Ketu in 8th House Effects of All Zodiac Signs
In astrology, the eighth house is commonly known as the house of health and is also called the house of death. Along with this, this house is also considered the house of intimate relationships. It shows what our relationships will bring us and how we can get out of it. As the ruling planet is Saturn (for equality and justice), the eighth house represents equal opportunity, which puts sex, death, and rebirth on equal footing, and acknowledges the importance and viability of all three. Failed relationships, career changes, and even haircuts for new ones all point to these aspects. We are reborn and regenerated with each new step and should be welcomed.
Ketu in the eighth house in a horoscope indicates a good character, happiness, a good career, and long life. However, an afflicted Ketu indicates problems in the recovery of loans or advances money given to others. There is also a possibility of a loss of friends, injury, fear of vehicles, tension, and excess opposition.
Ketu in 8th House for Aries
The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Aries promotes cooperation and hard work for livelihood. The native eventually earns a good revenue and becomes famous in society. With Ketu in the eighth house for Aries ascendant, the native leads a miserable life due to back pain.
Ketu in 8th House for Taurus
The person has a lot of ego and influence. The native creates cooperation and works hard for foreign cooperation. The person does many inauspicious deeds to earn his livelihood. The native enjoys his family live in a bright and prosperous manner.
Ketu in 8th House for Gemini
With Ketu in the eighth house for Gemini, the native has many worries which adversely affect his lifetime and inheritance. The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Gemini Ascendant suffers from stomach problems. His collaborative efforts bring in foreign collaborations, and he works hard for them. The native earns a lot with Ketu in the 8th house for Gemini Ascendant. The native enjoys his family life in a blissful and prosperous manner.
Ketu in 8th House for Cancer
The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Cancer has many worries in life, which create long life and some lack of inheritance. The native remains restless with Ketu in the eighth house for Cancer Ascendant.
Ketu in 8th House for Leo
The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Leo is restless and appears careless in their daily routine life. The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Leo Ascendant never loses his pride and influence. The native gets cooperation from foreign cooperation and works hard for them.
Ketu in 8th House for Virgo
He has to face some stomach problems. He remains restless and appears careless in routine life. He never loses his great glory and influence. He collaborates with foreign collaborations and works hard for them.
Ketu in 8th House for Libra
For Libra with Ketu in the eighth house, the native is restless and appears careless in daily routine. The native with Ketu in the eighth house for Tula Lagna makes cooperation with foreign collaborations and works hard to increase hereditary wealth.
Ketu in 8th House for Scorpio
The native remains restless and appears careless in daily life. The native never loses great prestige and influence. The native makes alliances with foreign collaborations and works hard to increase hereditary wealth.
Ketu in 8th House for Sagittarius
Ketu in the eighth house for Dhanu makes the person harsh but influential. There is a great pride. The native obtain cooperation from foreign collaborators and works patiently to increase their hereditary wealth. Native uses secret methods for better living but loses family pleasure.
Ketu in 8th House for Capricorn
For Capricorn, the native with Ketu in the eighth house is unattractive and physically lean but hardworking, courageous, and headstrong. With Ketu in the eighth house for Makara, the native works hard to raise his/her government and social status. Such a person has self-confidence and excellent patience.
Ketu in 8th House for Aquarius
For Aquarius, the person with Ketu in the eighth house is harsh and arrogant. For Aquarius Ascendant natives with Ketu in the eighth house spend more on illness. The native is influential and makes foreign collaborations and works patiently to increase hereditary wealth.
Ketu in 8th House for Pisces
For Pisces, the native with Ketu in the eighth house spends more on illness. The native takes help from foreign cooperation and works patiently. With Ketu in the eighth house for Pisces ascendant, the person earns money. With Ketu in the eighth house for Pisces ascendant, the native respects his mother and feels happy.
The eighth house is considered to be of Mars, which is considered to be the enemy of Ketu. Such people get auspicious results after the age of 34 years. The same result is obtained even when the Moon is situated in the second house. If Ketu in the eighth house is inauspicious, then the wife of the native remains ill. A son is not born, if he is, he dies. According to health, the native suffers from diabetes or urinary disease. If Saturn or Mars is in the seventh house, then the person is unfortunate. Through Astrology Phone Consultation, you can know about the effect of Ketu in the eighth house according to the water sign.