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What is the Ascendant in Kundali and the Importance of the Lagna?

What is the Ascendant in Kundali and the Importance of the Lagna?

In astrology, the calculation and analysis of the twelve houses, nine planets, and twelve signs of the Kundli, the various aspects, and circumstances of a person's life cycle are assessed and the Kundli of any person is only a mirror form of his life, according to the birth chart. Although the twelve houses of the Kundli have their own importance in the analysis, the ascendant or the ascendant house of the Kundli has been given the most importance.


The zodiac which rises on the eastern horizon at the time of birth of any person is called Ascendant and all astrological calculations are done by setting this ascendant in the first house of the Kundli because, at the time of birth, the ascendant is considered in the Kundli. If it is established in the first house, then the name of the first house in the birth chart has been named Lagna or Lagna Bhava.


What is the Ascendant


The first house of the Kundali is addressed as Lagna and the lord of the Lagna Bhava i.e. the zodiac situated in the first house of the Kundali is called Lagnesh. As a result, the position of Lagna and Lagnesh is considered very important in astrology. When the Lagna and Lagnesh are strong, the Kundli becomes very strong. The weakness or affliction of Lagna and Lagnesh makes Kundli weak and creates more conflict in the life of a person.


Importance of Lagna in Astrology


According to the astrological rules, the Ascendant house of the Kundli is also considered important because it represents very important aspects of our life, the ascendant house of the Kundli is known for body strength, health, immunity, form, mind, shape, nature, Nature, age, soul, self-confidence, honor, fame, prestige, fame, speed, etc. have been considered as a factor. The presence of Lagna and Lagnesh in a strong position in the Kundli provides a good position for the above aspects in the life of the person, then weak Lagna and Lagnesh make the person face many ups and downs and struggles.

If the Lagnesh is influenced by auspicious planets in the Kundli and the Lagnesh is situated in auspicious places like Kendra, Trikon (1,4,7,10,5,9 house), etc., or if the Self is strong in the exalted zodiac, then the health of the person would be good. That is, the person is full of self-confidence and when the Lagnesh is strong, the person gets wealth, social prestige, fame, and fame, when the Lagnesh is strong and in an auspicious position, radiance is generated on the person's face and the person's behavior and personality are attractive. In whose Kundli the Ascendant is situated in the Lagnesh itself or the Ascendant is seen on the Ascendant, such a person is a well-known person in his field, who gets a lot of fame and prestige.

If the Lagnesh in the Kundli is in a strong position and is in the center and free from the effects of sin, then such a strong Lagna sitting in the center is considered to be very prosperous and prosperous. A strong Ascendant in the Kundli not only gives health or fame but is very helpful in the full development and progress of life. If the Ascendant is in a benefic house in the Kundli or Self is in a strong position in the exalted zodiac, then the Dasha of the planet Ascendant is going to give very auspicious results and in the Dasha of Shubh and strong Ascendant, the person will have good health, confidence, fame, and fortune. Prestige is attained and life moves forward on the path of progress and prosperity.

When the Lagna and Lagnesh are strong, many defects of the Kundli get neutralized and the person gets auspicious results like age, health, happiness, wealth, etc. When the Lagna and Lagnesh are strong, the life of the person becomes happy in all respects. If sin yoga (Guru Chandal yoga, Grahan Yoga, etc.) is formed in the ascendant house of the Kundli when the ascendant is in sorrow, is in the debilitated zodiac, or in any other way, when the ascendant is afflicted, then the person's life becomes more prone to troubles. There are more health problems, there is a lack of self-confidence in the person and when the Lagna and Lagnesh are weak, the person does not get fame and does not get the fame of the good deeds done, even if he does good, he does not get good.

If the Lagnesh is especially in the 6th or 8th house in the Kundli, then the immunity of the body is less. In such a situation, health problems trouble the person a lot and there are frequent ups and downs in health. The placement of Lagnesh in the twelfth house of the Kundli also generates struggle and hard work in life. Apart from this, being in the third house of the Ascendant makes more effort, but especially the presence of the Ascendant in the triad (6,8,12) is more problematic.


The ascendant house has a lot of importance in Kundli. The first house in the Kundli is called the Ascendant house. If you want to know more about the Ascendant house, then you can know through an Astrology phone consultation.

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