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Ketu in Sagittarius Ascendant - Astrological Guide

Ketu in Sagittarius Ascendant - Astrological Guide

The people of Sagittarius ascendant like to do their work according to the rules, they are ideal for others but they do not trust others for any of their work. They are charitable by nature and they are successful in getting respect and prestige in society. They are interested in subjects like mathematics, politics, law, and astrology and also earn success in many fields with their hard work.



Ketu in all 12 Houses for Sagittarius Ascendant 



Ketu in 1st House Sagittarius Ascendant  

People with Ketu in the first house of Sagittarius ascendant are unattractive in appearance but physically strong, laborious, courageous, and stubborn. The native works hard to increase their status in society. The person with Ketu in the first house of Sagittarius ascendant is skilled. Ketu makes a person hide his weaknesses and concerns. The native shows himself to be brave, energetic, and happy.


Ketu in 2nd House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The person having Ketu in the second house of Sagittarius ascendant suffers the loss of family wealth and feels a lack of money. The person appears to be disappointed. The native faces difficulties and feels his bad family condition. For Sagittarius Ascendant, a person with Ketu in the second house has less stamina. Such a person is brave and courageous and leads a happy family life.


Ketu in 3rd House Sagittarius Ascendant 


A person with Ketu in the third house of Sagittarius ascendant works hard for progress in the business. The native has to face obstacles to success. The native with Ketu in the third house of Sagittarius ascendant enjoys all the pleasures in family life. The person earns money. The person with Ketu in the third house of Sagittarius ascendant is influential. 


Ketu in 4th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native having Ketu in the 4th house of Sagittarius ascendant has problems with his mother and faces separation. The native resides in a foreign country far away from his place of birth. The native with Ketu in the 4th house of Sagittarius Ascendant suffers a lot and faces difficulties to get happiness. The native with Ketu in the fourth house of Sagittarius ascendant works hard to make a better future.


Ketu in 5th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native with Ketu in the fifth house of Sagittarius ascendant has to face problems from his children. The native works very hard to get an education. The native with Ketu in the fifth house of Sagittarius ascendant has to face obstacles in their career. The person is careless and proud. The native with Ketu in the fifth house of Sagittarius ascendant appears to be happy.


Ketu in 6th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The person with Ketu in the sixth house of Sagittarius ascendant wins over the enemies. The native overcomes all kinds of difficulties in their life. The native does not get the love and company of their father. The native with Ketu in the sixth house of Sagittarius ascendant works hard to increase his income and gets success. The person does not care about the troubles and moves forward adopting the right methods.


Ketu in 7th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native with Ketu in the seventh house of Sagittarius Ascendant has to face many difficulties in running the family. The natives work patiently for progress in the business. Native's friends help him to get success in business. The native with Ketu in the seventh house for Sagittarius Ascendant manages the family affairs tactfully. The native leads a struggling life.


Ketu in 8th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native with Ketu in the eighth house of Sagittarius ascendant has to face diseases related to the stomach. The person is harsh and influential. The native receives foreign cooperation and works patiently to increase wealth. The native with Ketu in the eighth house of Sagittarius ascendant loses family happiness.


Ketu in 9th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native with Ketu in the ninth house of Sagittarius ascendant does good deeds to get a name and fame but still, he loses fame. The native is healthy, fearless, and efficient. The native is not able to earn enough money. A person with Ketu in the ninth house of Sagittarius ascendant leads a happy domestic life but does not get fame in business.


Ketu in 10th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


A person with Ketu in the tenth house of Sagittarius ascendant is intelligent. The native works hard to become successful in business, but he has to face obstacles in the way of success. The native remains anxious and has to face opposition from the family. The family life of a person with Ketu in the tenth house of Sagittarius ascendant is disturbed. The native does not get wealth, happiness, and prestige.


Ketu in 11th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


A person with Ketu in Sagittarius ascendant works hard and earns money for progress and success in life. The native keeps striving to become more and more famous and prosperous. The native with Ketu in Sagittarius ascendant is patient and single-handedly faces all the problems that come their way. The native leads a prosperous household life but does not get along well with the family members.


Ketu in 12th House Sagittarius Ascendant 


The native with Ketu in the 12th house of Sagittarius Ascendant is worried about more. The native faces difficulties but is successful in controlling them. The person with Ketu in the twelfth house of Sagittarius ascendant works hard to get success. The person keeps looking for new sources to earn money but is not able to earn money. The native with Ketu in the 12th house of Sagittarius Ascendant enjoys a happy and comfortable family life.


Ketu gives mixed results in Sagittarius ascendant. Talk to astrologer to know about the measures to remove the negative effects of Ketu in Sagittarius ascendant.

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