Know what is Kumbh Vivah and why is Kumbh Vivah done
Kumbh Vivah is related to Manglik Yoga. If Mars is sitting in the 1st,4th,7th,8th, or 12th house in the horoscope, then the sight of Mars falls on the seventh house of the horoscope. The seventh house in the horoscope belongs to the wife or spouse. The position of the seventh house is assessed for marriage. If the effect of Mars is on the seventh house, then Manglik Yoga is formed. This yoga will be found in the horoscopes of forty percent of the people and it is only after studying the power of Mars in depth that it is known whether there is a Manglik Yoga or not. Talking about astrology, due to weak Mars, a person becomes Manglik and it affects his marriage and married life. Although Mars itself is said to be unmarried, Mars many times creates problems related to marriage, due to which the people are called Manglik. People who are suffering from the bad effects of Mars to a great extent or whose first marriage is likely to break due to Manglik Dosha or any other Yoga are advised to do Kumbh Vivah.
What is Kumbh Vivah?
Kumbh Vivah has an amazing effect on human life who are affected by Manglik Dosha. Kumbh means earthen pot and marriage means marriage. At the time of matchmaking, "Manglikdosh" acts as a villain. To prevent Manglik Dosha, the bride is married to a tree such as a banana or a peepal, an animal, or an inanimate object.
Why Kumbh Vivah is done
The logic behind Kumbh Vivah is that if there is a Manglik Yoga in the Kundali of a girl, then the pot is broken by marrying a non-living object i.e. a pot, just as a person is married by law before marriage. | In this way, when the girl gets married, it will be considered a second marriage and not the first.
Kumbh Vivah is for Mars only. If there is Vaidhya Yoga in the Kundali of the girl, then in North India, marriage is done to the idol of Vishnu.
Kumbh-Vivah Vishnu-Vivah and Ashwatha-Vivah. That is, before the marriage of such people, in which the Kundali of anyone who is having a Manglik defect, can be married again by doing any one of these systems, and then they can be married again with the Kundali having a non-Manglik defect. In Kumbh Vivah, the bride is married with a pot and after that, the pot is broken. In Vishnu's Vivah, the bride is married to the idol of Vishnu. Mangal-dosh becomes ineffective to a great extent, so by keeping these things in mind at the time of marriage, we can make the future happy.
A happy couple from Kumbh Vivah If there is 'Mangal Dosha', 'Vaidhya Dosha', or 'Vish Yoga' in the Kundali of the girl, then the remedy is Kumbh Vivah. In a girl's Kundali, in whose Kundali Mars is in the seventh house with malefic planets and the malefic planets in the seventh house see Mars in the seventh house, Vaidya karaka Arishta Yoga, such as Manglik Dosha or Vishkanya Dosha - for a happy marriage of a girl who is corrupted by all these, Kumbh in the scriptures vivah counseling is given. One should marry Vishnu Roop Kumbh for permanent married life.
If the bride or groom is Manglik, then the girl should first be married to Lord Vishnu. When a girl is married to Lord Shri Hari by law, then many serious planetary defects in her birth chart are eliminated. After this, the second marriage of the girl can be done to the groom. This makes the life of both the bride and groom happy and prosperous. If Mars is in the seventh house in the horoscope, if there is a debilitated Sun in the seventh or eighth, there is a Sun and Moon conjunction in the seventh, there is a debilitated Mercury in the seventh if there is a debilitated Jupiter in the seventh house, then Kumbh Vivah astrology of the girl. According to this, the seventh house in the horoscope is considered to be the factor of the house of marriage.
Kumbh Vivah Benefits
Kumbh Vivah means marriage with Kalash. Kalash has also been considered as the form of Lord Vishnu. If the girl is auspicious, then you can remove Mangal Dosh by getting her married in Kumbh.
According to religion, if a girl is married to someone without preventing Kumbh marriage, then the girl becomes a widow, so it is very important to do Kumbh marriage.
To remove the defect the girl is first married to Lord Vishnu installed in an earthen pot.
If you want to know about the method of Kumbh Vivah or want a solution to any problem related to it, then talk to astrologer.