered above totally applies, but, yes, there is more. The fixed nature of this decan gives you an immense amount of staying power. Once you set out to achieve something, you will persevere regardless of the odds until you succeed. Added to this determination is the cardinal nature of this first decan which can help maintain energy and stamina.

Sun is the ruler and overlord, which makes Leo doubly in its benevolent influence. Take every stereotype you've heard about Leo and double it. Along with the double Leo and the Sun, they are warm-blooded beings who are seven days a week, four seasons a year. Leo 1st Decan loves the beach or the swimming pool to enjoy the rays. The tropical climate is best suited for them; Well don't forget that the forest is their natural habitat. Cheerful and charming 24 hours a day. First Decan Leo takes disappointment in stride and only when he feels he has been unfairly criticized does Leo show anything but a smile.

A realistic Leo Decan 1 will not have excessive expectations from colleagues and companions, but only what they are capable of. Leo can become a loyal and faithful friend. Best suited to Leo must be prepared to show themselves areas of kindness, and understanding in abundance. Successful Leo partners know how to keep the romantic flame alive through a combination of variety, skill, and imagination. The people who live and work most successfully with a Leo are those whose outlook is open, and optimistic. Leos are generally emotional people.

First Decan Leo is a pure concentrated charm, dignity, pride, warmth, and arrogance. There is no denying the fact that when Leos are good they are great. They usually greet each day with a fresh outlook for new possibilities at hand. Leos are so willing to forgive and forget that they almost never hold grudges. Lion- Lions usually have big plans for themselves, their first passion is in their career. The most endearing thing about a Leo is their generosity and unusual, wide choice of gifts. The energy level seems to go up when Singh enters the room.

Second Decan Leo

Significant Second Decan Leo sub-influences can create many more interesting differences. Jupiter's influence tends to enhance more traditional Leo characteristics. You may be taller and/or older than Leo-rising individuals of the first or third decade. The head is often quite large. The smile is beaming widely and may reveal very large white teeth; They may fit the description of "star's teeth". Many of you will need to be careful with your diet, especially as the years roll by if you want to avoid what could become an annoying or serious weight problem.

Combined with the Sun, emphasizes intellectual and visionary qualities. Leo's quality is fun-loving, and free-spirited, with all the charm. Leos are ambitious, but not just for money; They want to know more, to accumulate more wisdom. Leo people are not intimidated by challenges, they thrive on them and are often at their best when faced with problems.

Leos are exceptionally loyal people. Leo Decan 2 sees himself as the champion of the downtrodden and the protector of the weak. Leo II Decan despises extravagance and condescension and they dislike insincerity or pretense. People best suited to a Leo know how to use sensual persuasion and a fun-loving approach to keep their partner happy. Leo should not push or push into negative frames of mind, but rather be left alone to work things out for themselves.

Second Deccan Leo dreams up big plans and they execute those plans with swift and versatile maneuvers. They work as hard as they do, one of the secrets of why they are usually so successful at everything they do. Undoubtedly the greatest asset of a Leo is their courage and philosophical thinking which comes from their Leo influence. They can actually allay unfounded worries, saving you hours of wasted energy.

Third Decan Leo

The sub-effects of Third Decan Leo can induce some pretty exciting and interesting features. The Sun's rule of Leo gives a lot of power and warmth; The sub-influence of Mars in this dasha adds to this Sun-granted power the ability to focus and concentrate so that whatever needs to be accomplished can be used most efficiently. If you use this tremendously-powerful energy wisely, there are few things that can stand in the way of your progress in life for long.

The aggressive planet Mars, in conjunction with the Sun in Leo Decan 3, underlines the fierceness and willpower of Leo. These Leo people are more than Leo people. They are adventurous and almost diabolical with capital when it comes to achieving their goals. Mars gives Leo driveтАФand is a channel for Leo's determined purpose, which tames impulses and gives momentum. The word active can basically describe most aspects of their lives. Full of action and a keen foresight that comes from a love of learning, they never make the same mistake again.

People of the Leo zodiac should see the results of their efforts. They plunge into new projects with enthusiasm, it is very satisfying for them to see their reorganization and its implementation blossom; In contrast, it is usually intolerable to see their efforts fail. Leo the 3rd Decan inspires tremendous loyalty, respect, and love in others. The most suitable partners for Leo are more tactful partners who know how to pacify a wild lion or lioness. Those involved in love relationships with a Leo can appreciate their intensity of pursuit and almost total involvement. In personal relationships, people are never in doubt about where they stand with Leo.


As much as Leos are interested in pursuing their own diverse objectives, they are genuinely and deeply curious about other people and their cultures. Leo people are somehow able to extract the most intimate details from tactful strangers. They are great listeners and give advice only when asked for. Leo people are also good planners, able to organize and execute an effective plan of attack. Talk to astrologers┬аto know more about Leo Decans.

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