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Lagna Lord in 6th House: Ascendant Lord in 6th House

Lagna Lord in 6th House: Ascendant Lord in 6th House

If the lord of the Ascendant is in the sixth house, then that person is physically weak. If the lord of the ascendant situated in the sixth house is strong, then the person will get a high position in the medical field or in the army. If the ascendant lord is conjoined or aspected by inauspicious planets in this house, then it is not auspicious from the point of view of health. If the Ascendant is a malefic planet, then it also makes the person sick and in debt. Such a person also gets in trouble with enemies. If the lord of the ascendant is in an auspicious position and aspected by auspicious planets, then the person will be healthy and interested in sports.


Lagnesh in 6th House┬а


The sixth house is the battlefield. Therefore, if the Lord of the ascendant is in the sixth house, then to determine its result, we should make a mutual assessment of the strength of the lord of the ascendant and the sixth house. If we talk in simple language, then I believe that if you are in a war field then whoever is stronger than the enemy or yourself will win. But the loss will be on both sides. Similarly, if the Ascendant is in the 6th house, then there will be a negative effect, but how much negative result will be obtained, will depend on the Ascendant and the 6th house. If the Ascendant is in the sixth house in its own sign, in the Mool Trikon sign, or in an exalted sign, then it will be considered in the best position. But if the Ascendant is in the 6th house and is in its enemy sign, debilitated, or in even sign, then it will not be a good situation. If the Ascendant is in a perfect position, then the Ascendant in the sixth house is also capable of giving auspicious results. But if the Ascendant is not in an auspicious position then the native has to face many problems in life. Overall, we can say that the lord of the ascendant in the sixth house gives good or bad results according to their position.


Ascendant Lord in Sixth House


The sixth house is the house related to mental ability. If the Lord of the Ascendant is in an auspicious position or in an excellent position in the sixth house, then the mental capacity of the person is good. He is a person of fearless, brave, and sharp intellect.

If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted in the sixth house, then the mental capacity of the person is not good, the person is a fearful, timid and submissive person, and the person can be a fool.

The sixth house is related to the disease. If the lord of the ascendant is in the sixth house, then it definitely affects the health of the native. If the Ascendant is in the best position, then the person lives a disease-free life. The person's physical ability is good. The native is the owner of an attractive personality. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted in the sixth house, then the health of the native is not good and the native may suffer from various diseases. The native may be a person with weak physical ability.


1st Lord In 6th House


The sixth house is the house related to debt. If the lord of the ascendant is in an auspicious position in the sixth house, then the person leads a debt-free life. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted in the sixth house, then the person is troubled by debt. If the lord of the ascendant is strong, then the person earns profit by giving loans to the people. If the lord of the ascendant is afflicted, then the person is troubled by debt. Also, it is seen that in the Dasha of Lagnesh, the native can be free from his debts.

The sixth house is related to the enemy. If the Ascendant is in the 6th house, then the native may be surrounded by his enemies. The native may remain troubled by his enemies. If the lord of the ascendant is strong, then the person gets victory over his enemy. But if the ascendant lord is afflicted and weak, then the native may be defeated by his enemies and the native's enemies may harm the native. In the same way, if the Lord of the ascendant is strong, then the person wins in the competition and if it is afflicted, then the person faces defeat in the competition.

The sixth house is related to obstacles. Lagnesh is the symbol of success. If the lord of the ascendant is in the sixth house, then the person has to face many obstacles in his life. If the lord of the ascendant is strong, then the person destroys all the obstacles coming his way and gets success in life. But if the lord of the ascendant is afflicted in the sixth house, then the person is troubled by the obstacles in his life and faces many kinds of difficulties.


First House Lord In Sixth House


The sixth house is the causative house of legal problems. If the lord of the ascendant is situated in the 6th house, then the native may be associated with the legal field. The native can be a lawyer, judge, etc. Lagnesh situated in the sixth house can give the medical field-related job to the native. Native may be related to doctors, paramedical staff, or similar to another medical-related profession. Native may suffer from medical problems or health-related problems.

The sixth house is related to a job or job. If the ascendant lord is in the sixth house, then the native gets a job. Now it will depend on the strength of Lagnesh and what kind of job the person will get.

The lord of the 6th house with Lagnesh in the 6th house is not considered auspicious for the native. Lagnesh situated in the 6th house can give health-related problems to the native, can give problems related to skin, creates a possibility of loss from the government, and can give disputes with the administration. The native faces different types of difficulties in his life. The native may face financial problems. The native may have legal problems. The native may face failure in his life. The native may be physically disabled. The native may get injured in an accident. There is also a possibility of facing trouble from your brothers etc. If the lord of the ascendant is a friend of the lord of the sixth house, then the bad effects are less.


The sixth house is not considered auspicious. This house is considered to be the house of disease, debt, and enemies. Whether the enemies are direct or indirect, they are assessed from this sense. If we look at the second aspect of the sixth house, then this house is also considered to be the house of competition and the enemy can also be the rival of the person. The person will be the destroyer of enemies. Will be the winner in competitions, which means he will be the one to achieve things by winning every competition. The family of the mother is seen from the sixth house, that is, the maternal grandfather of the native is seen. Lagnesh being in this house keeps the native more connected with his maternal grandfather. There is more inclination towards the Maternal house. The person is the one who gives the name to his father. To know more about the effect of the lord of the ascendant in the sixth house, take an astrology phone consultation.

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