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Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Ketu

Antardasha of All The Planets in The Mahadasha of Ketu

In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the person gets the benefit of small money, benefits from livestock, land benefits in the village, etc., and gives inauspicious results at the end of the Mahadasha. In the case of inauspicious Ketu, the person is unable to earn the means of earning a living, even after doing tirelessly in the west, there is a loss in business. If there is a job, then the job is lost. In childhood, this condition afflicts the person with diseases like smallpox, cholera, diarrhea, and vitreous. The heart is saddened by the death of a close relative. When a person gets rid of pain from one misery, then another misery comes and is present.


What is Ketu Mahadasha Ketu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, Ketu's Antardasha is of four months and seventy-seven days. If it is in exalted, friend and own sign, combined and aspected by benefic planets, and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then Ketu in Mahadasha Antardasha gives medium auspicious results to the person. The person gets some money, land, progress, and fame. If Ketu is under the inauspicious influence and Ketu is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Ketu, the person is unable to earn the means of earning a living even after working tirelessly. The person does not get a job and there is a loss in business. The person has fear of any animal. The native suffers due to many sorrows and sufferings.


Ketu Mahadasha Mercury Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, Mercury Antardasha lasts for eleven months and twenty-seven days. If it is in friend and own sign, is combined with auspicious planets and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in friend or own sign, then the person gets auspicious results. The native takes a breath of some happiness after getting rid of the sorrows received during the period of Shani Dasha. There is communion with learned society, meeting with people, and property gains. There is happiness in meeting old friends, getting new knowledge, progress in work and business, and good luck. If Ketu is inauspicious and Mercury is in a debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Mercury, the person suffers loss in business. Domestic strife increases. Friends also behave hostilely. There is fear of loss of property from enemies, thieves, and thugs and suffering from children.


Ketu Mahadasha Venus Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the Antardasha of Venus lasts for one year and two months. If it is exalted, and in self-sign, aspected by benefic planets, and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and situated in exalted, or self-signed, then the Mahadasha of Ketu in the Antardasha of Venus then the person's intellect becomes sensual. They always seem to dream of a life of happiness and luxury. They waste time reading love stories, novels, etc. One has to suffer because of love affairs with lowly and corrupt women or men. If Ketu is under the inauspicious influence and Venus is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Venus, the person engages a lot in the activities of immorality and unrighteousness. The person becomes greedy about getting money. The native has a dispute with his wife and sons. The person destroys the property acquired in prostitution and drinking.


Ketu Mahadasha Sun Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the Antardasha of the Sun is of four months and six days. If it is in exalted, friend and own sign, aspected by benefic planets, and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then there is Antardasha of Sun. In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the person gets the medium type of results. The native gets fruits like happiness, profit, and small splendor in the body. Yogas are made for the pilgrimage of the native. If Ketu is under inauspicious effect and Sun is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then during the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Sun, there is confusion and passion in the mind of the person. The person gets angry in vain, gets punishment from his superiors, and faces obstacles in the promotion. The person gets defeated in debate, loses money in migration, and body pain.


Ketu Mahadasha Moon Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the Moon  Antardasha is for seven months. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, aspected by auspicious planets and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then the person will get medium results. The native gets some happiness and wealth. The fickleness prevails in the native. If Ketu is under inauspicious effect and Moon is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Moon, the person remains attached to work. The native gets failure due to misdeeds. The person becomes emotional and suffers loss by actions done in emotion.


Ketu Mahadasha Rahu Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the Antardasha of Rahu is of one year and eighteen days. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, is combined and aspected by auspicious planets and is also under the influence of auspicious planets and if it is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then Rahu Antardasha in the Mahadasha of Ketu, then the person will get immediate monetary and immediate benefits. Wealth is attained. The native gets benefits from the lower class or those living abroad. And help is available. If Ketu is under inauspicious effect and Rahu is in debilitated or enemy sign and is conjunct or aspected by malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Rahu, the person gets money from improper deeds. 


Ketu Mahadasha Jupiter Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, the Antardasha of Guru is of eleven months and six days. If exalted, friend and self-signed, possessed and visible by benefic planets and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and placed in exalted, friend or self-sign, the person is calm and in religious activities. I have Ketu Mahadasha. The pilgrimage and the person's progress in the field of knowledge and science. The person holds high thoughts. If Ketu is inauspicious and Jupiter is in a debilitated sign or enemy and is aspected by malefic planets, then the person has to travel more in Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Jupiter. There is loss of property due to thieves or thugs in travel. In a downcast, Shep fights without talking.


Ketu Mahadasha Saturn Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, Saturn's Antardasha is of one year, one month, and nine days. If it is in exalted, friend and self-sign, combined and aspected by auspicious planets and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets and is situated in exalted, friend or self-sign, then there is an Antardasha of Saturn. If Ketu has Mahadasha then the native will get moderately auspicious results. The work of the native gets completed after some time. The native is more interested in unrighteousness and immoral activities than in religion. If Ketu is under inauspicious effect and Saturn is in debilitated or enemy sign and is aspected by malefic planets, then the person suffers a lot in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Saturn. Man has to wander in order to earn a living. Even after working hard, the work of a person is not proven. Differences in a person are made by one's own friends. In property matters, the native is defeated and displaced.


Ketu Mahadasha Mars Antardasha


In the Mahadasha of Ketu, Mars has an Antardasha of twenty-seven days for four months. If it is exalted, friend and self-signed, combined and aspected by benefic planets, and Ketu is also under the influence of benefic planets, and exalted, friend or self-signed, then Mars is a Kshatriya planet. The qualities of Mars are predominant in me too, so in the Antardasha of auspicious and strong Mars, the enthusiasm of the person increases. The person takes a special interest in courageous and mighty works and gets respect and honor for being successful in it. Violent tendencies increase in the native. If Ketu is inauspicious and Mars is in debilitated or enemy sign and there is conjunction or vision of malefic planets, then in the Mahadasha of Ketu and Antardasha of Mars, the person is of violent nature and of very violent nature. The person suffers due to uncontrolled eating and drinking. If you have any questions related to Ketu Mahadasha then talk to astrologers.

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