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Know When You Should Not Donate According To Astrology

Know When You Should Not Donate According To Astrology


Importance Of Charity In Astrology


After assessing a person's birth chart astrologers it is advised to do charity for happiness, prosperity, and fulfillment of other desires in life. Donation is done for anything, food and even expensive jewelry.


Charity Karma


You must have heard that different types of charity are done to pacify the different planets in the birth chart. We donate according to what astrologers tell us. But has any astrologer ever told you what kind of charity should not be done at what time?

Because if the charity is done against the position of the planets, it gives even worse effects. In such a situation, the donation made by us instead of giving us good results starts giving bad results. 


Know When Not To Donate


Today we are going to tell you what kind of charity should not be done even by mistake in the condition of the planets. According to the method of astrology, a person should never donate things related to the planets which are located in high zodiac signs or in their own zodiac sign in the horoscope. Because such charity always harms us.




Sun is exalted when it is in Aries and in its own sign when it is in Leo. If the sun is in one of these two signs in a person's horoscope, then he should not donate things of red or pink color. Apart from this, jaggery, flour, wheat, copper, etc. should not be donated. In such a position of the sun, such a person should consume more sweets by reducing salt.




Moon is exalted in Taurus and in its own sign in Cancer. If the planet Moon is in such a position in a person's horoscope, then he should not donate milk, rice in food items, and silver and pearls in jewelry. Misbehaving with their mother or any woman older than him can be harmful to such a person. On insulting a woman, such a person becomes a victim of mental stress.

The person for whom the Moon is in its own sign should never cooperate financially in the construction of a tap, tube well, well, pond, or water trough. This can prove to be financially harmful to that person.




If Mars is in Aries or Scorpio, it is in its own sign and if it is in Capricorn, it attains exaltation. If Mars is in such a position in your horoscope, then don't donate lentils, sweets, or any other sweet food items.

If guests have come to your house, never give them fennel to eat, otherwise, that person will use bitter words against you on some occasions. If you want to avoid the wrath of Mars, then neither eat any kind of stale food yourself nor give it to anyone else to eat.




If Mercury is in Gemini, then in its own sign, and in Virgo, it is said to be of the high sign. If Mercury is in any of the above-mentioned positions in a person's birth chart, then he should never donate green-colored items and things. Donation of green-colored clothes, articles, and even green-colored food items is prohibited for such a person. Apart from this, this person should neither keep fish in the house nor should he ever feed the fish himself.




When Jupiter is in Sagittarius or Pisces, it attains exaltation when it is in its own house and in Cancer. If Jupiter is in such a position in the horoscope of a person, then he should not wear yellow-colored things. Gold, brass, saffron, religious literature or things, etc. should not be donated. Donating these things reduces respect in society.




If the planet Venus is in Taurus or Libra, it is in its own sign and if it is in Pisces, it is exalted. If a person has such a position of Venus in his horoscope, then he should not donate white-colored aromatic substances, otherwise, the physical pleasures of the person start decreasing. Apart from this, donations of newly bought items and curd, sugar candy, butter, pure ghee, cardamom, etc. should also not be done.




If Shani is in Capricorn or Aquarius, then it is said to be in its own house, and if it is in Libra, it is said to be in an exalted sign. If Saturn is present in your horoscope, then you should never donate black-colored things even by mistake. Apart from this, iron, wood and furniture, oil or oily material, building material, etc. should not be donated.

Such a person should not keep any black-colored animal like buffalo or black-colored cow, black dog, etc. in his house. By doing this, the person can be harmed both personally and socially.




If Rahu is in Virgo then it is of its own sign and if it is in Taurus and Gemini then it is of exaltation. If a person's horoscope is made up of any one of these conditions, then such a person should not donate blue, or brown things. Apart from this, one should refrain from disrespecting food. Whenever they sit down to eat food, take only as much as they are hungry, leaving a lie on the plate can be heavy for them.




If Ketu is in Pisces, then it is a homebody and if it is in Scorpio or Sagittarius, then it attains greatness. If Ketu is in the above position in your horoscope, then you should never keep birds in the house, otherwise, the money will be wasted on useless work. Apart from this, one should not donate brown, colorful colored clothes, blankets, sesame, or things made from sesame, etc.


We do charity and charity to strengthen some planets in the birth chart and to pacify the evil planets, but what kind of charity we should not do in the condition of the planets, is also worth knowing. If you want to know what should be donated according to your horoscope, then talk to astrology.

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