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From The House Of Astrologer Bejan Daruwalla

Leo Dating Leo - Leo Man Dating Leo Woman

Leo Dating Leo - Leo Man Dating Leo Woman

Among all the partnerships observed in the vast galaxy of astrology, there is nothing that shines as brightly as the friendship of two Leo. When the mighty Lion comes across its equal in another Lion, the outcome is a flare of passion and pridefulness, and raw force. It is not just a couple; it is a couple of stars, orbiting around each other, glowing with each other’s light. But how does this dynamic manifest itself in the field of love where egoism is as large as the constellations they hail from? Now, let’s delve deeper into the core of Leo and Leo dating.

Leo and Leo Dating

According to Astrology Prediction, being one of the most dominant and energetic signs of the Zodiac, when these two come together, they provide sparks as brilliant and as light as the Sun. Like most other planetary bodies, they are governed by the sun forms the nucleus of the solar system and hence, a natural-born leader and performer. In dating, this translates into a relationship full of romantic gestures, proclamations of love, and empathy for one another’s desire for attention and affection.

Leo Leo Dating

When Leos starts dating, it is like two flames combining into one single flame instead of two separate flames. There is a charged atmosphere, and the feeling of attraction is evident. They both require passion such that the relationship can be invigorating but that same passion can be too much at times. Together they form a formidable team, but the charm of their force is also a weakness if not controlled. Both Leo and Cancer are known for loyalty and when they decide to commit to a relationship, this loyalty is repeated twice. They consider their union to be something sacred and they are more protective of each other than any other sign of the zodiac.

Leo and Leo Compatible

Compatibility between two Leos can either be great or disastrous since Leos are known to be proud individuals. If it is possible both of them want to be in the spotlight and sometimes may have problems with equal sharing of it. However, their need assessment for each other can foster the development of a decent relationship based on mutual respect and admiration.

Leos are passionate and they are sensitive and caring individuals; they are natural-born leaders and can do great things when in harmony. This means that they come together as a very passionate couple who are so much into their work that they make a great team both in marriage and life. They challenge each other, to strive to the best of their abilities, to aim for the sky, and not to accept anything but the best.

Leo Man Dating Leo Woman

Leo man and Leo woman are both equals in passion and drama, making it one of the most compelling pairings in the zodiac. Leo man is drawn to the Leo woman, she is strong, confident, and charismatic. He recognizes in her the reflection of his traits, and it is stimulating and invigorating to face such a mirror.

In turn, the Leo woman will be attracted to the Leo man because of his braveness and maneuvering. She is impressed by his power to draw attention and appreciates his strength. Together, they set up quite an interesting and strong untamed blend of humor. They are fully aware of one another’s requirements for appreciation, and they do not refrain from giving it.

Leo and Leo love

In love, Leo and Leo can build a strong and passionate, yet extremely intense relationship. They have a fiery kind of love that is all the more because they have enormous respect for each other. They support each other to the highest degree and constantly encourage each other to achieve success.

However, this intensity can also be their downfall if not balanced with intelligence and compromise. Pride is another thing that may be a problem for Leos as they may pride themselves on their partner. But if they can learn to lay their pride aside and concentrate on the love that has brought them together then they will be experiencing a passionate and happy relationship.


Love marriage astrology deals with an intricate aspect of marriages and when two Leos come together it is one of the most complicated matches. It should be symbiotic, marked by mutual respect and effort to understand one another’s needs, especially in matters concerning the limelight. However, if both Leos are willing to overcome these issues, the love they will share will be as bright as the sun this zodiac sign represents. Combined they can live a passionate, adventurous life and have respect for each other which is important to sustain any relationship.

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