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Least Common Zodiac Sign - As per Astrology

Least Common Zodiac Sign - As per Astrology

Some zodiac signs are as rare as the rainbow itself. Chances are that the zodiac sign you're most familiar with is your sun or star sign. It's determined by when you were born. If you explore your birth chart, you will find that you have Moon and Rising signs as well as other signs related to planets like Mercury and Venus. In this world, we have only 12 signs of the zodiac. Although we know that there are millions of other people with the same zodiac sign, not all zodiac signs are equally distributed, some are rare.


Least Common Star Sign




Aries are very direct and they are not shy about telling you what they want. They are stubborn and self-confident and often find themselves in leadership positions. This is definitely a sign you want on your side.

Aries people are 8.1% and have a lot of energy and a strong desire to achieve what they want from life with determination and challenge.




Taurus people are very thick-skinned and very confident. They care a lot about money and are attracted to the finer things in life. They are extremely loyal and kind, so they are a good friend to have with you.

Taurus is 8.3% and they are as stubborn as they come. They are naturally caring and show genuine concern for their loved ones, which makes them a pleasure to be around.




Leo loves spending quality time with others. Charming and smart, he's never met someone he couldn't strike up a conversation with. This fun-loving, extroverted sign may not be the most common, but they are definitely one of the most likable zodiac signs.

Leo is 7.1% and they love to be the center of attention and are often the center of attraction of the whole room. Leo is the least common zodiac sign. This will not bother them as much as their ego can accept it as their love for life and energy keeps them going forward.




Sagittarius are lone wolves тАУ they need their space, and they enjoy spending time alone. They're always up for trying new things, and you'll likely find them planning their next solo adventure around the world.

Sagittarius makes up 7.3% of the group which is one of the laziest zodiac signs as they do not like to work within a schedule. Being at the bottom of the list of the lowest common denominator won't bother them much.




Capricorns are highly goal-oriented, and they often find themselves motivated to achieve more than others around them. They are hard-working and great supporters, especially for their friends and family members.

8.2% of Capricorns are highly intelligent and hence do not like to waste time on unnecessary events. They are very logical and practical, which makes them good in matters relating to business but not very progressive in personal and family relationships.




Aquarius is considered the rarest sign. They're the kind of sign who can't blend in with the crowd - they want to stand out and do their own thing. If you have an Aquarius in your life, you must know this!

Aquarius is the least common sign as it only makes up 6.3%. Aquarians are people who love life but find commitments very boring as they aim to get as much as possible out of life every day.


With each of the 12 zodiac signs having some common and some unique personality traits, it makes networking even more interesting. Aquarius is the least common zodiac sign, but there are discrepancies in the distribution of zodiac percentages of the population throughout the world. If you want to know more about the least common zodiac then talk to astrologers.

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