Lagna Lord in 8th House: Ascendant Lord in 8th House
If the ascendant lord is present in the eighth house of the birth chart, then the person will have a sick body. At the same time, such a person is prone to debauchery. If the Lord of the Ascendant is aspected in the eighth house, then the person is intelligent, virtuous, gentle, religious, and successful. But the native suffers from serious and incurable diseases when the Ascendant is conjoined or aspected by inauspicious planets. Such a person is greedy and miserly towards wealth accumulation. They consider wealth as God. They are ugly and eye-patients.
Lagnesh in 8th House
The eighth house is the causative house of age. If the lord of the ascendant, which is the factor of life of the native, is located in the eighth house, then it means that it will have a direct effect on the life of the native. If the lord of the ascendant is situated in the eighth house, then the person will have a long life. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted in the eighth house, then the person may be short-lived or middle-aged.
The eighth house is also the cause of incurable disease. If the lord of the ascendant is situated in the eighth house, then they need to be strong and determined. Because if the Ascendant in the eighth house is weak and afflicted, then the native is prone to incurable diseases and may suffer from various types of diseases. But if the lord of the ascendant is strong and well-placed, then the person lives a disease-free life because his internal immunity is very good.┬а
Ascendant Lord in Eighth House
The eighth house is also the cause of obstacles and problems in the life of the native because the eighth house is a bad place. If the ascendant lord is afflicted and weak in the eighth house, then the person faces many struggles in his life. The life of the native is full of incidents. The person is troubled by different types of problems. But if the lord of the ascendant is strong and strong in the eighth house, then the person can easily overcome the problems or obstacles in his life. The inner ability to fight against any problem will be very good in the native. As we can say, if the ascendant lord is afflicted in the eighth house, then the internal immunity system of the native will be very good, due to which the native can protect himself from any type of disease. The inner aura and sharpness of the native will be very good so that he can protect himself from any kind of negative energy.
Lagnesh situated in the eighth house can be the reason for the sudden death of the native. Due to Lagnesh being situated in the eighth house, the death of the person can also be due to an accident or incurable disease. If the lord of the ascendant is strong and strong in the eighth house, then the person leads a peaceful life and leaves the world suddenly. But if the ascendant lord is afflicted in the eighth house then the life of the native is not peaceful and the native dies after being troubled for a long time due to an incurable disease.┬а
1st Lord In 8th House┬а
There is a sense of study related to the eighth house and research. If the lord of the ascendant is situated in the eighth house, then the person is a scholar and a researcher. People acquire secret knowledge. The person may be inclined towards subjects like transcendental knowledge, and spiritual knowledge. The ability of intuition of the person is very good. The native can earn money by betting etc. due to the ability of his intuition or due to the power of his stick senses. If the Ascendant is strong and healthy, then the person is benefited from these studies. But if the lord of the ascendant is afflicted, then the person gets himself harmed due to the bad effect of all this education.
The eighth house is also the causative house of ancestral property. If the lord of the ascendant is well placed in the eighth house, then the person acquires his ancestral property and earns profit from it. The natives can also earn profit through secret money or illegal means. There is a possibility of sudden monetary gain for the native. But if the ascendant lord is afflicted in the eighth house, then the native has to face problems in getting the ancestral property. There may be legal or another kind of problems with the ancestral property of the native. The native may suffer loss or cause damage to his ancestral property. There is also a possibility of sudden loss to the native-like accident, theft, fire, etc.
First House Lord In Eighth House
Lagnesh in the eighth house makes the native a gambler. The person has an amazing ability to take risks. If the Ascendant is strong and strong, then the person earns good and long profits because of his risk-taking ability. But if the Ascendant is afflicted and weak, then the person suffers long losses due to his habit of taking risks.
Lagnesh in the eighth house makes the native a liar and a person with bad manners. If the Ascendant is in contact with benefic planets then the bad effects are reduced. But if the ascendant lord is in contact with a malefic planet, then the person may be a liar and a cruel person. Lagnesh situated under the influence of auspicious planets is a person of compassionate nature, spiritual nature, and having the yoga of achieving success in spirituality.
The native has to face defamation due to the lord of the ascendant being situated in the eighth house. The native also has to face false allegations.
If the lord of the ascendant is located in the eighth house along with the eighth lord, then it will not be considered auspicious by any method. Has a bad effect on the native. If the lord of the ascendant is strong in the eighth house, then the bad effects will be less. Otherwise, if the eighth lord is stronger than the ascendant lord, then the native has to face many problems in life. The native has to face troubles in his life due to poverty or conflicts. The person can remain troubled by debt. The person remains in the grip of negative thoughts. The way of living life of the native is also unfair and irresponsible. The native may indulge in criminal tendencies. If there is an influence of benefic planets on Lagnesh and Ashtamesh then it can reduce the bad effect and the native can get great fame and success in spirituality and research.
The eighth house is not considered good, but it is said to be good for esoteric studies and research work. If the ascendant lord is in a good condition in the eighth house, then the person may be inclined towards esoteric studies. Even if he does not learn them, he is always interested in them. The person Themself can also remain mysterious. No one will be able to know much about him that how they are from the inside. They may also get embroiled in some controversy or the other. Talk to astrology to know more about the effect of the ascendant lord in the 8th house.