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Malavya yoga: Malavya yoga in Astrology

Malavya yoga: Malavya yoga in Astrology

Panch Mahapurush Yog has a distinct feature of the birth chart. The basic five planets of Panch Mahapurush Yoga Astrology are formed by Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn. Malavya Yoga is one of the five yogas of Panch Mahapurush.


How is Malavya Yoga formed?


Malavya Yoga is formed by Venus in the birth chart. Venus is seen in the birth chart for important aspects like wife, youth, beauty, vehicle, sexual pleasure, wealth, flowers, fragrance, and perfume. Malavya Yoga is formed whenever Venus comes in the center of a person's birth chart in any of the first house, fourth house, seventh house, and tenth house. Malavya Yoga is formed by the following conditions in astrology.


What is Malavya Yoga┬аin Astrology


The center place in the birth chart has special significance. Malavya Mahapurush Yog In astrology, when Venus is situated in the Kendra place by being in the sign Taurus, or Libra, then Malavya Mahapurush Yoga is formed.


Malavya Mahapurush Yoga is formed even when Venus is in Pisces in the birth chart.


Malavya Yoga Benefits


  • Malavya Yoga comes under Panch Mahapurush Yoga. For a person born in Malavya Mahapurush Yoga, the following results have been given in the scriptures.

  • The person would be intelligent and at the same time able to take good education.

  • The person has a very beautiful body.

  • Good limbs, handsome, and the nose of the person is slightly elongated.

  • The person is proficient in many different types of knowledge.

  • The person born in Malavya Yoga has qualities related to Venus like spirituality, righteousness, and qualities.

  • The person is going to live a long and luxurious life.

  • Such people get the happiness of wealthy women, and children, as well as, get happiness and respect from scholars.

Dissolution of Malavya Yoga


The result of any auspicious yoga is also based on Ascendant, Moon Ascendant, and Surya Ascendant. In such a situation, if the position of Ascendant, Sun, and Moon is not strong in the birth chart, then the result of Malavya Mahapurush Yoga is less.

If Venus is in conjunction with Sun or Moon, then the result of Malavya Yoga is reduced.


Strength and Analysis of Malavya Yoga


The strong position of Malavya Yoga is based on the position of Venus in the birth chart and in conjunction with Venus and other planets associated with vision. In the birth chart, when Venus joins with a planet of opposite nature such as Mercury in conjunction or vision relationship, then Malavya Yoga becomes weak.

Malavya Yoga is weak even if Venus is in a good position in the birth chart but Venus is not in a good position in the Navamsa.

To count the strength of any planet, many types of procedures have been told in the scriptures. Such as quadrilateral force, seven square force, excitation force, and octagonal force. If the position of Venus in all of these is good, then the result of Malavya Yoga is good. If the position of Venus is weak in all of these, then the result of Malavya Yoga is less.

Even if Venus is in Paap Kartari Yoga, the strength of Malavya Yoga decreases.

If the lord of the sixth, eighth or twelfth house is situated with Venus, then Venus is weak, and the result of Malavya Yoga is less.



Malavya Yoga Effects


The planet Venus maintains its authority over important aspects of life such as learning, and spirituality. If the planet Venus is good in the birth chart and is making yoga-like Malavya Mahapurush, then the person has more chances of success in the work related to business, cinema, hotel business, airlines, etc.


Malavya Yoga is one of the Panchmahapurush Yogas. Malavya Yoga is known for the presence of Venus in Kundali. If you also want to know which yoga is being formed in your Kundali, then you can astrology consultation.


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