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Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra: Negative and Positive Effects

Due to the presence of Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra, the person suffers from body pain, pain in the mind, mutual quarrels, and liars. During this, the person eats lotus leaves according to the Tiger Code and lives for seven years. If Ketu is aspected by an auspicious planet, then he lives only 20 years. During this time, the person may also die due to meager benefits, physical pain, aquatic diseases, is employed in the army or police. The person becomes a great yogi. The chief priest with healing powers, the person will earn from the treatment of herbs. If Jupiter is in Ashlesha Nakshatra, then it will be worshiped like God. Due to his bad behavior, the person is low in the mind of the people, has a humorous sense of mind, and wants to achieve success as soon as possible. Such people are afraid of deep water and avoid beauty. If Bharani Nakshatra has a bad effect on the life of the person, then the person is a liar, who keeps an eye to be worthy of means, is impure in mind, sees his own benefit by ruining others, bad-natured but childless.

Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra Pada 1

In this phase, the person is suffering from physical troubles, unhappy with the mind, quarreling in the family, due to confused consciousness, seeing unreal things, etc. According to his tradition, the person eats lotus leaves or banana leaves. The person is going to run his life petition for seven years. If Ketu is in the benefic aspect then the age of the person is up to 20 years.

Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra Pada 2

In this phase, the person can be the recipient of insignificant benefits, facing physical problems, the victim of death due to water-related diseases, and may hold a high position in the legal department.

Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra Pada 3

In this phase, the person is of sage nature, has the power to fight diseases, and is knowledgeable about herbs, and Vaidya lives his life from the kernel. If Guru is in Ashlesha Nakshatra, then the person is revered like God in the society.

Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra Pada 4

In this phase, the person gets the sum of land benefits, the builder of things, the head of the state, the musician, and the expert in fine arts. In such a situation, the body of the person can be pied or lean and thin.


Due to the presence of Ketu in Bharani Nakshatra, the person will be interested in land or finance, architect or owner of the state, music, and fine arts. Such people have Pidgeon or syphilis or weak eyesight. During this, talk to an astrologer to know about the effect of the person coming to Ketu Nakshatra. Astrology can provide you with information about the auspicious and inauspicious effects of the planet.

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