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Moon Mahadasha on Zodiac Sign - Moon Mahadasha on Ascendant

Moon Mahadasha on Zodiac Sign - Moon Mahadasha on Ascendant

Moon has an effect on the mind and it produces many mental pains and mental peace in the mind. Therefore, the person who has Moon Mahadasha in his birth chart has to face many mental pains, and whose Moon is strong, that person is very calm mentally. In astrology, in the event of a bad moon, there are many types of diseases. Many remedies have also been given to solve it.


Moon Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant


Aries natives get benefit from the Mahadasha of Moon. Wealth is gained due to this Mahadasha. During this, you may have to face headaches. Any accident can happen due to the Mahadasha of Moon.


Moon Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant


The native of the Taurus zodiac gets married to the Mahadasha of Moon. The native gets an increase in wealth due to the Mahadasha of the moon. The person can benefit by thinking more. The native may have to face minor ailments.


Moon Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant


The person of the Gemini zodiac gets a lot of financial benefits from the Mahadasha of the Moon. During this, the marriage of the person is assured and there is no obstacle in the marriage.


Moon Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant


Moon is the lord of the Cancer zodiac, one gets a lot of benefits during Mahadasha. During this period, there is economic growth in pleasures and wealth and there is profit.


Moon Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant


The person of the Leo zodiac gets an increase in respect and position due to the Mahadasha of the Moon. Wealth increases due to Moon's Mahadasha and benefits from farming etc. Makes the sum of an abundance of food etc.


Moon Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant


Due to the Mahadasha of Moon, the native of Virgo gets fame in the art of poetry. There is an economic benefit. The native may benefit from travel. Getting married etc., auspicious effects are experienced.


Moon Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant


The native of the Libra zodiac gets the results of marriage yoga, benefits from women, money benefits, etc. Anxiety and loss in migration also make the moon. Over-imagination also leads to loss.


Moon Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant


From the Mahadasha of Moon, the native of the Scorpio zodiac gets the means. Due to this, discord, headache and worries also keep arising in the house. Accidents or injuries etc. can happen if it is related to the debilitated or eighth house or if there is a vision of Mars.


Moon Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant


The native of the Sagittarius zodiac gets children from the Mahadasha of Moon. During this time the person gets practical happiness. The enemy is destroyed by Moon's Mahadasha.


Moon Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant


The native of Capricorn gets practical pleasure from the Mahadasha of the moon, but there is some problem. Stomach-related diseases come from the Mahadasha of Moon. During this, the person has mental tension.


Moon Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant


In the Mahadasha of Moon, there is an increase in general happiness for the people of Aquarius. During this time, the native suffers from stomach and head diseases and various worries.


Moon Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant


The native of Pisces zodiac gets the benefit of a son from the Mahadasha of Moon. During this vehicle gets pleasure. There is the happiness of companions, destruction of enemies, the arrival of wealth and happiness of servants, etc.




Due to the Mahadasha of Moon, the health of the person starts deteriorating and he is surrounded by problems like cold, and cold. To get rid of such problems, you can talk to astrology.

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