Know about birth chart Or Janam Kundali
Janam Kundali The celestial map is made in the birth chart from the time of birth of the person. In the birth chart, the celestial map is made at the time of birth, taking the east horizon, and the rising zodiac on the horizon as the basis. That is why it is also called Rashi Kundali. The greatest importance in the birth chart is given to the Ascendant.
In the birth chart, the Ascendant is shown in the first house, after seeing the position of the planets, twelve zodiac signs are placed one by one in the 12 houses of the birth chart and it is known which zodiac sign at the time of birth of the person, In which house are you in the birth chart? The zodiac in which the Moon is placed is said to be the person's birth sign.
One thing that has to be kept in mind in the birth chart is that after the marriage, the signs keep changing but the values тАЛтАЛof the Kundali remain the same whereas the expressions of the Kundali never change, that is, the 12 zodiac signs keep changing in the birth chart but the 12 house is always there. Ascendant house is 1, house 2 is associated with the fate of the native, and house 2,3,4 always stays in a certain order, it never changes.
How to make Kundali?
Two things are very important in the birth chart, one is the Lagna Kundali and the other is the Moon Kundali. The Lagna Kundali gives accurate information about the person's behavior and Kundali, while the same Chandra Kundali gives accurate information about the person's behavior and Kundali. Now you have to take the help of astrology to make Kundali. The online or free birth chart does not have complete information but an astrologer can give complete information in your Kundali.
Benefits of the Birth Chart
There are many benefits of the birth chart. Astrology is a science, it is not just a prediction. This is not such science in which only the stones are killed, but how is the position and direction of the planets at the time of the birth of the person, which planet is in the real zodiac, because it has been written in the scriptures that the planets have been there for years. Every person is connected and changes take place in the life of the person in the same way as the planets move.
With the help of a birth chart, any person can know what studies he should do in life or what kind of job will be good for the person. At the same time, all kinds of information related to the life of the person, business, family, marriage, wealth, property, disputes, and information about all the subjects are present in the Kundali, hence the importance of the Kundali increases. If the person decorates his life on the basis of his qualities, then surely he will be seen getting harmony and success in his life.
Janam Kundali can know everything about a person's life from person to person. If you also want to know more about the birth chart, then you can know by talking to astrology.