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Knowing Success In Business By Kundli

Knowing Success In Business By Kundli

What will be the situation in business, this subject can be assessed by astrology. On the basis of all these facts, what kind of vision, conjunction, or location change of planets is happening, success-failure, and profit and loss in business can be known. According to the horoscope, the relation of Saturn with the tenth house is seen to see the sense of integrity in the person.

On the basis of the Kundli of the native, it can be ascertained which line he will catch in the field of his career. Many people work in life by being subordinate to others, that is, they get their livelihood from a job, while some people like to work independently.┬а



Business Yoga in Kundli



  • If Moon, Jupiter, and Venus are situated in each of the two or twelve houses, then the person earns his livelihood from his own business.

  • If the Moon is in the center of an auspicious planet in Kundali, then the person earns money from the business.

  • If there is an aspect or conjunction with Mercury, Rahu, or Saturn in the Kundli, then the person desires to do business independently. But if Saturn is strong in the Kundli and is aspect Mercury, then the person does a job.

  • If Jupiter is situated in the third house from Moon's Kundli and Venus is situated in the benefic house then a person can do his own business.

  • If the lord of the seventh house is situated in the money house and Mercury is situated in the seventh house, a person can do business.

  • If Mercury and Venus are situated in the second or seventh house in the Kundli and are aspected by auspicious planets, then the person may have an inclination towards business.

  • Mercury is considered the karaka planet of business. If Mercury is in the seventh house with the second lord in the horoscope, then the person does business.

  • If the lord of the second house is situated in the sign of a benefic planet and Mercury or the seventh lord is looking at it, then the person does business.

  • If the lord of the second house is aspected by Jupiter, then the person can do business.

  • The person is interested in doing business when the second lord is aspected on the exalted Mercury.

  • If the Lagnesh and the tenth lord have an eye on each other, the placement of conjunction or both is changing, then the person can do business.

  • Business is done due to the sight of auspicious planets on the tenth house. He gains money in business.

  • The position of Mercury in the tenth house makes a person a businessman.

  • If Saturn is situated in the Navamsha of the Atmakaraka planet in the Kundli, then the person gets prosperity in business.

  • From the seventh house to the twelfth house or from the tenth house to the third house, if five or more than five planets are situated, then the person does independent business.

  • Even if the lord of the tenth house is situated in the Kendra or triangle house, a person can do business independently.


Yoga for Success in Business

  • If the lord of Mars and the fourth house is situated in the Kendra or Trikona house or in the benefic house and there is a conjunction of Venus and Moon with the tenth house, then the person receives money from agriculture and animal husbandry.

  • When Mercury, Venus, and Saturn are situated in the ninth house of the horoscope, then the person receives money from agricultural work.

  • In the horoscope, from the planet Sun to the planet Saturn, all the planets are situated in a mutual triangle houses, then the person can earn his livelihood from agriculture-related works.

  • If Jupiter is situated in the eighth house and the malefic planets are in the center and there is no relation of any auspicious planet with them, then the person does the business of meat and fish, etc.

  • If Mercury or Venus is situated in the tenth house as the ninth lord of the tenth house, then the person can do business with clothes.

  • When all the planets are situated in the Ascendant and in the seventh house, then Shakat Yoga is formed and the person earns money through transport or by trading in wooden items.

  • Except for Rahu-Ketu, if all the seven planets are situated in any of the four houses in the horoscope, then the person gets to benefit from the land i.e. agricultural work.

  • If Moon or Venus is in conjunction with the Ascendant in the horoscope, a person can become a writer, poet, or journalist.

  • Due to the placement of Mars and the Sun in the tenth house, the person becomes a good craftsman on the basis of his work efficiency and gets wealth.

  • If the Moon is situated in the Navamsha of Mercury and is aspected by the Sun, then the person achieves success in the field of acting.

  • The combination of Moon and Rahu in the tenth house makes a person a diplomat.

  • If Mars is situated in the tenth house in the horoscope or Mars has a vision or conjunction with the lord of the tenth house, then the person becomes an efficient administrator or can get the post of an officer in the army.


If you want to get successful in business then astrological remedies can give you a lot of success. You can talk to astrologers to know astrological remedies.

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