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Jupiter Mahadasha on Zodiac Sign - Jupiter Mahadasha on Ascendant

Jupiter Mahadasha on Zodiac Sign - Jupiter Mahadasha on Ascendant

Dev Guru Brihaspati is considered to be the Jupiter of the gods. They have great importance in astrology. They are considered the giver of knowledge and wisdom. Due to their grace, the natives get the support of senior officers. Business flourishes. The native is capable of taking the right decisions. Jupiter is also called Jiva or Angiras. Devguru Brihaspati is considered the factor of knowledge, education, children, marital happiness, charity, and growth. According to astrology, the Mahadasha of all the planets affects the lives of the people of all the zodiac signs. The effect of the Mahadasha on the planets is different in all the zodiac signs. Some zodiac signs have auspicious and inauspicious effects.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Aries Ascendant


Aries sign people will get good benefits from Jupiter's Mahadasha. There is an increase in position or prestige in the job. The Mahadasha of Jupiter causes problems in finance. Will not get entangled in the legal court case, the remaining profit through property or land is also there. You can also get benefit from religious activities during this period.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Taurus Ascendant


For the people of the Taurus zodiac, the financial condition of Jupiter is good. Enjoyment of good finances and increase in profits. During this time you may get sudden succession or money coming which may increase your accumulated wealth. However, you are advised to be cautious with any speculative business.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Gemini Ascendant


For the Gemini people, the Mahadasha of Jupiter makes the native pure. During this, the person gets away from the family. The native gets success in their career.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Cancer Ascendant


For the people of the Cancer zodiac, the person gets fame due to the Mahadasha of Jupiter. During Mahadasha, there is respect in society. There is success in business during this period.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Leo Ascendant


For Leo people, the person gets money from the Mahadasha of Jupiter. There is success in learning during Mahadasha. There will be no problem in getting a child.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Virgo Ascendant


Jupiter Mahadasha for Virgo people gives success to the native to start any business partnership in terms of increase in revenue or profit. Any problem is also solved in a business partnership. Knowledge and intelligence will increase your prestige during this period and you can also get a good promotion.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Libra Ascendant


For the people of the Libra zodiac, due to the Mahadasha of Jupiter, the native has enmity with his wife and sons. During this time, the person faces a lot of health problems. During this time, the person does not get success in his career.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Scorpio Ascendant


The people of the Scorpio zodiac have good financial conditions due to the Mahadasha of Jupiter. Along with the increase in income, there will be an increase in finance as well. During this time, use your intelligence and knowledge to do your best in the matter of increasing your family wealth or wealth.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Sagittarius Ascendant


The Mahadasha of Jupiter makes the people of Sagittarius a high authority. Income increases during this period. The business also increases due to this Mahadasha. You get success in your career.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Capricorn Ascendant


The Mahadasha of Jupiter can cause stomach problems for Capricorn people. During this time, the person does not get success in his career. The person gets wealth from Mahadasha.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Aquarius Ascendant


The people of Aquarius can benefit financially from the Mahadasha of Jupiter. You can get success in new business during this period. This Mahadasha also brings success to a career.


Jupiter Mahadasha for Pisces Ascendant


The people of Pisces can get financial goods from the Mahadasha of Jupiter. During this practical life is also spent well. There may be a problem in getting a child.




According to astrology prediction, if Jupiter is auspicious in the Kundali, then the person is learned and knowledgeable and gets immense respect and respect. There is divine grace on the person and the person gets saved from all the problems in life. Such people are generally seen in the functions of religion, law, or funds. If Jupiter is in the center and is free from sinful effects, then all the problems of the person disappear.

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